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How to open a *.wrp file?

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Heh, there are ways or so I've heard :)

Which format of .wrp - 4WVR, 8WVR? Are you planning to convert an older OFP/A1 map to A2?

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only arma2 opens wrp files. needs to be in pew format for visitor to open it. grab convertwrp and depbo dll from here to convert wrp to pew

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thanks rstratton and IceBreakr, i am going to transform ofp map to a2, can you give me some advice?

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OFP map to ArmA2 !!

Thats not going to be easy. Even though its a WRP file, the methods are totally different.

I tried converting my WaterWorld OFP map to ArmA, with limited success.

Snakeman helped transfer a few aspects of the map for me, but ultimately a lot of stuff will always be missing and has to be created manually or simply deleted. (like forests and ground textures)

Maybe theres other tricky tools available (my memory has FADE), but as many OFP objects don't exist in ArmA or ArmA2, theres always going to be gaps without some fancy "filler".

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