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Hello. Im getting an error when i binarize my addon. here is whats in the log.

Error reading binary file 'p:\greenhouse\config.cpp'
Error reading text file 'showroom\glass-pass2.rvmat'
C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Tools\BinMake\CfgConvertFileChng\CfgConvertFileChng.exe returned error 1
Error context units[] = {Greenhouse};
File p:\greenhouse\config.cpp, line 4: '/CfgPatches.Greenhouse': '{' encountered instead of '='
Config : some input after EndOfFile.
Error 3 while parsing
Error in config p:\greenhouse\config.cpp
W:\c\El\ParamFile\paramFile.cpp(736) : Class destroyed, but still locked
Error context units[] = {Greenhouse};
File p:\greenhouse\config.cpp, line 4: '/CfgPatches.Greenhouse': '{' encountered instead of '='
Config : some input after EndOfFile.
Error 3 while parsing
Error in config p:\greenhouse\config.cpp
W:\c\El\ParamFile\paramFile.cpp(736) : Class destroyed, but still locked

For some reason it keeps doing it, ive fiddled around with it and still cant find whats causeing it. And heres the model and config.


#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7
#define true 1
#define false 0
#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

class CfgPatches
	units[] = {Greenhouse};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 

class CfgVehicles
 class All {};
    class AllVehicles: All {};
    class Land: AllVehicles {};
    class Static : Land {};
    class Building : Static {};
    class NonStrategic : Building {};
    class Fence : NonStrategic {};
    class WireFence: Fence {};
    class House: NonStrategic {};
    class ViewTower2: House{};

    class Greenhouse: ViewTower2
	class AnimationSources {
		class door {
			animPeriod = 2;
			initPhase = 0;
			source = "user";
	class UserActions
		class Open_door {
			displayNameDefault = open door;
			displayName = open door;
			position = "door";
			radius = 15;
			onlyForPlayer = 0;
			condition = "this animationPhase ""door"" < 0.5";
			statement = "this animate [""door"", 1]";

		class close_door : Open_door {
			displayNameDefault = close door;
			displayName = close door;
			condition = "this animationPhase ""door"" >= 0.5";
			statement = "this animate [""door"", 0]";
	actionBegin1 = "Open_door";
	actionEnd1 = "Open_door";



class Rotation;
class cfgSkeletons
class Default
 isDiscrete = 1;
 skeletonInherit = "";
 skeletonBones[] = {};
class greenhouse : default
 {"door","" };
class CfgModels
class Default
 sections[] = {};
 skeletonName = "";
class greenhouse : default

 class Animations
  class door: rotation
    minValue = 0;
    maxValue = 5;
    sourceAddress =clamp;
    angle1="rad -160";
    memory = 1;


Can someone help me with this issue? Thanks

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Well, I searched my ArmA1 configs and can't find "ViewTower2", only found house as the last lowest class definition.

I assume "ViewTower2" your custom name.

To your greenhouse you need to add

scope = 2;

if you want it to appear in the editor.

And add

simulation = "house";

You may find it easier to drop "ViewTower2" and do this

class House: NonStrategic {};

class Greenhouse: House

Edited by [APS]Gnat

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Sorry for double post, but can i have some more help, i go inside the greenhouse, and then i shoot, now for some reason, the flash of the bullet or whatever you wunna call it (Not a gun expert here) shows the ground instead of the building, hard to explain, tryed to get a screenshot.


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