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How to remove??

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is there any way to remove this or move it?

Is this a dependancy from another island/ Utes perhaps? since it is used in my config.cpp

and another thing..clutter..is driving me insane. i read previous thread about it and mine are exactly like it but no results?


class ed_autumnflowers: DefaultClutter



affectedByWind = 0.4;

swLighting = true;

scaleMin = 0.7;

scaleMax = 1.0;


class ed_grasscrooked: DefaultClutter



affectedByWind = 0.3;

swLighting = true;

scaleMin = 0.7;

scaleMax = 1.4;


class ed_grasscrookedgreen: DefaultClutter



affectedByWind = 0.3;

swLighting = true;

scaleMin = 0.9;

scaleMax = 1.3;


class ed_weeddead: DefaultClutter



affectedByWind = 0.3;

swLighting = true;

scaleMin = 0.75;

scaleMax = 1.1;


cfgsurface.hpp-only one because i wanted to test it first.

class CfgSurfaces


class Default {};

class ed_grassSurface : Default


access = 2;

files = "travajih";

rough = 0.1;

dust = 0.1;

soundEnviron = "grass";

character = "ed_grassclutter";



class CfgSurfaceCharacters


class ed_grassclutter


probability[]={0.79, 0.4, 0.1, 0.05};

names[]={ed_grasscrookedgreen, ed_grasscrooked, ed_autumnflowers, ed_weeddead};




class CfgPatches


class Wardak_Region


units[] = {Wardak_Region};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.03;

requiredAddons[] = {"Utes"};

version = "2009-9-1";

fileName = "Wardak_Region.pbo";

author = "Ebanks129";

mail = "edde.912@live.com";



class CfgWorlds


class CAWorld;

class Utes: CAWorld


class Grid;

class DefaultClutter;


class Wardak_Region: Utes


description = "Wardak_Region";

worldName= "\EDE\Wardak_Region\Wardak_Region.wrp";

pictureShot = "";

centerPosition[] = {2720,2462,500};

seagullPos[] = {2720,2462,500};

longitude = 69; // positive is east, in degrees?

latitude = -34; // positive is south, in degrees?

class Clutter


#include "cfgClutter.hpp"


class Names


#include "Wardak_Region.hpp"




class CfgWorldList


class Wardak_Region {};


class CfgMissions


class Cutscenes


class Wardak_Region


directory = "";





#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"

Edited by ebanks129

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That looks like a runway ils defined in the picture, which is wierd, since I don't see one defined in your config...

Do you get an error that mentions ils.position anytime?

Not sure about that...

On a vaguely related note, if you ARE planning on having a runway, theres a good tutorial available for that - see this post. Maybe when you actually define a runway that one will go away or shift into position or something...

In your cfgSurfaces.hpp, you have this line...

files = "travajih";

If your files are called...




then that line needs to be...

files = "travajih_*";

I also don't think you need the "\" at the beginning of this path...

worldName= "\EDE\Wardak_Region\Wardak_Region.wrp";

Assuming your project path is...

P:\EDE\Wardak_Region\<data, source, etc here>

Then that line should be...

worldName= "EDE\Wardak_Region\Wardak_Region.wrp";

Don't see anything else immediately obvious...


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The ILS problem is that you have defined your map as based on utes.

Therefore loads all values stored in the utes config file (including the ILS ones) and then applies all changes you have done in your config file.

I really don't know if it is possible to remove the ILS but if ypu plan to add an airport, move the coordinates to the appropiate points or move the ILS coordinates to a point far from the center of the map

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Well mankyle is partially right, but this runway comes not from ils coordinates.

If have ILS working in my map but no runway painted in it.

Would like to know how to do that :)

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As mankyle has said, you have inherited the Utes definition.

Try including this;

	class Wardak_Region: Utes
	description = "Wardak_Region";
	ilsPosition[] ={};
	ilsDirection[] ={};
	ilsTaxiIn[]= {};
	ilsTaxiOff[]= {};
	drawTaxiway = false;

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