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view cargo shadow volume - how?

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I have a problem with view cargo on a vehicle model. No matter what I try I can't get shadows to work and the view is far too bright.

I have a 'shadow volume - view cargo LOD'

I've tried reducing the cargo shadow values in the config

I've tried lodnoshadow = 0 in the view cargo LOD

I've tried reducing the texture brightness until it's as black as your hat

Yet still the internal view has no shadows and looks like we are all sitting in the park in broad daylight.

Any suggestions 'fount of all knowledge' (that's you guys btw)

....oh and my microwave isn't heating my food properly.

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Try these in your unit config:

viewCargoShadow = true;

viewDriverShadow = true;

viewGunnerShadow = true;

viewCargoShadowDiff = 0.05;

viewDriverShadowDiff = 0.05;

viewGunnerShadowDiff = 0.05;

They made our AMV interior much more natural looking. No more blinding brightness.

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thanks for the advice, Norsu - no luck tho'. I think your solution relies on the fact that I've got the rest of the model up to specification - which may not be the case!

By reducing the ambient and diffuse components of the rvmat file I've got the interior looking better - but still no shadows.

The problem seems to be that the view cargo LOD is using the 1.000 shadow LOD (the exterior) not the view cargo shadow LOD.

Speaking of which, what should I have in the view cargo shadow LOD? Is it similar to the exterior shadow LODs - but with interior components?

All I have as reference is the BIS Arma1 BMP which just has a large box in the view cargo shadow LOD.

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