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Giving ArmA 2 another shot.. really wanna like it :(

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Hi there, It sucks to see arma 2 lying here and not being played..

Im more of a single player guy so thats why it sucks imo :(

but i really want to like this game so i need your help

I want this ACE2 mod everyone has it so must be good can someone give me like a 5 sentences long quick review of it like what it includes and stuff

Also how do i do it.. I'm really a noob at that point i saw the tutorial but dont get shit of it :p

Also what do you guys suggest i do? Public MP is terrible so the clans and teams must be good but I dont know where to look and such. Can someone help me, any ideas how to play this game (my style: single player, missions type)

Also sorry if its not the right thread :)


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you should probably try asking about ace 2 in the thread i just linked here.

I play SP in the editor and it's lots of fun. I also have a group of about 4 other guys who i play with on MP vs the AI which can also be great fun. Either way welcome back and good luck.

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In short:

ACE Adds new content, craploads of new gameplay features (realistic medical system etc..) carryable static weapons, ACEX adds US Army and some Russian equoment aswell.. well also mid-air refuel is included... well all in all its new side of gameplay to ArmA2 :)

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Check the classlists for what ACE offers. Note that both vanilla and ACE items are shown, so these lists will show you the full contents of the vanilla+ACE Arma2 game.

For MP, either join someone, or for public servers administered by a clan, check out the players list. If there are several players containing the servers clan tag, most likely you will find a better game than in a game full of strangers.

Personally I find ACE to be not very well suited for single player games, unless it was specifically written for it (and requires ACE).

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To elaborate on CarlGustaffa's post above, I also found the ACE 2 Features page to be pretty useful (though more geared towards devs and testers).

Unfortunately, if you're mainly interested in singleplayer, I'm not sure if ACE 2 is going to be all you're hoping for. It'd be like putting a V12 in a Volkswagen Golf and sticking to first gear. :)

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Azamoto, you sound like someone who has never used the my missions templates. You can create pretty cool levels in 5 minutes with the templates. And that's only if you can't be bothered to learn the ins and outs of the editor. I live in a small town in California and I never get to play online since most games have massive pings and the one good ping will usually have 3 players. All that said this is still my most played game by far.

Oddly all the structured missions the game ships with pale in comparison to the fun I've had with my own pointless creations. And if all else fails just lookup how to put mounted machine guns on cattle and battle it out barnyard commandos style:yay:

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I only ever really play multiplayer with a group of 2 or 3 friends. So I'll just recommend some easy to play campaigns/missions for single player:

Jelliz's missions


Zipper5's missons/campaign


Also check here for other scenarios


These story driven type scenarios really makes the single player experience exciting. They also don't require any addons = ).

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if you want to try the full range of playing check out the Evolution mission we have developed from Arma 1.


you can run it on your own machine or learn to play it and join our server/teamspeak.

it is like playing singleplayer campaigns but co-op with your buddies

ACE has a lot going on in it for realism and so on. i find it a little hard to understand.

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Before you do anything mod wise, I'd suggest downloading some singleplayer missions and having a few games of warfare. Give it at least a few hours to fully test and if you don't like it after that then no mod is going to get your liking the game, but if you're starting to catch on after that then start using mods and see how you go.

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Thank you all for the responses, I will try the SP missions and give u feedback.

Also I dont like the editor because then i know whats about to happen etc :p

If anyone has like an idea i can create in the editor pls give it to me :D Then maybe i can understand.

Thx all ;)

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Thank you all for the responses, I will try the SP missions and give u feedback.

Also I dont like the editor because then i know whats about to happen etc :p

If anyone has like an idea i can create in the editor pls give it to me :D Then maybe i can understand.

Thx all ;)

Try using the ambient combat module or downloading sp missions from




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Also I dont like the editor because then i know whats about to happen etc :p

Trust me, you WON`T know whats going to happen;)

The beauty of Arma 2 is that it always finds a way to suprise you, thanks do dynamic AI. I have been playing with the editor in the flaspoint/arma series for about 10 years, and still I dont know whats going to happen once I make a mission.

You will be a lot more suprised in this game if you play with the editor, as opposed to the scripted campaign. Just use units and simple waypoint commands to make some easy Sniping/ambush/skrimish missions for yourself. When you try them out you will notice just how different and awsome things turn out every time.

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Search youtube for some videos on the basics of the editor, but before that it's good to see it in action so try this :

Select groups (on the right pane) then double click on a section on the map. place down a bluefor group (normal infantry should be default).

Place another two groups of the same

Move to another part of the map (not too far away) and double click again. Change the "Bluefor" to "Opfor" and place a standard default group, then place another 2 groups near it.

Go back up to your first groups and select anyone in one of the groups (preferably the group leader but doesn't really matter).

Select "Waypoints" on the right pane then move to where the opfor groups are and double click.

From the display screen choose either "move" or "Search and destroy" then click ok.

Do the same for the other 2 opfor groups.

Initially you may think it to be straight forward but both teams will flank and carry out crazy tactics. This will give you a basic look at how you can create simple missions that are extremely time consuming and fun.

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Downloaded Zipper5 campaign and Jelizz missions and I love them. :D

If anyone has any other campaigns like that pls name them :D

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Try downloading some of the incredible MP Coop missions the community has authored.

Many of them have AI, that can be turned on or off.

To play them alone you could click Multiplayer, New, and launch a LAN game. You wont have interruptions from the net and can partake in some great missions that really emphasize some of Arma2's neatest features.

Hoo Ahhh !

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Having been playing the arma series for something like 5 years now, or however long it's been since Arma came out, I have never once played a game of multiplayer. The strength of these games lie in the mission editor, while the editor is a bit overwhelming at first, the ability to use other people's scripts (such as the many awesome randomised patrol scripts) to easily create missions to your liking is insanely addictive once you learn the basics. While you can easily knock up a simple mission inside of 5-10 minutes once you know what you're doing, I've spent days editing and fine-tuning particular missions I've enjoyed.

There's also a multitude of guides around to basic mission making and its even sometimes helpful to de-pbo some of the many fantastic sp missions around in order to figure out how to do some of the stuff that might otherwise elude you.

Essentially, its possible to play Arma2 for hundreds of hours of incredibly fun gameplay without ever coming near the multiplayer section of the game, if you take the time to learn how to make basic missions (and it is pretty damn easy) then your fun is only limited by your imagination. :)

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Start with simple things in the editor and make some basic missions for yourself. Example: put yourself and a small group in a village, make sure they're under your command (or better yet, AI as the leader.) Add a couple of ammo/weapon boxes nearby too. Then add an enemy infantry squad somewhere, a nearby forest for example. Add waypoints for the enemy, so that they come towards your village. Your job is to kill them when they come. This is VERY simple mission, but because of the cool AI this game has, there is quite a lot of things that can happen, each playtime is different. I won't go into details on how to use editor and the more advanced settings, there are a lot of tutorials here. Experiment with the editor, you can't break anything! When you get the hang of it, try experimenting with triggers (essential to any mission) and maybe more advanced waypointing, their parameters etc. Don't expect to make a campaign or Benny's Warfare mission just like that, those things need practice and good knowledge on scripting. Stick to basic stuff and you should be fine. Add units and stuff there on the map and have fun!

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