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Dead loser #8,886

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i kinda fell sorry for that overweight pizza restaurant worker.

Elizabeth Woolley remembers when her son was betrayed by an EverQuest associate he had been adventuring with for six months. Shawn's online brother-in-arms stole all the money from his character and refused to give it back.

"He was so upset, he was in tears," she said. "He was so depressed, and I was trying to say, 'Shawn, it's only a game.' I said he couldn't trust those people."

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Why does that make him a loser ?

Not everyone is living a happy life like you Wobble.

There are those who society doesn't greet too well. Those whose friends are mere "buddies" online.

If you were enveloped in a virtual world 12 hours a day for months at a time, it could easily have had serious mental effects.

I hate to say this, but this world is an awful place for the most part.

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Why do the families always look for the easy fix to blame? Maybe it was the fact that his home life was so lacking that made him addicted to the game and led to his suicide. I get so sick of this BS, some f**kwit offs himself and the family want to blame the game he is playing, or the music he is listening to, or a movie he was watching....can these people not see that the problem goes way beyond any of these things? I suspect in this case the family are looking for a cash settlement from the game producers.

To the grieving mother: look harder for the cause of your sons problems.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ April 14 2002,07:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Why do the families always look for the easy fix to blame?<span id='postcolor'>

dont ask me, man, i'm one of the guys who knew how the kids in the Columbine shooting fealt. I know people who who got sent to the principals office because they said in public that they knew how those kids fealt.

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Aculaid, how can you empathise with those monsters???

They were angry and jealous of all the cooler kids and so they wanted to show them off with guns and violence.

That just makes them all the weaker and more cowardly in my mind.

I just graduated from HighSchool in the year of 2000, and I never felt like them.

In my mind they were pathetic losers. Why empathise with them??

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Reminds me of when Australias greatest f**kwit, Martin Bryant, massacred 35 people with his semi-auto rifle, what did the media do?

Violent videos were found in his collection (Terminator, Rambo, Commando), therefore these videos contributed to his mindset when he committed the massacre.

What wasn't revealed initially was that these videos were in a collection of almost 1000, which also included the Sound of Music.

This topic is really a pet hate of mine (media/families trying to lok for a scapegoat in cases like this).

Can't they just accept that people like this obviously have deep emotional/mental problems, and if a computer game didn't tigger their suicide, it would have been something else?

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Why does that make him a loser ?

A: he quit his job to play a game.

B: he was depressed because someone stole his virtual money in a video game.

C: "Shawn was playing 12 hours a day, and he wasn't supposed to because he was epileptic, and the game would cause seizures,"   he was an idiot aswell..

the most pathetic thing is his mother blaming the GAME for it..

also pathetic is the following:

"The manufacturer of EverQuest purposely made it in such a way that it is more intriguing to the addict," Parker said. "It could be created in a less addictive way, but (that) would be the difference between powdered cocaine and crack cocaine."

so.. A good game is a bad one.. we must have games that dont pull you in and that are not fun.. or else they are as bad as illegal narcotics.. yes, I hope whoeve said this kills himself because he could find any pac-pellets..  

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">For people who are unhappy, socially awkward or feel unattractive, online games provide a way to reinvent themselves.<span id='postcolor'>

and this is a bad thing? whats wrong with NOT having to deal with your problems once in a while? of course if you an IDIOT and want to trade your real life for you online one.. well.. die trying.. please.

as for the columbine kids... fuck them.. let em sizzle in hell..

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""""A call for warning labels""""


This game is very fun and immersive, and should not be played by loser idiots who would gladley kill themselves over an online game.

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Yes, excelent point.

What about the gun he shot himself with?

Wont they sue the manufacturer for this too?

And what about the room furniture he killed himself in. It was the place he choose to die, maybe the furniture producer is wrong in his design.

I am for a warning label on life!

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

Attention, this is life is deadly! Your risk of dying is 100%!

<span id='postcolor'>

Maybe they should sue God!

What would they have been doing if he killed himself in front of TV ( which happens often enough )?

geeze, get over it. Life's cruel, and it doesn't end very nice mostly. Man are weak and idiots die soon.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Aculaid, how can you empathise with those monsters???

They were angry and jealous of all the cooler kids and so they wanted to show them off with guns and violence.

That just makes them all the weaker and more cowardly in my mind.

