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ATTN NOOBIES! - New to ArmA II or OA - Here's the place for your questions

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Question for this noob!

There's a guy selling a copy of Arma 2 on eBay. He says he tried to install it but his computer didn't have the right video card. If he used the serial number, can I still use it? I remember buying a MMORPG and I reinstalled it on another computer I got after my other broke, and the code wasn't accepted. I just don't want to buy it and have it not work. The auction is ending in 1 day, so please reply!!!

serial could be blacklisted if he made it public

Edited by Sira

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nvm, already found it!

Edited by Dennis_k
already found it :)

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nvm, already found it!

Please don't edit your posts to completely remove the question. That helps no one. It would be much better to leave your original question, which others probably have as well, then simply add the answer to the post as an update thereby helping those with the same question find the answer too.

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Hi everyone, me and a few friends are considering buying the game, but would like to know, how many people is it per squad. We are fed up with only having 4 per squad in BFBC2 and are hoping it is more here. Anyone enlighten me?

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Is their a way I can group the AI in my command?

I.E. group 2-3-4 into team 1, and 5-6-7 into team 2... (basically a squad within a squad) that moves as 1 unit.

Edited by zebby5000

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Press F2, F3, F4 to select 2, 3 and 4. Then press 9 for Team, then whatever the option is for Assign to Team Color. You'll see it on the menu. :)

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When you select some units together and issue them a move order they should move together.

To make it easier to selct your teams afterwards you can assign colors (f.e. press F2, F3, F4 and then 9 for teams and 1-5 for a color), to select all units of the same color hold shift and press the F-key for anyone in that group.

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In E02:combat mission, how do i change the size of my squad and the type of units in my squad?I currently only can have six and the units option in the edit menu is locked.

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Thanks for the help you guys, but one more question about AI.. now after doing boot camp I have trouble getting them in that format where you create waypoints.

(the blue squares etc) On the boot camp it already has them set up and teaches you how to use em... but not create the setup. Like it says hit "ctrl+spacebar" it works on the tutorial, and yet it doesnt even when you have them split area's + colorteams.



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can i filter servers, which do need arma 2 vanilla? got only OA

Don't believe so since with only OA you couldn't even play an ArmA2 only mission.

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Thanks for the help you guys, but one more question about AI.. now after doing boot camp I have trouble getting them in that format where you create waypoints.

(the blue squares etc) On the boot camp it already has them set up and teaches you how to use em... but not create the setup. Like it says hit "ctrl+spacebar" it works on the tutorial, and yet it doesnt even when you have them split area's + colorteams.



You mean the "High Command", a new feature to the series since Arma 2, in comparison to the normal commanding of people in your own squad. You can't do both for the same units and it depends on the mission if you are team leader or commander (or both).

There is a script that allows you to switch units from team members to high command subordinates and back, but it has to be build into the mission. No idea if an addon to give this functionality all the time exists, maybe a search on this forum can help or someone else knows about it.

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I hope I'm posting this in the right section:

Does anyone know how to get rid of the unit name that keeps appearing when you scroll over a unit?


I've tried a lot of things,been looking everywhere for an answer, and I would need this for the sake of realism and screenshots...

Edited by jadehorus

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Ah okay, thanks scruffy.

@jade- while out of the vehicle, scroll with your mouse wheel to open your menu. Then scroll down to 'Show Status' and try messing around with a few of those options.

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I hope I'm posting this in the right section:

Does anyone know how to get rid of the unit name that keeps appearing when you scroll over a unit?


I've tried a lot of things,been looking everywhere for an answer, and I would need this for the sake of realism and screenshots...

Hey, this is a config setting for ace mod (the above is a solution If your name shows up in domination maps)

To change it, go to your arma 2/userconfig/ace folder, then open the user config file and look around for the show names option (should have options for show always, show on space bar, show on mouse wheel or never show)

Hope that helps! Also sorry if my writing is a bit shonky, using an iPhone to type

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Thanks for the fast and helpful answers, guys!

And thank you, DaveP, it was indeed the ACE2 option that had to be turned off!

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Hi guys, I bought OA a few days ago and it runs fine..:)

Its version 1.51.71083 according to the splash screen, is that the latest or do i need to patch up?

PS- I haven't got the original AA2, i've only got AO.

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Okay thanks, I patched to OA 1.54.

Just one thing- I completed all the Boot Camp missions, but why can't I play with most of the toys in the Armoury?

Most are locked, so how on earth can I access them?

PS- I mean, I paid £25 (40 US dollars) for OA, so the last thing I want is to be denied access to most of the weaponry (sniffle)..

Edited by PoorOldSpike

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Okay thanks guys, I'll psych myself up to do the edit profile thing..:)

Beats me why the unlocking routine is included in an adult military simulation anyway, it reminds me of kiddies platform games where you have to complete one level before being allowed to go on to the next.

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Well, the Armory is a structured playground for people to use different items and equipment in preset challenges. For "adults" there's the editor, where you can use everything in the game without the limits and style of the Armory mode. :)

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Yes I've been dabbling with the editor all day, it works smooth as silk.

Just one thing- I can't for the life of me find an editor routine that allows me to place artillery and airstrikes which I can call in during battles.

Can it be done? i don't want to spend hours wading through the manuals or whatever trying to find out..:)

PS- Where can I buy the 'British Armed Forces' addon for AO?

Is it download only?

Edited by PoorOldSpike

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