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Turn out and APC Q's

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hey guys

On the APC im making for the mod, the passengers in real life, can open a hatch and turn out if you willl.

I was wondering if the passengers in the back could be able to turnout like the crew and how i would go about doing that?

also could a passenger in the back have his own turret to look around? like the commander but not as commander

and lastly, if you could post a basic model.cfg i would be thankful :D

P.S. if this needs to be moved please do



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Good question. I don't think you'll get passengers to turn out - they would have to part of the crew afaik.

As crew members then a multi turret config would probably let them look around tho' haven't tried without a weapon on the slave turret.

I managed to get a multi turret config functioning but even I don't know how it works!

Without the attendant model I don't think a cfg would help you much.

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hm well what if i made a squad leaders seat in the back, would that give the player in that seat ability to turn out?

cheers for the reply

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