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Strange Map Problem

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Hi Guys,

im having some really strange Problem with my Map, and i dont know what to do anymore :(

I try to describe it.

In Arma 1.04 the Map ran fine. Size is 10km * 10km.

Settings for the Map where these:

Sat_lco: 6144*6144 Pixels

Mask_lco: 6144*6144 Pixels

Heightmap: 2048*2048 Pixels

Project Parameters:

Terrain grid size: 2048*2048

Cell Size :5.0

Sat Grid: 128

Texture Layer: 80*80m

That Map was running fine with some 600000 Objects.

After the patch to Arma2 Version 1.05 the Map was not running anymore.

I solved that Problem too and reworked some parts of the map because there where double Objects on the same Place (Trees).

But a new Problem occured, the Map laged as Hell!

I dont know why because there are much less Objects now (509825).

I even changed the Parameters etc.

They now look like these:

Sat_lco: 2048*2048 Pixels

Mask_lco: 2048*2048 Pixels

Heightmap: 512*512 Pixels

Project Parameters:

Terrain grid size: 512*512

Cell Size :20.0

Sat Grid: 192

Texture Layer: 160*160m

Even tried 360*360 with Texture Layer but the map wont load anymore with it.

I hoped changing Resolution would help but its still lags like Hell.

Well its not a Problem on Foot/Car but with Helis and Planes.

As i told before i have no Idea anymore, maybe i forgot something...



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have you tried 80x80 instead of 160x160, or even 40x40 which i think is a recommended settings

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Well i had 80*80 on the first Version and on the reworked one..

My second Parameters just describe how much i went down with everthing...

Tried Values:

Sat_lco: 6144, 4048, 2048 same for mask_lco

Heightmap: 2048, 1024, 512

Well Terraingrid; Cell Size and Sat Grid got changed to, depending on what Sat,- mask,- and heightmap resolution i tried.

Tested Texture Layers where these: 80* ; 160* and 360. Well like i told 360* wont load the Map anymore.

Well i try 40*40 now, but i dont think that will do, but thanx for your advice.

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Okay it runs great with 40*40 on a Sat-lco with 2048*2048 (or was it 6144*6144?)

But now i got that MLOD Error, so i tried it with a 10240*10240 sat-lco,(It was mentioned somewhere that for a 10km*10km Map it should be atleast that big) but that caues lag again and produces that MLOD Error too.

This is really annoying since i had all that trouble when i started that map. Still dont know why that patch causes so much trouble to my Map...

Any other Ideas ?

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