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Game hangs when island is loading in editor

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I've just started working again on one of my island projects recently. I had it working fine ingame a few months ago when I last worked on it, now it just won't load at all. It loads fine in buldozer all be it a bit slowly due to the 29696x29696 pixel satellite image which I used to replace the 20480x20480 one I used previously. Now whenever I try both satellite texture sizes, none of them will work ingame after binarizing them.

The grid size is 4096x4096, the cell size is 10m, the texture size is 80x80m.

I tried leaving the game for about 20 minutes to see if it was just the large file (350mb) but when I came back it was still frozen.

Any ideas? :confused:

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check the logfile, it's included in your pbo destination folder.

Sometimes a re-bynarize works.

by the way your satpics are really big...

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This is what it says in the log file:

No entry 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\Tools\BinMake\Binarize\bin\config.cpp/CfgSurfaceCharacters.SparseWeedsClutter'.
No entry '.probability'.
Size: '/' not an array
Default clutter names TypeX used for /
<world = "p:\skye\Skye.wrp">
Cannot open object ca\plants2\clutter\c_grasstall.p3d

I know the Sat pics are really big, but they need to be when the island is 40x40km.

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I've had no issues using 20480x20480 satpics - apart from the obvious import and buldozer loading times, both of which are quite slow - but in-game it's fine... no bigger than Sahrani or Cherno...

There's a few clutter issues in the log above - a missing probability, a missing model, possibly dodgy names and other stuff... can you post your cfgClutter and cfgSurfaces 'hpp's? - just in case thats the problem...

Skye, huh? Excellent! 40x40km too! thats a BIG project!

I have Skye featured on my terrain too, though its a tenth of that size...


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Yeah I had it working fine before, now it's not for some reason and I cannot figure out why! The config.cpp is the same as when it was working so even though there is an error it should still work. Think I may try installing the BIS Tools at some point.

Here's my config.cpp anyway (not using hpp's at the moment):

#define ReadAndWrite		0
#define ReadAndCreate		1
#define ReadOnly		2
#define ReadOnlyVerified		3

#define VSoft		0
#define VArmor		1
#define VAir		2

#define TEast		0
#define TWest		1
#define TGuerrila		2
#define TCivilian		3
#define TSideUnknown		4
#define TEnemy		5
#define TFriendly		6
#define TLogic		7

class CfgPatches {
class Skye {
	units[] = {"Skye"};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {};

class CfgVehicles {};

class CfgWorlds {
class DefaultWorld {
	class Weather;	// External class reference

class CAWorld : DefaultWorld {
	class Grid {};
	class DayLightingBrightAlmost;	// External class reference
	class DayLightingRainy;	// External class reference
	class DefaultClutter;	// External class reference

	class Weather : Weather {
		class Lighting;	// External class reference
class DefaultLighting;	// External class reference

class Skye : CAWorld {
	access = ReadOnlyVerified;
	worldId = 4;
	cutscenes[] = {};
	description = "Skye";
	icon = "";
	worldName = "Skye\Skye.wrp";
	pictureMap = "";
	pictureShot = "";
	plateFormat = "ML$ - #####";
	longitude = -40;	// positive is east
	latitude = -40;	// positive is south

	class Grid : Grid {
		offsetX = 0;
		offsetY = 0;

		class Zoom1 {
			zoomMax = 0.15;
			format = "XY";
			formatX = 000;
			formatY = 000;
			stepX = 100;
			stepY = 100;

		class Zoom2 {
			zoomMax = 0.85;
			format = "XY";
			formatX = "00";
			formatY = "00";
			stepX = 1000;
			stepY = 1000;

