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bjorn bakker

Boeing 767 alfa release

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Hi Community

here is the Boeing 767

its a port from a opf model from Gachopin who give me permission to bring it to Arma 2.

because of some rl issues i cant complete the addon, because many people like the idea of a Boeing 767 in arma 2 and because of the many hours people spent on working on the plane.

i want to release it unfinished

right know the model is in the following state

model - 70 %

Texture - 90 %

Scripting - 50 %

i want to thank the following people for there work on the project

Python_au for his excellent textures and model improvements

Soldier2390 for his conversion from a Boeing 767 to a Boeing 707 model

Southy for his help on the scripting

Gachopin for his opf model

i want to ask the community to help finish this addon

Download link model and textures : http://www.mediafire.com/?wdz1jnx4mjc

Downlink Temp PBO file : http://www.mediafire.com/?1nkyzddnr3w

you can use our work in your mod or release your own texture

only thing i ask is that the release is public and you give credit to the people that worked on that project so far



Edited by Bjorn Bakker

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that depends if somebody want to help

i got a boeing 707 model that can be-converted to USAF AWACS ( us air force don't use a 767 AWACS at this moment ) but that doesn't mean it can be done

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hi guys, i too would like to say sorry, as due to my RL i am stuck with this too, but no owrrys we still plan on taking this farther..but we just need more help! and about the us awacs...thats can be done...and ,most likly will be, as for even a basic version all we have to do is copy the 767 awacs's dome to the 707 model! ill sart on usaf textures as soon as my RL slows down..well you guys know what i mean!

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honzikpen;1628290']hey nice addon tho.

can i put a BlueAngelsClan logo on it?

bro if you intend to use as only a privite\clan addon(not a public release) then sure..thats allowed for most things...i think? what i mean is that as long as you dont release things to the public(with out permissions and credits), or clame them as your own...then you are allowed to add your clan logos..as long as its only for your clan..or other wise it becomes a stolen\ripped addon, and you will get in trouble and could even possibly get banned!

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hey can you tell me how i can make the new addon that i reskined to a own group like


Edited by [BAC]honzikpen

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Create your own thread in the editing forum. Do not clutter this one up with asking how to do config work etc. please.

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I loaded this with my gamelauncher, and it crashes on start. Anybody know why?

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i dont know why it crashes i know you get a texture error in game but no crash but then you press oke i you can play its only a temp pbo because its need more scripting

so if more people got this issue i will try to make a new own

Edited by Bjorn Bakker

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Ok, nevermind. But I can only see the AWAC 767

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Yes... He didn't release a finished product, he released the source files for other people to work on it. If you want to take it up, go ahead. :rolleyes:

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this needs to be finished :/ it looks like it would be awesome :/

i just need somebody to teach me how to script/use the pd thingymabob and all the stuff you would need to finish it :/

i want to finish this but i have absoulutely no idea how to do it :(

Hey could anybody tell me a site or something that could help me learn the scripting language and something that would teach me to use p3d?

Edited by bigcheese

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see, i'm not trying to start a flame war here, but how comes all you want to contribute to this thread is a snide take on my (admittedly rather half-assed) attempt at sharing what little knowledge i have on scripting in the arma environment?

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That link is actually rather helpful...for learning the orders scripting commands should be in

I just need to learn the commands and how to use all the tools needed to make the plane awesome :/

Edited by bigcheese

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A dictionary doesn't teach you a language. The biki doesn't teach you how to script.

You know as well as I do that scripting with this game is a huge thing. From sqf to configs, from fsm to paa. In general, giving a user a link to the top of the biki is only go to teach them the biki search engine sucks.

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yeah... but he was only trying to help... so i was trying to defend him :p

so...where are you going to tell me to go look? ;)

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