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ACE Wounding system

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I have searched and nowhere has answered my question fully.

How do i set up the ace 2 wounding system fully that has every capability that it was meant to. For example. Bleeding, passing out, morphine, bandages... ECT

If someone could give me a detailed step by step instruction that would be great.

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Just open the modules browser in the editor (F7) and create a ACE Wounds module on the map. That's it. No syncronization needed or anything.

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I never was able to get the stretchers work...

I have wondered the same thing.

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For stretchers to work...

  1. Make sure you have the ACE Wounds Module running
  2. Obviously, have a stretcher
  3. With the stretcher on your back, approach the casualty, use the Self Interaction Menu and select 'Place Stretcher'
  4. Look at the casualty, use the Interaction Menu and select 'Drag'
  5. Use the Scroll-Menu and select 'Load #UNITNAME into ACE_Stretcher'
  6. The unconscious unit is now in the stretcher.
  7. Using the scroll menu, conscious units can now "Get In" the front and back of the stretcher and carry it away. You've got to walk though, otherwise you drop it!

I've tried airlifting the stretchers and that doesn't work yet though.

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Too bad there is not much point for the stretcher when everyone can carry medical gear and provide medical treatment. To make people use a stretcher you'd have to pretty much make a mission specifically designed to force its use.

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Well I always wanted to design a Saving Pvt. Lynch (see

) mission which by design would require a stretcher. Sure hope that one day it can be loaded into a medevac helicopter with ACE2.

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@galzohar: For that, you simply add the "only medics can use medical equipment". I've suggested that morphine only lets you "cope" with pain (maybe only 1-30 minutes, and lets you walk, but you are given vanilla damage causing shakes), and that medics are given back the ability to "heal". But you can't "heal" until morphine has been given (maybe only small wounds below a certain threshold).

You can limit medical equipment to medics only, but without the new module mission could get either severely undersupplied, or if it wasn't, the medic would just hand out morphine like candy.

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Good thing is, that nobody notices the internal changes of the wounds system :).

Just as an example, a major change in ACE 1.1 was that for every bullet that a unit hits the energy value gets calculated based on values like bullet weight, speed, distance, direction of the bullet hit, etc.

And since the last update the whole system is allready based on blood loss for non leathal hits instead of just adding a specific damage and specific blood loss value for the internal states wounds is using.

Next step is that you won't be able to heal yourself by using just a normal bandage, it may stop bleeding but that's all (I want to get rid of the bandages-morphine-epi rule of three).

And concerning morphine... well, there are dance animations in ArmA if you use to much of it :D

What I want to say is, that making something complex like wounds eats up a lot of time. Even small changes need a lot of testing (done by you, I just wait for the complaints).

Concerning the stretchers... they work, that's enough currently.

And maybe some day you'll have to call in Medevac because field treatment simply isn't enough anymore :rolleyes:


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Ah yes, another ACE2 question thread that has been asked and answered a ton in the past. As they've stated, just simply place the ACE2 Wound Module on the map and also make sure you have access to the ACE2 med supplies in the mission somehow.


What it lacks aside the bottomline is that your system is way better then the BIS system. Thank you for the time and devotion.

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XENO THAT would be fantastic... is the new wound system affecting respawn in domi. WE respawn dead unless it counts down all the way.

Keep up the good work on the wound system. I would like to see more evac going on. The stretcher works great.

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Yeah, sounds great. Agree that bandages shouldn't heal. Wasn't even sure they did. But small wounds (after being bandaged) should heal themselves after a while. If you smash your shin on the coffee table, it hurts like hell, but it doesn't take long for the pain to go away. Maybe this is already fixed, I don't know. We tend to remember the bad stuff sometimes.

I'm talking about the "stupid" ones, like "falling" off a 20cm high "rock", or crashing car into tree at 5km/h.

Lol, never noticed any dance anims :p

I guess what I'm asking is:

1) When bleeding is small, it will stop bleeding all by itself without the need for bandages. Examine would say "xxx is bleeding but it seems to be coagulating and will stop in a short while".

2) When pain is small, it will completely heal by itself without the need for morphine, over some time. Examine would say "xxx is in pain but it will pass in a few minutes, so morphine is not needed, and current sop will prevent it from being administered" (I think pretty valid).

Combined with any upcoming body armor inventory, you could get an "extra life" for chest wounds unless penetrated by high caliber/high energy bullet (5.56 and below, always stop, 7.62 depending on distance, 12.7 and above never stops). Armor would be made "destroyed". It should have considerable weight though, so high price for this added "luck". Being hit while having body armor wouldn't create bleeding, but it would give you pain that didn't need morphine - just wait it out and you'll be good to go.

I'm sure it is already improved. But I keep remembering how it was. During yesterdays fight I was able to patch myself up using bandages, and a mission bug (probably my mistake, one of those famous "last minute changes without checking" :D) prevented any other medical items to show up, but I'm pretty sure the pain eventually went away. Other than that I haven't got wounded lately.

But, I'll just continue to dream and suggest. I know it's a lot of work and a lot of possible bugs that can occur along the way. Thanks for the great work so far. And yes, stretchers do work.

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  gunterlund21 said:
is the new wound system affecting respawn in domi. WE respawn dead unless it counts down all the way.

I had the same problem a couple days ago until I saw the "Notes" section here..


You should be able to simply add this line to the Ace_Wounds module init..

ace_sys_wounds_no_rpunish = true

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What about the transport of dead soldiers? It seems that it is still bugged. If you try to load them into a vehicle they will get stuck midair.

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Is it possible to load stretcher in medevac vehicles?

When i try to do this the option load person into is grey and i can't perform it...am i missing something?

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Hey everyone,

I just asked Goliath if I could look into his Medevac Module and play around with some ideas. I won't go into all of the details in this thread, but I will summarize it down to I want the Casevac/Medevac to come in (AI or Human Pilots) and I would like AI medics to walk out to the wounded soldier, place the stretcher and load the patient onto it, then two man carry it obviously back tot he helo or what-have you. I'm thinking one way of doing this is to delete the stretcher after placing the patient into the vehicle of choice. (At least for the time being until something better comes along).

If anyone knows what the correct animations are for making the AI place the stretcher and such, I'd be willing to listen. Hope this doesn't stray too far away from this topic, but think it's along the same lines.

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I have been having problems with the wounds module. It works fine for the opfor, but if I play blufor, the unit dies without going unconscious. If I examine him it says he is dead.

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I'm guessing this is mostly down to caliber. The 5.56 ones are lighter and cause less damage than the 7.62 ones shot by OpFor.

Just a guess.

It's true though that it used to be a lot more forgiving, which made it a lot more fun an ineresting in a firefight (more critical/T1 casualties than dead/T4).

It's a shame really.

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