		class Zoom3 {
			zoomMax = 1e+030;
			format = "XY";
			formatX = "0";
			formatY = "0";
			stepX = 10000;
			stepY = 10000;
	startTime = 14:20;
	startDate = 11/10/2008;
	startWeather = 0.4;
	startFog = 0.0;
	forecastWeather = 0.25;
	forecastFog = 0.0;
	centerPosition[] = {3500, 3500, 300};
	seagullPos[] = {2560, 150, 2560};
	ilsPosition[] ={2545,3000};
	ilsDirection[] ={0,0.08,1};
	ilsTaxiIn[]= {2495,2725, 2495,2850,  2508,2860, 2508,3000, 2520,3010, 2545,3000};
	ilsTaxiOff[]= {2545,2445,2520,2425,2495,2445,2495,2725};

	class ReplaceObjects {};

	class Sounds {
		sounds[] = {};

	class Animation {
		vehicles[] = {};

	class Lighting : DefaultLighting {
		groundReflection[] = {0.06, 0.06, 0.03};

	class DayLightingBrightAlmost : DayLightingBrightAlmost {
		deepNight[] = {-15, {0.05, 0.05, 0.06}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.002}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.05}, {0.003, 0.003, 0.003}, {0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0002}, {0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0002}, 0};
		fullNight[] = {-5, {0.05, 0.05, 0.05}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.02}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.01, 0.01, 0.02}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.06}, 0};
		sunMoon[] = {-3.75, {0.045, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.045, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.035, 0.04}, {0.1, 0.08, 0.09}, 0.5};
		earlySun[] = {-2.5, {0.12, 0.1, 0.1}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.12, 0.1, 0.1}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.08, 0.07, 0.08}, {0.1, 0.1, 0.12}, 1};
		sunrise[] = {0, {{0.7, 0.45, 0.45}, 5.16+(-4)}, {{0.07, 0.09, 0.12}, 4.0+(-4)}, {{0.6, 0.47, 0.25}, 4.66+(-4)}, {{0.1, 0.09, 0.1}, 4.3+(-4)}, {{0.5, 0.4, 0.4}, 6.49+(-4)}, {{0.88, 0.51, 0.24}, 8.39+(-4)}, 1};
		earlyMorning[] = {3, {{0.65, 0.55, 0.55}, 6.04+(-4)}, {{0.08, 0.09, 0.11}, 4.5+(-4)}, {{0.55, 0.47, 0.25}, 5.54+(-4)}, {{0.1, 0.09, 0.1}, 5.02+(-4)}, {{0.5, 0.4, 0.4}, 7.05+(-4)}, {{0.88, 0.51, 0.24}, 8.88+(-4)}, 1};
		midMorning[] = {8, {{0.98, 0.85, 0.8}, 8.37+(-4)}, {{0.08, 0.09, 0.11}, 6.42+(-4)}, {{0.87, 0.47, 0.25}, 7.87+(-4)}, {{0.09, 0.09, 0.1}, 6.89+(-4)}, {{0.5, 0.4, 0.4}, 8.9+(-4)}, {{0.88, 0.51, 0.24}, 10.88+(-4)}, 1};
		morning[] = {16, {{1, 1, 0.9}, 13.17+(-4)}, {{0.17, 0.18, 0.19}, 10.26+(-4)}, {{1, 1, 0.9}, 12.67+(-4)}, {{0.17, 0.18, 0.19}, 11.71+(-4)}, {{0.15, 0.15, 0.15}, 12.42+(-4)}, {{0.17, 0.17, 0.15}, 14.42+(-4)}, 1};
		noon[] = {45, {{1, 1, 1}, 17+(-4)}, {{1, 1.3, 1.55}, 13.5+(-4)}, {{1, 1, 1}, 15+(-4)}, {{0.36, 0.37, 0.38}, 13.5+(-4)}, {{1, 1, 1}, 16+(-4)}, {{1.0, 1.0, 1}, 17+(-4)}, 1};

