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5850 or 2 x 5770?

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My current specs are as follows:

AMD Phenom II 965 @ 3.8Ghz

Corsair DDR3 RAM


Samsung F3 HDD

Corsair 520w PSU

24" 1920 x 1200 monitor

My get a little lag when tearing around in Land Rovers and large cities.

How does crossfire scale in arma2?

Anyone own a 5850? How did you overclock it? How well does it run in arma2?

Which upgrade is best?

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Better will be to buy 5870 and maybe buy some more power PSU too

Not enough monies for that :)

From what I have read the 5850 overclocked or 2 x 5770's matches 5870 performance and is within my PSU limits.

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one 5770 by msi not the original ;) i've it and it's a really good graphic card =)

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A single more powerful card is always better. That said the game runs like hot butter on moderate settings with my cf 5770s. As long as I don't experience lighting bugs.

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5850 works fine here, you CPU is better so should get better performance than me I would say.

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Definitely get the 5850, you can always get another one later on.

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