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Advice on Lowering ping

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hey ppl.

apologies to moderators for past and (if) present reposts.

I have a line rate @ 1024kb/s down and 256kb/s up

I notice that playing @ servers in Russia, the ping is 200-300ms MAX

while US servers ping 300+ms MIN

I disabled my windows firewall, my router firewall, and I use teamspeak online..

I forwarded port on router @2305 UDP and still am getting this nauseating ping.

I also use proceXP on vista to kill all bandwidth consuming apps and processes..

I dont know how, but are there any updates to the ARMA 2 in game client when searching online.

I know I can specify max ping.

Are there like any tweaks /or softwares that optimize online gameplaying?? a guide perhaps??

And whats up with the socom ACE 2 server? I play and choose loadout which sometimes consists of Sniper/Ruck/Assault Rifle/Pistol and take the parajump sack on Binos slot, only to find it disappeared along with ON BACK item, ending up with 1ry, 2 empty slots and 2ry(sidearm).

Really is that normal??

Again to moderators sorry if this is a repost.

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firstly are you wired or wireless if wireless then go wired big diff.

where you live?.

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Hmm.. thats Egypt ?

I have very little knowledge of how the internet works in that country, but i would suggest to try a speedtest on one of the free sites on the web.

Other than this i would suggest to close down all other programs using bandiwith even if they are small programs. If you are downloading torrents while playing it will kill the game pretty quick. Make sure no one else are using your router while playing, that way you can ensure its only the game using bandwith. This is often a problem if you have a wireless router with no password, giving anyone in your close area your resources for free. In other words there might be 10-20 other people using your bandwith and internet account. Since you have a very limited internet banwith all these suggestions will work i think.

Connecting to a local server will allso improve your experience online. We had some players on TV2 connecting from the US (We are situated in Norway) having pings from 200 to 3-400.

Edited by cri74

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If you don't know what you are doing this program can simplify optimizing your pc for gaming: GameBooster

However, from your post it sounds like you have already taken some of these steps.

One other thing to remember, regardless of our individual computer set-ups, we are all prisoner to our access point to the net. Some of us just live in a location that will have a higher ping due to routing issues beyond our control.

Good Luck in your efforts.

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I just pinged Frankfurt, Germany and came 94ms ping, while Doha, Qatar, came 340 ms, WTF?? Anyhow, I wanted to know if changing ADSL to Satellite based broadband would resolve the issue. I could work harder to provide for that if you guys assure that there will be significant improvement..

If line rate is DOWN/UP 1024Kbps/256Kb/s via satellite, would there be packet loss or jitter??

I know I'm getting way outta line tech here but anyone with experience is welcome to reply..

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