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M49A1 Tripflare editor ( ACE II )

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Hello everybody !

Does somebody know how can I set an M49A1 Triplare already activated in the editor ?

Thanks in advance.

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I think it's been discussed in one of the ACE2 threads. Probably 1st or 2nd release thread. You may want to double check those but I believe the last thing I read was that it's not possible at that moment. Not sure if that's changed or not. Ask there, someone probably knows.

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I created my own tripflares a while back. They work, though you can't see anything on the ground. If you create a trigger, and make it so it triggers when OPFOR or BLUFOR are PRESENT (depending on who you want to be able to set it off), and then slap this in the activation box:

tripflare1 = "FlareGreen" createVehicle [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, (getPos this select 2)+200];

That should spawn a Green Flare 200m above the trigger's position. Not sure if I got the classname right though...

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This is what I did:

_pos = ???
_v = createvehicle ["ACE_TripFlare", _pos, [], 0, "none"];
_v setdir random 360;
_v setpos getpos _v;
_trg = createtrigger ["emptydetector", _pos];
_trg settriggerarea [5, 5, 0, false];
_trg settriggeractivation ["west", "present", false];
_trg settriggerstatements ["this", "(" + str _pos + " nearestobject ""ACE_TripFlare"") setvehicleinit ""if (time > 0) then {[this] spawn ace_sys_explosives_fnc_tripflare}""; processinitcommands", ""];

_pos is the spot where you want it...

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Thanks dude it works perfectly !! :D

Edited by Taso

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You guys really do rock! Thank you!!

---------- Post added at 07:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 PM ----------

This is what I did:

_pos = ???
_v = createvehicle ["ACE_TripFlare", _pos, [], 0, "none"];
_v setdir random 360;
_v setpos getpos _v;
_trg = createtrigger ["emptydetector", _pos];
_trg settriggerarea [5, 5, 0, false];
_trg settriggeractivation ["west", "present", false];
_trg settriggerstatements ["this", "(" + str _pos + " nearestobject ""ACE_TripFlare"") setvehicleinit ""if (time > 0) then {[this] spawn ace_sys_explosives_fnc_tripflare}""; processinitcommands", ""];

_pos is the spot where you want it...

Question though. I can't get this to work. I placed a logic(and objects) and named it M1. Then made:

_pos = Trip1

I have the script activated via a trigger present to the side I want to set it off.

Any ideas why it won't work for me? What am I doing wrong here?

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Hi !

You have to create a file named init.sqs in your mission folder. Then put the code of doolittle in this file and replace the line

_pos = ???


_pos = getMarkerPos "M";

Lastly, create a marker and named it "M" and here it is :)

It should work.

Edited by Taso

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Wait.... init.sqs or init.sqf? I don't want it in my init.sqf if that's the case. I want it activated via script. I think the "getMarkerPos" thing is all I need.

Even if I put it in the init it doesn't work. I put a hint after and the hint never goes off. Hmmm...

Nevermind. I forgot the ";" at the end of the _pos line.

---------- Post added at 06:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 AM ----------

I created my own tripflares a while back. They work, though you can't see anything on the ground. If you create a trigger, and make it so it triggers when OPFOR or BLUFOR are PRESENT (depending on who you want to be able to set it off), and then slap this in the activation box:

tripflare1 = "FlareGreen" createVehicle [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, (getPos this select 2)+200];

That should spawn a Green Flare 200m above the trigger's position. Not sure if I got the classname right though...

I'm not sure about the class name but this code looks wrong. Are you sure this is right? It doesn't work the way it's described.

Edited by Manzilla

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Hmmm... I was wondering the same question. I guess the script is almost similar except the item's code and the function called.

The item's name is "ACE_Claymore_M"... But I don't know at all the name of the function which we should call...

So maybe the code looks like :

_pos = GetMarkerPos "M1";
_v = createvehicle ["ACE_Claymore_M"", _pos, [], 0, "none"];
_v setdir random 360;
_v setpos getpos _v;
_trg = createtrigger ["emptydetector", _pos];
_trg settriggerarea [5, 5, 0, false];
_trg settriggeractivation ["west", "present", false];
_trg settriggerstatements ["this", "(" + str _pos + " nearestobject ""ACE_Claymore_M""") setvehicleinit ""if (time > 0) then {[this] spawn ace_sys_explosives_fnc_?????????}""; processinitcommands", ""];

Maybe "claymore" instead of "?????????"...

To better simulate the range of detection of the claymore you'll probably have to change the trigger size and azimut.

Edited by Taso

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I'm not sure about the class name but this code looks wrong. Are you sure this is right? It doesn't work the way it's described.

Well that's the code I use in my mission, and I and others can vouch that it works - we've set them off a fair few times!

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Here's Bouncing Betty:

_mousedownpos = ???
_v = createvehicle ["ACE_BBetty", _mousedownpos, [], 0, "none"];
_v setdir random 360;
_v setpos getpos _v;
_trg = createtrigger ["emptydetector", _mousedownpos];
_trg settriggerarea [5, 5, 0, false];
_trg settriggeractivation ["west", "present", false];
_trg settriggerstatements ["this", "[" + str _mousedownpos + " nearestobject ""ACE_BBetty""] spawn ace_sys_explosives_fnc_bbetty_detonate", ""];

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Here's the code. Got a trigger with Activation BLUFOR with this in the Activation:

Flare1 = "F_40mm_White" createVehicle [getPos flareplace12 select 0, getPos flareplace12 select 1,200];

'flareplace12' is a ACE Grass Cutter.

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FB, works now. Thanks for the help.

Doolittle, thanks for this as well!

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hmmm If there is anyone that can help me make the CN gas go of by this way I will be happy.

I can make all of the above to work, and i can mange to make the canister whit CN gas to go off right away, It dont wait for the trikker to be activatet, it just go of. ??? and then it dont have the gas effect, only the smoke.....

So is there anybody that have an ideer of how to make it work whit CN gas. ???

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Hey Ringhejm, I've been trying CN gas canisters and can't seem to get the "affects" working like you said. I get the gas effect but no visible cues/flashing on my player.

Afaik there is no function to be called... so not sure how to solve this one.

Edited by rexehuk

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Hmmm I'll have to check that out. Not sure about this but do you have the ACE2 Wound System Module active? I doubt you need the ACE2 WS Module on the map but it may be worth a try.

Good luck.

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Hmmm I'll have to check that out. Not sure about this but do you have the ACE2 Wound System Module active? I doubt you need the ACE2 WS Module on the map but it may be worth a try.

Good luck.

Have try whit and whit out it. no luck. :mad:

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