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Slow performance near trees and bushes is back?

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Yup, video memory setting plays a big role. I tested that option on Panthera and with couple of changes between low, med, high, default the framerates got better. I left it then and enjoyed a nice performance. Patch 1.05...

8800GT, DuoCore E6750, 4 GB, Win7 32.

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The Tip by "[TwK]Danny" was worth Gold.

I set both values to "1" and all the mouse-lag i portrayed earlier is gone. The question is of course, why was the Value set to in my case "1000" in the first place by the BIS Patch?

Still the introduced issue remains with low-performance near bushes and trees.

Before i could look zoomed-in with a scope into a bunch of trees/bushes, but now i can't anymore. It drops FPS to "10" like it was in Arma1.....

So, the issue is 50% fixed i think, BIS just needs to make sure that the game wont auto-set "1000" for value "GPU_MaxFramesAhead", instead keeping it low ("1" for instance).

Regards, Christian

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The Tip by "[TwK]Danny" was worth Gold.

I set both values to "1" and all the mouse-lag i portrayed earlier is gone. The question is of course, why was the Value set to in my case "1000" in the first place by the BIS Patch?

Still the introduced issue remains with low-performance near bushes and trees.

Before i could look zoomed-in with a scope into a bunch of trees/bushes, but now i can't anymore. It drops FPS to "10" like it was in Arma1.....

So, the issue is 50% fixed i think, BIS just needs to make sure that the game wont auto-set "1000" for value "GPU_MaxFramesAhead", instead keeping it low ("1" for instance).

Regards, Christian

The value "1000" just tells it to use whatever the graphics driver has it set to, it's a "default" setting. On my machine it causes a 3 to appear in the GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=#; line

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The value "1000" just tells it to use whatever the graphics driver has it set to, it's a "default" setting. On my machine it causes a 3 to appear in the GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=#; line

But the Graphics driver hasn't been altered by me at all, last update was ages ago as Version 10.5 from ATI appeared.

Also, where do i set that in the ATI Control Center? Never saw something like this.....

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But the Graphics driver hasn't been altered by me at all, last update was ages ago as Version 10.5 from ATI appeared.

Also, where do i set that in the ATI Control Center? Never saw something like this.....

You cannot set it in ATis Control Center, but you can set it using a third party program called ATi Tray Tools (you do NOT need this though since you can already set it the way you did via the .ini).

By default the ati (and nvidia driver) set this to 3. With nvidia, you can change this setting in your control panel (its called "max frames to render ahead").

Since ArmA II forces Vsync and tripple buffering on, this setting is depending on what fps you get.

If you mostly get fps below your monitors hz (eg below 60fps on a 60hz LCD), then setting is best at "1" when it comes to reducing mouselag.

If, however, you have a PC that manage fps constantly higher or equal to monitors hz, eg in ArmA fps constantly 60fps (without ANY drops) on a 60hz LCD and you should set both to "0" for reduced mouselag.

What seany meant is that there were two lines you changed, one showing 1000 and the other 3. This means the game uses 3 by default, since that is what your graphics driver is telling the game to use. This is what happens normaly, without you doing anything.

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Thanks Danny...

Let me just tell you this straight:

I have never ever made any changes whatsoever, neither to my Arma2.cfg, nor to my Graphic-Drivers ini or whatsoever-files, ever.

So, who did changed those values to "bad ones" then???

Right, evidence condenses that there has been a bug introduced with one of the latest 2-3 beta patches before 1.07 final, in which the game detects this value wrong. And this wrong-detection still seems to be in the very latest beta-patches for OA.

Just look here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1678332&postcount=92

Whenever i delete my Arma2-cfg now and let it be re-created by the game, i get those entries which causes massive mouse-lag.



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Ah, so you actually get GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=0; ? Now that is wierd. When i delete my ArmA cfg i get GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3;

What OS, graphics card and graphics driver are you using?

Edited by [TwK]Danny

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Danny;1678574']Ah' date=' so you actually get GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=0; ? Now that is wierd. When i delete my ArmA cfg i get GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3;

What OS, graphics card and graphics driver are you using?[/quote']

Yes thats what i get on Auto-Detect.

My OS is Vista X64, Card is HD4890 Toxic 1GB and ATI Drivers are still 10.5, as i've heard newer version introduces issues with flash on websites and lower FPS in Arma2...

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Havent notice any issues with flash nor an fps drop in ArmA II with Catalyst 10.6 on my HD4890. But i doubt that will change anything.

Perhaps it really is a game bug then, introduced in some of these newer betas..

