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[ADO] Tropica

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Any chance of a few pictures showing a little more, those two new ones basicly just shows 2 dead guys :p

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Of course, there will be more ingame screenshots, here is a rare picture of an incident in the Banga harbor showing the destruction of a dirty Panamean coaster and it's "plywood" cargo :

Tropica_plywood_cargo destruction1s.jpg

Extract from Le Matin de Tropica (Eng.ed.):

"Sunken along the Banga pier, you can get a look at the wreck of a coaster under Panama flag but manned by a Bielorussian crew mysteriously attacked by a "delta winged" aircraft , according to a witness testimony. The attack takes place earlier this morning at 4 in the morning, as the boat was unloading it's "plywood" cargo."

Thanks to [ADO]Rewan for the screenshot.

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for some reason this map sounds alot like the chadian-libyan conflict otherwise known as the toyota-war

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This map looks amazing. Hopefully it'll support the Alice module

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To answer a question asked by PM :

Tropica is a 17km x 14km island .... a bit more than 17km from Killer Cape to Cabo San Felipe.

ooh just what I've been waiting for, a map where you cannot lob a mortar grenade from one corner of the island to the other :yay::yay::yay:

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ooh just what I've been waiting for, a map where you cannot lob a mortar grenade from one corner of the island to the other :yay::yay::yay:

Quote this !!

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New WIP screenshots of [ADO]Tropica upcoming map

Tropica%20Alpha_wip1s.jpg Tropica%20Alpha_wip2s.jpg

- C-160 Transall on landing path to BA96 (Air addon by Hexagon) - Troops shearching a village in Gha Basin (African huts by [ADO]dob) -


- Fighting the mangrove (COS soldier by [ADO]GMC) -

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Awesome! Can't wait for this map!

Whats the progression? How far done is it?

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At the moment the map is fully playable, and is played on a regular basis by my Clan[ADO] game team. We have already a nice set of missions for the map. Most of these missions are needing French Hexagon addons. Some of them are to play and test the upcoming [ADO]GMC COS units.

What is to be done :

- fix some issues with ladders on the oil-rig,

- enhance the Tropica huts by [ADO]dob,

- finish the work on map .config to be ALICE ready.

I expect to release a public beta of the map near the end of this month.

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At the moment the map is fully playable, and is played on a regular basis by my Clan[ADO] game team. We have already a nice set of missions for the map. Most of these missions are needing French Hexagon addons. Some of them are to play and test the upcoming [ADO]GMC COS units.

What is to be done :

- fix some issues with ladders on the oil-rig,

- enhance the Tropica huts by [ADO]dob,

- finish the work on map .config to be ALICE ready.

I expect to release a public beta of the map near the end of this month.

Lookin forward to the map and units:D

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Awesome units! :)

The map looks great. :D

Good luck with the release.

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- finish the work on map .config to be ALICE ready.

I expect to release a public beta of the map near the end of this month.

Sweet, thnx for the ALICE support. Nice screens too, looks like a fun map.

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i bet this is gonna be as outstanding as quesh kibrul. keep the maps coming ;)

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