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What exactly is "Developer Heaven?"

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I'm a little confused as to what exactly Developer Heaven is and what it isn't. I know ACE people use it, Kju uses it etc, but it seems like I've seen BI on their too (or did I dream that?)?

On this forum, it often appears for almost any issue or mod people say, "Post a ticket to Dev Heaven", but I'm not sure why we'd post a ticket there for an official beta bug. Just for clarification I did read the wiki there and the looked through some of the stuff, but for a "still new" ArmA2 player that site is pretty daunting.

Edited by jpinard

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Dev Heaven is a community run site created as an available resource for mission makers and mod/addons makers to host their work, give the ability to work in cooperation, ans gather some advanced knowledge on all these matters.

It also appears to host a Community Issue Tracker, a tool offered by Dev-Heaven creators to post Tickets about game bugs and suggestions and centralize these issues in a single place, with a way to list all, categorize them and give them a status. It also appear BI staff often go through the CIT to see reported bugs, possibly patch them and report status.

In fact, the CIT is a troubleshooting ticket system that is embedded in the DH services, and available for everyone using resources there. You can find a Ticket tracker for nearly all projects listed in DH. It is invaluable for mission, addon & mod makers.

In fact, the whole thing is of tremendous help for us. Much Kudos to the team running it!

So, what it is :

* most usefull for mission, addons & mod makers to host their source code and such and work on it cooperatively

* most usefull for players to report issues or make suggestions about the missions, adddons and mods hosted on DH, as well as issues about ArmA2 itself on the specific "CIT" (ArmA2 Community Issue Tracker).

* Through the tickets there, can be searched for very specific topics and give some advanced pointers

What (I think) it is not :

* A knowledge base, though you'll find Wiki pages on projects

* A forum, though many projects have their forum space

* A FAQ, or a place to ask questions and get answers. BiF is better for that, or OFPEC, etc...

Edited by whisper

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Dev Heaven is a community run site created as an available resource for mission makers and mod/addons makers to host their work, give the ability to work in cooperation, ans gather some advanced knowledge on all these matters.

It also appears to host a Community Issue Tracker, a tool offered by Dev-Heaven creators to post Tickets about game bugs and suggestions and centralize these issues in a single place, with a way to list all, categorize them and give them a status. It also appear BI staff often go through the CIT to see reported bugs, possibly patch them and report status.

In fact, the CIT is a troubleshooting ticket system that is embedded in the DH services, and available for everyone using resources there. You can find a Ticket tracker for nearly all projects listed in DH. It is invaluable for mission, addon & mod makers.

In fact, the whole thing is of tremendous help for us. Much Kudos to the team running it!

Where is CIT?

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http://dev-heaven.net/projects/show/cis <- the CIT can be found here. Devheaven in general is http://dev-heaven.net

What´s most daunting for me about it is that I´m never sure what´s a valid thing to post and what isn´t, and there´s so much stuff already you need to search twice or thrice before you can be sure you´re not doubling tickets.

Otherwise I think it´s a great tool, and it´s pretty cool that BIS works together with the community in such a way.

Edit: Sickboy beat me to it. :V I so slow, lol

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BIS staff really go there, post some feedback on tickets?

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DevHeaven is a shelter for bugs and usually someone takes care of them over there :)

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DevHeaven is a shelter for bugs and usually someone takes care of them over there :)

I like this description.

Kind Regards walker

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Huh, I always thought DevHeaven was a cloudcity where divine BI developers and demi-god like modders squabbled over the fate of mankind.

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not demi :p


As a side note devHeaven is a great place to ask any modding questions, expecially on their Skype channel where very kind people jump in and help you solve your issues. I dont know what I would have done without those guys :)

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Huh, I always thought DevHeaven was a cloudcity where divine BI developers and demi-god like modders squabbled over the fate of mankind.

Nah i've been there once, it's basically just a wodka-bar.

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Only Wodkabar when i'm around :p

It's just a very nice initiative that has brought a lot of nice stuff to this game.

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