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Does anyone think it may be the video memory setting.I set to default and my pc freezes.
If you get a freeze, then your system is out of wack, though... yes it may just be the beta, but default should never freeze your PC. That sounds like a poor Vid driver (for the beta)

And or your settings are just to much for the amount and speed of your Vid RAM and system cache.

Then how you use all of your PCI-e lanes, Sound Card and Nic are sharing?

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NIC is on motherboard.What BI should do is remove this setting from its users anyway.The game auto detects the Vram so why not just set this setting automatically then.

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NIC is on motherboard.What BI should do is remove this setting from its users anyway.The game auto detects the Vram so why not just set this setting automatically then.

AFAIK the VRAM value(s) in the ArmA2[OA].cfg is a write-only value which is there to help troubleshooting.

You will notice once you modify the setting and then restart the game.

I would prefer to see more info about the bad performance with trees - but the more I read about it, the more I'm sure it's only connected with older graphics cards (such as mine) which aren't up to the load which the complexity of the trees yields.

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I would prefer to see more info about the bad performance with trees - but the more I read about it, the more I'm sure it's only connected with older graphics cards (such as mine) which aren't up to the load which the complexity of the trees yields.

Could be. I've got a 8800GT and the performance of Arma2 is great unless it gets to those red broadleaf trees and red bushes.

But what about the point, that there's no performance loss at all (or just a small), when you have the pine trees in the scenery instead of the red ones? The pine trees are also looking great and do no harm to performance (at least on my machine), but the red broadleaf trees are a catastrophe. I just don't understand the big gap between these two. Even not to think about that red shrub, which is truly another killer for performance.

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I have a top of the line GTX480 with 1.5gig DDR5 ram.It reacts badly in red forests.FPS drop down to 25-ish and I guess its to be expected due to how it looks.I think they could do with removing most of them and having a red tree here and there dispersed around the pine trees.

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The value "1000" just tells it to use whatever the graphics driver has it set to, it's a "default" setting. On my machine it causes a 3 to appear in the GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=#; line


is purely read only value, no matter what you change to , engine will replace it with detected value on next run ...

usual driver default is 3

unless you used some NVIDIA control panel Render Frames Ahead setting (or in nhacer)

for ATI it's known as Flip Queue Size (e.g. in tools like ATT)

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I have never ever made any changes whatsoever, neither to my Arma2.cfg, nor to my Graphic-Drivers ini or whatsoever-files, ever.

Right, evidence condenses that there has been a bug introduced with one of the latest 2-3 beta patches before 1.07 final, in which the game detects this value wrong. And this wrong-detection still seems to be in the very latest beta-patches for OA.

Just look here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1678332&postcount=92

Unfortunately it is not this easy. To me "evidence" shows (in this case SVN repository history) the corresponding code has not been touched for very very long time. If there was any change made, I would be more than willing to check it and to fix any problems it might have caused, but there is none.

Things like this happen all the time: we produce a patch which includes only a few minor AI fixes (like the last AI light sources patch) and no changes to any other parts of the game at all. Still some people report significant performance improvements or fixes in completely unrelated areas, some other report performance issues. While some of this can probably be ascribed to chance or bad observation, there are too many such reports for me to dismiss them as a pure chance or bad observation. As for what is causing this, I have unfortunately no idea. As sometimes even a simple identical version reinstall or even a system restart can change game behaviour, it is quite hard to follow such issues.

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I have this issue also. Only those damn red trees when I'm in a forest full of just them. They drop my fps to mid 20's, and I usually am running in the high 30's even when in cities with a bunch of AI. I run everything very high except terrain detail high and AA normal, also running at 1920x1080. This is all with an overclocked 5870 and a 4 GHz i7. The only solution to getting the fps above 30 in these red tree forests is to lower some graphics settings, but this is one of the most powerful gpu's available there should be no need to lower settings for a few badly optimized trees. It's just funny how inconsistent the game's vegetation is, some trees eat hardly any frames others are killers. I wish there was just one more patch for Arma 2 to fix this. I love this game to death, but this is almost a game breaking issue.

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the red / orange trees always make my game run slow when I'm near them

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the red / orange trees always make my game run slow when I'm near them
For me any trees that are in high concentration in some areas, like in Zargabad around those small villages and houses.

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Also noticed the slowdown near vegetation in OA suddenly being "back".

What's likely happening is the OA maps have nearly no vegetation over large portions of the map, so when you do approach the villages\areas with concentrated vegetation the performance drop is noticed immediately.

Where as on Chernarus it was at a constant middling to low ebb due to vegetation being present everywhere. Less spikes in performance.

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