	class DayLightingRainy : DayLightingRainy {
		deepNight[] = {-15, {0.0034, 0.0034, 0.004}, {0.003, 0.003, 0.003}, {0.0034, 0.0034, 0.004}, {0.003, 0.003, 0.003}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.002}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.002}, 0};
		fullNight[] = {-5, {0.023, 0.023, 0.023}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.02}, {0.023, 0.023, 0.023}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.02}, {0.01, 0.01, 0.02}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.06}, 0};
		sunMoon[] = {-3.75, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.035, 0.04}, {0.11, 0.08, 0.09}, 0.5};
		earlySun[] = {-2.5, {0.0689, 0.0689, 0.0804}, {0.06, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.0689, 0.0689, 0.0804}, {0.06, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.08, 0.07, 0.08}, {0.14, 0.1, 0.12}, 0.5};
		earlyMorning[] = {0, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.95}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.0}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.95}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.0}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+4}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+5.5}, 1};
		morning[] = {5, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+5.7}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+4.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+5.7}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+4.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+7}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+8}, 1};
		lateMorning[] = {25, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+10.45}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+9.75}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+10.45}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+9.75}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12.75}, 1};
		noon[] = {70, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+11}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+11}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+13.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+14}, 1};

	class Weather : Weather {
		class Lighting : Lighting {
			class BrightAlmost : DayLightingBrightAlmost {
				overcast = 0;

			class Rainy : DayLightingRainy {
				overcast = 1.0;
	clutterGrid = 1.0;
	clutterDist = 500;
	noDetailDist = 100;
	fullDetailDist = 50;
	minTreesInForestSquare = 3;
	minRocksInRockSquare = 3;

class clutter {

class GrassTall : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassTall.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.4;

	swLighting = 1;

	scaleMin = 0.7;

	scaleMax = 1.0;


class StubbleClutter : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_stubble.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.1;

	swLighting = 1;

	scaleMin = 0.9;

	scaleMax = 1.1;


class AutumnFlowers : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_autumn_flowers.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.4;

	swLighting = 1;

	scaleMin = 0.7;

	scaleMax = 1.0;


class GrassBunch : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassBunch.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.35;

	swLighting = 1;

	scaleMin = 0.6;

	scaleMax = 1.0;


class GrassCrooked : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassCrooked.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.3;

	swLighting = 1;

	scaleMin = 0.7;

	scaleMax = 1.4;


class GrassCrookedGreen : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassCrookedGreen.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.3;

	swLighting = 1;

	scaleMin = 0.9;

	scaleMax = 1.3;


class GrassCrookedForest : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassCrookedForest.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.3;

	swLighting = 1;

	scaleMin = 0.8;

	scaleMax = 1.4;


class WeedDead : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_WeedDead.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.3;

	swLighting = 1;

	scaleMin = 0.75;

	scaleMax = 1.1;


class WeedDeadSmall : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_WeedDead2.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.3;

	swLighting = 1;

	scaleMin = 0.75;

	scaleMax = 0.9;


class HeatherBrush : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_caluna.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.15;

	swLighting = 1;

	scaleMin = 0.9;

	scaleMax = 1.8;

	surfaceColor[] = {0.53, 0.5, 0.37, 1};


class WeedSedge : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_weed3.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.2;

	swLighting = 1;

	scaleMin = 0.5;

	scaleMax = 0.85;


class WeedTall : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_weed2.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.3;

	swLighting = 1;

	scaleMin = 0.8;

	scaleMax = 1.1;


class BlueBerry : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_BlueBerry.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.05;

	swLighting = 1;

	scaleMin = 0.85;

	scaleMax = 1.3;


class RaspBerry : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_raspBerry.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0;

	swLighting = 1;

	scaleMin = 0.8;

	scaleMax = 1.2;


class FernAutumn : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_fern.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.1;

	scaleMin = 0.6;

	scaleMax = 1.2;


class FernAutumnTall : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_fernTall.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.15;

	scaleMin = 0.75;

	scaleMax = 1.0;


class SmallPicea : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_picea.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.05;

	scaleMin = 0.75;

	scaleMax = 1.25;


class PlantWideLeaf : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_WideLeafPlant.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0.1;

	scaleMin = 1.0;

	scaleMax = 1.0;


class MushroomsHorcak : DefaultClutter {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_MushroomHorcak.p3d";

	affectedByWind = 0;

