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1.49 server crash

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I have dedicated server 1.49 running on PIII 1GHz 256MB RAM machine. The server 3 times crashed with strange message.

What does it mean? Memory leak? Does anyone have similar problem?


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Yes we have had a similar issue with our 1.49 server. Make sure you do not run any addons that aren't official as I find this can contribute to the problem. Make sure your paging settings for the server are enough to cope with the demand OFP puts on it.

Paging settings depend on the specs of your server but if you can try to increase the paging to 1GB, make sure you have at least 512MB of ram.

We rarely get this crash but to combat this we have setup the server to automatically restart every 6 hours. This stops memory leaks building up too high. I believe Suma and the rest of the team are working on resolving the issue totally.


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