I just graduated from HighSchool in the year of 2000, and I never felt like them.

In my mind they were pathetic losers.  Why empathise with them?? <span id='postcolor'>

So you're saying in your whole life you've never felt angry or jealous or left out? That you've never lost your temper or wanted to hit somebody because they hurt your feelings or showed you up or let you down? That you've never wished somebody were dead or out at least out of your life?

You must be about the only person in the world who could say that. I know I have to admit to having had these feelings many times in my life. But, like most people I deal with them. The problem with these people who go on rampages ( and they are people NOT monsters ) is that their feelings are entirely natural but for various reasons they are unable to deal with them. The result is extreme outbursts when the rest of us have moved onto other things.

Whatever else they were though they were people. Monsters is a term the media uses to move the blame off society.

"..No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."

"But I know none, and therefore am no beast."

                      Richard III (I,ii)

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The level of immaturity you guys posess never ceases to amaze me.

Ever thought about having an intelligent discussion ? Sadly though the only thing I see from you is shouts in the likes of "Loser", "Idiot" and such and such.

You seem to resort to vulgarism instead of discussing the topic.

I don't think you realize just how a mother feels when she loses her child (he may have been her only child). Especially when she loses it to suicide.

She has been raising him for 21 years. She dedicated her time to making sure he gets his education, his medicine when he's sick, and so forth. Though now she feels as though if she miserably failed.

It's easy for you to say "the guy is a loser". Oh and you'd be surprised if only you knew how many teens play video games almost 12 hours a day. Just because you personally and your close friends don't, it doesn't mean everyone doesn't either.

Role-playing games are indeed designed to be a lot of fun. They combing the features of the real world, such as character interaction, the ability to make friends or allies with the virtual world of exploring this puerly "cyber" setting and solving quests.

It is understandable why a person like this guy chose to play it so much. He quite possibly lacked friends in real life, and when he played this game, it allowed him to feel needed, wanted. If only you spend enough time in such a virtual world, it starts to mean something to you, and you begin to value it.

I don't think his mother will be too successful by sueing Sony, though she should have gotten her son help when she saw the extremes he went to (quitting his job to play the game, etc).

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I agree, a suicide is a tragedy, the guy was obviously mentally ill.

But that doesn't make his mothers vendetta against the game in any way legitimate. More likely she has some misplaced guilt about why her son really killed himself or why she didn't see it coming and do something about it.

As for the other topics raised in this thread: yes, I've felt murderous urges at various times in my life, but like most sane people have not acted on them. These feelings don't make them monsters, killing inocent people because they are too weak to deal with these feelings does.

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I think she's wrong to sue the games company because the guy was, by all means, a loser. Maybe this was the reason he shot himself. Simply saying ''he played this game a lot, then something bad happened in the game so he shot himself''.

I remember playing champ manager, when on my seventh season my goalie, and star striker and my best defender all asked for a transfer, and then i lost the charity sheild to arsenal (the bastards), and then my other star striker got banned from the game for 6 months. I didn't kill myself (as you probably noticed). I once got caught cheating at cs in a clan game. Yes, i shat myself when the whole ogc warning came up on screen, and i was kicked out of a clan where i was the best player and had been at for 8 months, but i didn't kill myself....

This is just a case of the money grabbing bitch trying to milk some income out of her sons (who remember she had barely any contact with since he was playing everquest all day) death.

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I'm not against guns or anything here, but how and why did he wind up getting a gun in the first place.

I would doubt that someone with no social life would ever need one.

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I'm not against guns or anything here, but how and why did he wind up getting a gun in the first place

maby he traded some spells for it biggrin.gif

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He lives in the US of A

That measn he can get a gun at the 7-11 wink.gif

Seriously though, it is insanely easy to get a handgun in the US. All you need is money. And that's getting one legally. Hell, in some states you can easily get a concealed weapons permit, right Wobble?

So he probably played Counterstrike, got a hard on for a Glock, bought one, and had it tucked away somewhere. Then he tried out that newfangled 'Everquest' and the rest is history.

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The guns issue has been discussed a lot in earlier threads, so we better not get started here as well.

Calling that guy a loser is Wobble's own psycological quick-fix.

It's not in his personality to openly sympathise with people who reach that point of desperation.

That has been established many times before on this Forum.