	scaleMin = 0.85;

	scaleMax = 1.25;


class MushroomsPrasivka : MushroomsHorcak {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_MushroomPrasivky.p3d";


class MushroomsBabka : MushroomsHorcak {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_MushroomBabka.p3d";


class MushroomsMuchomurka : MushroomsHorcak {

	model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_MushroomMuchomurka.p3d";



	class Subdivision {
		class Fractal {
			rougness = 5;
			maxRoad = 0.02;
			maxTrack = 0.5;
			maxSlopeFactor = 0.05;

		class WhiteNoise {
			rougness = 2;
			maxRoad = 0.01;
			maxTrack = 0.05;
			maxSlopeFactor = 0.0025;
		minY = 0.0;
		minSlope = 0.02;

	class Ambient {
		class Mammals {
			radius = 200;
			cost = "(1 + forest + trees) * (0.5 + (0.5 * night)) * (1 - sea) * (1 - houses)";

			class Species {
				class Rabbit {
					probability = 0.2;
					cost = 1;

		class BigBirds {
			radius = 300;
			cost = "((1 + forest + trees) - ((2 * rain)) - houses) * (1 - night) * (1 - sea)";

			class Species {
				class Hawk {
					probability = 0.2;
					cost = 1;

		class Birds {
			radius = 170;
			cost = "(1 - night) * ((1 + (3 * sea)) - (2 * rain))";

			class Species {
				class Crow {
					probability = 0.2;
					cost = 1;

		class BigInsects {
			radius = 20;
			cost = "(5 - (2 * houses)) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)";

			class Species {
				class DragonFly {
					probability = "0.6 - (meadow * 0.5) + (forest * 0.4)";
					cost = 1;

				class ButterFly {
					probability = "0.4 + (meadow * 0.5) - (forest * 0.4)";
					cost = 1;

		class BigInsectsAquatic {
			radius = 20;
			cost = "(3 * sea) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - windy)";

			class Species {
				class DragonFly {
					probability = 1;
					cost = 1;

		class SmallInsects {
			radius = 3;
			cost = "(12 - 8 * hills) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)";

			class Species {
				class HouseFly {
					probability = "deadBody + (1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 - meadow * 0.2)";
					cost = 1;

				class HoneyBee {
					probability = "(1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 + meadow * 0.2)";
					cost = 1;

				class Mosquito {
					probability = "(1 - deadBody) * (0.2 * forest)";
					cost = 1;

		class NightInsects {
			radius = 3;
			cost = "(9 - 8 * hills) * night * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)";

			class Species {
				class Mosquito {
					probability = 1;
					cost = 1;

		class WindClutter {
			radius = 10;
			cost = "((20 - 5 * rain) * (3 * (windy factor [0.2, 0.5]))) * (1 - sea)";

			class Species {
				class FxWindGrass1 {
					probability = "0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees";
					cost = 1;

				class FxWindGrass2 {
					probability = "0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees";
					cost = 1;

				class FxWindRock1 {
					probability = "0.4 * hills";
					cost = 1;

		class NoWindClutter {
			radius = 15;
			cost = 8;

			class Species {
				class FxWindPollen1 {
					probability = 1;
					cost = 1;

	class Names {
		class Utes_Local_LHD {
			position[] = {1410.75, 1046.23};
			type = "NameLocal";
			radiusA = 100.0;
			radiusB = 100.0;
			angle = 0.0;

		class Utes_VillKamenyy {
			position[] = {3334.68, 4445.62};
			type = "NameVillage";
			speech[] = {"Kamenyy"};
			radiusA = 100.0;
			radiusB = 100.0;
			angle = 0.0;

	class Armory {
	safePositionAnchor[] = {3448.11, 3627.18};
	safePositionRadius = 2000;

class CfgWorldList {
class Skye {};

class CfgMissions {

class CfgSurfaces {
class Default {};

class Water {};

class CRGrass1 : Default {

		access = ReadOnly;

		files = "cr_trava1_*";

		rough = 0.11;

