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Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

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Hi all

So Game are selling it in the UK good news :)


BIS/Idea need to send them the cover image though.

Commenting on what was said about Game releasing on Fridays that seems the case in several of the other pre-orders but not all.


I think it depends on whether company ships out its orders direct to the store or to Game's central distribution center. The games/publishers that are big enough vertically integrate upward and downward to cover as much of the distribution chain as possible so they can take a bigger share of the total profits on the product, the ideal for a publisher is to develop the game, market it advertise it and distribute it, some even try to enter the retail end too. That means they can ship a game and release it on the day they want.

Smaller developer/publishers use the either a general distributer for the small stores or in the case of large retailer, such as Game, their central distribution center.

Large scale retailers like to vertically integrate downward so they can take the distributer share of profits as well as the retailer share; hense why they run a distribution center, though that also is also used to distribute the larger retail outlets branding such as signage, standard furnishings etc. as well as hardware and all that wierd stuff they have near the counter. (Glitzy covers for you gamepad or whatever; confuses the crap out of me who buys that stuff but they do.) :confused:

Kind Regards Walker

Edited by walker

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I just want to know if I can go to best buy (US) on the 29th and pick it up or will I absolutely HAVE to order this online?

Sorry if this has been mentioned before

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I just want to know if I can go to best buy (US) on the 29th and pick it up or will I absolutely HAVE to order this online?

Sorry if this has been mentioned before

GameStop will have it in the US.


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I hope i'm right, but looks there is finally some news regarding a publisher for Belgium (i know, there might be a handfull players in Belgium that play ArmA).

#Game Mania Shop

# Expected 29/06/2010

# Publisher: Koch Media

# Price: € 29,98


*Who the heck is Koch Media publisher :s.

No news of Free record shop, the other big game shop in Belgium.

Personally i find it very sad the PR is again poor. I'm not pointing at anyone, but +-10 days before release and it is very hard to find info.

Especially since BIS themself stated that the main reason for this expansion was to raise money to keep up rolling (at least for the gaming industry).

Edited by DaSquade

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Has anyone found someone distributing in Canada? Brick and Mortor stye? :p

I would like to actually own the game within the first week, or get it on Steam... Heh, but neither of those options seem viable right now.

Will EB Games (Canadian branch of GameStop) actually stock it in the first week or like Arma 2, not get it for a 3-7 weeks. I cannot seem to find this information.

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Why you want cancel your preorder anyway? Sprocket are not thiefs lol

Wait for 27th so you can download it and then 29th play

I didnt say they are thiefs.

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Will EB Games (Canadian branch of GameStop) actually stock it in the first week or like Arma 2, not get it for a 3-7 weeks. I cannot seem to find this information.

An earlier post said Walmart was the response they got from Meridian4

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Hoping the boxed version of this becomes available in New Zealand, haven't had much luck finding anyone that has pre-orders available for it here as of yet.

And it seems Steam still doesn't have it available for pre-order either.

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Does Sprocket accept orders outside Europe? I'm interested in the map, so considering D/L.

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Aussie Steam users wait in anticipation:p


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I went into my local GAME here in northern ireland and asked if they wuld be recieving Arrowhead the girl looked in her little book and in perfect little britain tone said sorry list says no!

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I went into my local GAME here in northern ireland and asked if they wuld be recieving Arrowhead the girl looked in her little book and in perfect little britain tone said sorry list says no!

it would be a first that a game is only available online

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Does Sprocket accept orders outside Europe? I'm interested in the map, so considering D/L.

They took my money. You just need a CC or Paypal. The Cdn/Euro exchange rate is pretty good right now. And I didn't pay VAT:yay::yay:

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Lists said no in some shops here in Sweden as well. I took the time explaining to them what its all about and after that - shop will sell. :) Even if they dont buy in tons of it youll get your copy, and im 100% sure the rest will sell as well.

Try it.

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An earlier post said Walmart was the response they got from Meridian4

Hmm interesting, was there any timeline? Would it be on release week or well after that they would stock it?

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They took my money. You just need a CC or Paypal. The Cdn/Euro exchange rate is pretty good right now. And I didn't pay VAT:yay::yay:

Wow, that's great! Will be pre-ordering from them then.

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Hmm interesting, was there any timeline? Would it be on release week or well after that they would stock it?

There was no time line set.

As my question was directly related to Canadian purchases with the main question "Will EB (Gamestop),Canada be carrying the Game?"

The reply I got from Meridian 4 was that Wallmart, Canada had placed orders for the game and

That it seems "EB (Gamestop),Canada" had no interest in it as they were leaning to Console games!

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EB in Canada said they weren't going to get Arma 2 but they did within a month of release.

Like SWAT said, EB is a store catering to consoles + they open boxes and keep the contents behind the counter.

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I now preordered from BlahDVD.com, as the few cents less than play.com mean no toll when importing in Germany. I guess I will see for myself, but I'd like to know if anyone has previous experience with that shop?

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I went into my local GAME here in northern ireland and asked if they wuld be recieving Arrowhead the girl looked in her little book and in perfect little britain tone said sorry list says no!

Same :D

I was told to come back next week as they update their lists every week.

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