Were I to profile Wobble based on this information, I would say it indicates he thinks he himself doesn't need sympathy.

But then I don't know Wobble IRL, I'm not a shrink, and Wobble will say he doesn't give a sh*t anyway.

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people need to take responsibility for their own actions. Our society has nurtured the idea that anyone who has something bad happen to them is a victim.

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If something bad happen to you, you are pr. definition a victim. Victim = "one that is acted on and usually adversely affected by a force or agent"

It's easy to blame him, but in reality it's very hard to define what guides a persons actions.

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if you lock yourself up in a room, quit your job, refuse contact with the rest of the normal world in favor of a video game.. its YOUR FAULT... especially considering his mother tried to get him "help" and he refused.. he had every chance to address his problem and he refused them all..

its HIS fault... maby a tad his mothers to but the vast majority of the fault is his.. hes not some damn kid.. he's 21..

If something bad happen to you, you are pr. definition a victim.

oh so if I jump off a cliff and dieing happens to me im a victim?.. yea of gravity

sure some people are victims.. but when you go out of your way to totally put yourself in the position to put yourself in as bad of situation as possable.. when shit happens to you its YOUR fault..

if I was to get in a ferreri and go down to some ghetto in queens and pull up and start talking shit to "niggers" and they beat the shit out of me.. would I be the victim? yea of myself.

this soft socity needs to get over the fact that sometimes.. when shit happens... its noones fault but your own.. sure yer a victim.. a victim of YOUR ignorance, YOUR complacentcy(sp), YOUR lack of the will to do anything else..

the only thing this moron was capable of doing on his own was addressing his poroblem,.. which he did quite poorly.

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Yes, you are a victim of gravity in that case. Exactly.

That guy solved his problem the only way he knew how.

I'm not saying he doesn't hold any responsability for his own life. I'd just prefer to have a little more perspective on such a case, than simply saying the guy is a "loser".

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I dont think its fair to be so heavy on the dead guy. There are some people that jsut cannot mentally handle the real world.

Its definately not the game though. I played Ultima Online for 2 years, and Everquest for one, and they received some heavy playage. I remember being scammed/ripped off a couple of times in game, and yeah it made me mad as hell, but not depressed or suicidal lol. And one of my "buddies" in that game stole my account, the birch! Always had a good laugh about it with my real mates thatp layed the game though.

Anyway yeah that guy had problems and you cant completely blame him.

Its like watching a retard throw himself in front of a bus unkowing of what would happen and then saying "fuckin tard, he didnt need to jump in front of that bus. Its his own fault, what a loser"

Or maybe im just rambling.

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Its like watching a retard throw himself in front of a bus unkowing of what would happen and then saying "fuckin tard, he didnt need to jump in front of that bus. Its his own fault, what a loser"

yes.. you throw yourself in front of a bus it IS your fault.. and you are a loser.. of course if its a retarded kid.. and you would have to be REALLY retarded to do that.. then he souldent have been in the position to do that to himself.. but the guy in question wasnt retarded.. he was just anti-social and ignorant..

I bet if I went out and murdered a bus full of nuns it wouldent be my fault.. because somewhere it could be blamed on my upbringing or enviroment or some other new age pass the blame bullshit.

what ever happened to good ole fashon CRAZY? cant a motherfucker just be crazy anymore? I remember when I was younger if someone do something nutty or had some fucked up habit it would be "yea.. that bastard timmy was as crazy as a shithouse rat!".. now its something like "We belive timmy has his shit eating fetish becuase his mother only breast fed him from her right brest and she whatched The Price is Right too much when she was pregnent.. so its not timmy's fault hes like that"

piss on timmy and everyone who looks like timmy! timmy is a sick twisted fuck!

some people are just not for this world.. and they commit suicide (late term self-abortion).. its that simple.. not everyone who someone shits out is all there.. "all life is sacred.. everyone deserves a happy life" BULLSHIT! not all life is sacred, and some people who shouldent have been born do.. they have massive disfigurments, extreme mental retardation.. etc etc. and not ehy should not be alive at all.. am I saying we should kill them? no, im saying they shouldent have been born.. but now that they are you cant expect them to live a normal life, they ARE NOT NORMAL, you cant expect them to live a happy life, THEY WILL NOT...

of course if your so mentally fried you get all the pleasure in life you need from watching teletubbies and eating pringles good for you.

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