		dust = 0.1;

		soundEnviron = "grass";

		character = "CRGrassClutter";

		soundHit = "soft_ground";


class CRGrass2 : Default {

		access = ReadOnly;

		files = "cr_trava2_*";

		rough = 0.11;

		dust = 0.1;

		soundEnviron = "grass";

		character = "CRTallGrassClutter";

		soundHit = "soft_ground";


class CRGrassW1 : Default {

		access = ReadOnly;

		files = "cr_travad1_*";

		rough = 0.11;

		dust = 0.1;

		soundEnviron = "grass";

		character = "CRGrassWClutter";

		soundHit = "soft_ground";


class CRGrassW2 : Default {

		access = ReadOnly;

		files = "cr_travad2_*";

		rough = 0.11;

		dust = 0.1;

		soundEnviron = "grass";

		character = "CRTallGrassWClutter";

		soundHit = "soft_ground";


class CRForest1 : Default {

		access = ReadOnly;

		files = "cr_les1_*";

		rough = 0.2;

		dust = 0.2;

		soundEnviron = "forest";

		character = "CRForestMixedClutter";

		soundHit = "soft_ground";


class CRForest2 : Default {

		access = ReadOnly;

		files = "cr_les2_*";

		rough = 0.2;

		dust = 0.15;

		soundEnviron = "forest";

		character = "CRForestFirClutter";

		soundHit = "soft_ground";


class CRMudGround : Default {

		access = ReadOnly;

		files = "cr_pole_*";

		rough = 0.09;

		dust = 0.1;

		soundEnviron = "dirt";

		character = "SparseWeedsClutter";

		soundHit = "soft_ground";


class CRField1 : Default {

		access = ReadOnly;

		files = "cr_oranice_*";

		rough = 0.15;

		dust = 0.25;

		soundEnviron = "dirt";

		character = "Empty";

		soundHit = "soft_ground";


class CRField2 : Default {

		access = ReadOnly;

		files = "cr_strniste_*";

		rough = 0.13;

		dust = 0.3;

		soundEnviron = "dirt";

		character = "CRStubbleClutter";

		soundHit = "soft_ground";


class CRGrit1 : Default {

		access = ReadOnly;

		files = "cr_sterk_*";

		rough = 0.1;

		dust = 0.25;

		soundEnviron = "gravel";

		character = "Empty";

		soundHit = "hard_ground";


class CRHeather : Default {

		access = ReadOnly;

		files = "cr_vres_*";

		rough = 0.14;

		dust = 0.1;

		soundEnviron = "forest";

		character = "CRHeatherClutter";

		soundHit = "soft_ground";


class CRRock : Default {

		access = ReadOnly;

		files = "cr_skala_*";

		rough = 0.2;

		dust = 0.07;

		soundEnviron = "rock";

		character = "Empty";

		soundHit = "hard_ground";


class CRTarmac : Default {

		access = ReadOnly;

		files = "cr_asfalt_*";

		rough = 0.08;

		dust = 0.05;

		soundEnviron = "road";

		character = "Empty";

		soundHit = "hard_ground";


class CRConcrete : Default {

		access = ReadOnly;

		files = "cr_beton_*";

		rough = 0.08;

		dust = 0.05;

		soundEnviron = "concrete_ext";

		character = "Empty";

		soundHit = "concrete";



class CfgSurfaceCharacters {
	class CRGrassClutter {

		probability[] = {0.79, 0.1, 0.1, 0.01};

		names[] = {"GrassCrookedGreen", "GrassCrooked", "AutumnFlowers", "WeedDead"};

	class CRTallGrassClutter {

		probability[] = {0.4, 0.2, 0.3, 0.07, 0.02, 0.01};

		names[] = {"GrassTall", "AutumnFlowers", "GrassBunch", "GrassCrooked", "WeedDead", "WeedDeadSmall"};

	class CRGrassWClutter {

		probability[] = {0.65, 0.17, 0.1, 0.05, 0.03};

		names[] = {"GrassCrooked", "GrassCrookedGreen", "AutumnFlowers", "WeedDead", "WeedDeadSmall"};

	class CRTallGrassWClutter {

		probability[] = {0.3, 0.25, 0.2, 0.2, 0.03, 0.02};

		names[] = {"GrassTall", "AutumnFlowers", "GrassBunch", "GrassCrooked", "WeedDead", "WeedDeadSmall"};

	class CRForestMixedClutter {

		probability[] = {0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.001, 0.003};

		names[] = {"GrassCrookedForest", "FernAutumn", "FernAutumnTall", "MushroomsHorcak", "MushroomsPrasivka"};

	class CRForestFirClutter {

		probability[] = {0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.15, 0.05, 0.003, 0.005, 0.008, 0.004};

		names[] = {"BlueBerry", "FernAutumn", "FernAutumnTall", "SmallPicea", "RaspBerry", "MushroomsHorcak", "MushroomsPrasivka", "MushroomsBabka", "MushroomsMuchomurka"};

	class CRHeatherClutter {

		probability[] = {0.15, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1};

		names[] = {"BlueBerry", "HeatherBrush", "GrassCrooked", "WeedSedge"};

	class CRStubbleClutter {

		probability[] = {0.975, 0.01, 0.01, 0.005};

		names[] = {"StubbleClutter", "AutumnFlowers", "WeedDeadSmall", "WeedDead"};


Dunno if I'll finish it, but with the new tools coming out for making islands it should help a lot!

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I'm not sure, but I think "no entry" errors may cause configs not to be binarized properly. I'd look at that section of the config and fix the entries it's complaining about.

Apart from that, you extracted your A2 vegetation in the prescribed way, right? (i.e. "P:\CA\plants2\clutter", not "P:\CA\plants2_clutter") Does that clutter .p3d exist in the place it's expecting it to be?

edit: Heh, you posted while I was typing this up. Try either adding the SparseWeedsClutter surface character, or changing CRMudGround's character to something else, then see if the binarization error goes away and if it makes any difference. Then you can try and fix the other errors until there's nothing in the log... if it still crashes then, it might be something's wrong with the satmap/mask tiles.

Edited by cctoide

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Yeah - good point.... incorrectly unpacked assets is probably the cause of the missing model...

As far as the rest of the config is concerned...

longitude = -5;

latitude = -57; :D

class Zoom1 {

zoomMax = 0.15;

format = "XY";

formatX = "000";

formatY = "000";

(that one just turned up recently in another thread, so thanks to Kinno for making us aware of that one!...)

In the clutter definitions section... add a tag to these definitions, or they're the same as BIS and will probably interfere with their islands...


class clutter {

class Skye_GrassTall : DefaultClutter {

model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassTall.p3d";

In the Surfaces section...

You need to retag all the class definitions and files - remove the "CR" and add something else - or it'll interfere with Chernarus...


class Skye_Grass1 : Default {

access = ReadOnly;

files = "skye_trava1_*";

rough = 0.11;

dust = 0.1;

soundEnviron = "grass";

character = "Skye_GrassClutter";

soundHit = "soft_ground";


Ditto with the Surface characters section.... retag and remove all those "CR"'s...

(remember here that you added a tag to the clutter definitions!)


class CfgSurfaceCharacters {

class Skye_GrassClutter {

probability[] = {0.79, 0.1, 0.1, 0.01};

names[] = {"Skye_GrassCrookedGreen", "Skye_GrassCrooked", "Skye_AutumnFlowers", "Skye_WeedDead"};


I've probably missed several other bits and pieces... not sure if anything I've mentioned would cause the terrain not to load though... still... worth fixing them and trying another binarize...


Edited by Bushlurker

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Ok would seem it was the plants2 folder thingy... forgot to set that up properly after installing Windows 7 a few months back! :rolleyes: Still need to change the clutter names etc, but seems to work now and loads fairly quickly despite being nearly 300mb with a 29696x29696 sat map.

Now to start on the roads...

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