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Anti-tank assault Rifle?

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mind you this is just for fun i know its unrealistic but i was wanting to make a assault rifle shoot tank rounds and i cant figure out how to do it if its even possible.

any hints for the script or a simple walk through would be helpful thank you

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As the above days, not sure but i have an incling that this may belong in the request thread either-ither welcome to bis forums!

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Its not a request i wanna do it myself i just was wanting to discuss if its possible, and ty for welcoming me to the the forums.

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I found myself asking this question after I armed a Little bird with 20 Mk82s, a GAU8, AZP85, SPG9, and the unknown "Twinvickers" with a simple script...

GBU12 shooting M16 anyone?

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Ah roger that mate in that case i wish u much luck and direct you to ofpec for any future help :)

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so i guess in theory you could also make a rifle shoot a burst of rpg's if you got the scripting right?

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if you wanna for fun :

first define amunition !!!

class crazy_bullet : BulletBase {

hit = 1000;

indirectHit = 0;

indirectHitRange = 0;

cartridge = "FxCartridge_Small";

cost = 5;

typicalSpeed = 1000;


than define magazine :

class i_am_crazy : CA_Magazine {

scope = public;

displayName = "Madman magazine";

ammo = "crazy_bullet";

count = 100;

initSpeed = 1000;

descriptionShort = Crazy Bullets;


than weapon:

class SVD;

class oh_my_god : SVD {

scope = public;

displayName = "I am crazy, man";

magazines[] = {"i_am_crazy"};


and you have crazy weapon

i made myself crazy SVD firing bombs :)

really crazy addon to test whole city dammage :)

SVD with rate of fire of MG42 and ammunition like 1 tone bomb and of course without recoil

of course for fun, but few bursts and whole city lies down in ruins :)

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and this is done in editing the .pbo config.cpp?

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Heh, reminds me of the good ole UltraM16 and UltraM60 from the HYK days.

You beat me to it, mate. :D

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Ok so this is what i did so far, i got it working shooting down Mi-24's. Just a disclaimer this mod is for fun and i used several other fellow Modder's models and sound files without their concent. i am not releasing this as a Addon either for its a simple thing you could do yourself.

ok with that out of the way could someone tell what they see that is wrong with the mod. since i added the 30Rnd_127x99_DR the weapon wont fire now and i cant figure out how to fix it. Any suggestions would be very helpful.

CfgAmmo.HPP file

class CfgAmmo {

class Default; // External class reference

class BulletCore; // External class reference

class RocketCore; // External class reference

class MissileCore;// External class reference

class BulletBase : BulletCore {};

class R_127x99_HE : BulletBase {

cartridge = "";

hit = 140;

indirectHit = 40;

indirectHitRange = 0.6;

visibleFire = 30; // how much is visible when this weapon is fired

audibleFire = 50;

visibleFireTime = 10; // how long is it visible

soundHit[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\AZP85_explosion1", db30, 1};

explosive = 1;

airLock = "true";

cost = 3.5;

model = "\ca\Weapons\Data\bullettracer\tracer_yellow";

tracerScale = 1;

tracerStartTime = 0.01;

tracerEndTime = 3;

tracersEvery = 1;

CraterEffects = "GrenadeCrater";

explosionEffects = "GrenadeExplosion";

airFriction = -0.0004;

muzzleEffect = "BIS_Effects_HeavyCaliber";

caliber = 3.67;


class R_127x99_DR : BulletBase {

cartridge = "";

hit = 140;

indirectHit = 0;

indirectHitRange = 0;

visibleFire = 30; // how much is visible when this weapon is fired

audibleFire = 50;

visibleFireTime = 10; // how long is it visible

soundHit[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\AGS30_shot1_A", db38, 1};

explosive = 1;

airLock = "true";

cost = 3.5;

model = "\ca\Weapons\Data\bullettracer\tracer_red";

tracerScale = 1;

tracerStartTime = 0.01;

tracerEndTime = 3;

tracersEvery = 1;

CraterEffects = "ExploAmmoCrater";

explosionEffects = "ExploAmmoExplosion";

airFriction = -0.0004;

muzzleEffect = "BIS_Effects_HeavyCaliber";

caliber = 3.67;




class CfgMagazines {

class Default; // External class reference

class CA_Magazine; // External class reference

class CA_LauncherMagazine; // External class reference

class 30Rnd_127x99_HE : CA_Magazine {

scope = public;

displayName = "30 12.7mm x99 HE Rnd`s. ";

ammo = "R_127x99_HE ";

type = 1* 256;

count = 30;

initSpeed = 825;

picture = "\ATAR_1X\BFA\tmagpic.pac";

descriptionShort = " 30 Round 127x99 HE Magazine for the A.T.A.R. 1X";


class 30Rnd_127x99_DR : CA_Magazine {

scope = public;

displayName = "30 12.7mm x99 DR Rnd`s. ";

ammo = "R_127x99_DR ";

type = 1* 256;

count = 30;

initSpeed = 825;

picture = "\ATAR_1X\BFA\tmagpic.pac";

descriptionShort = " 30 Round 127x99 DR Magazine for the A.T.A.R. 1X";




class CfgWeapons {

class Default; // External class reference

class MGunCore; // External class reference

class MGun; // External class reference

class Rifle; // External class reference

class M4A1; // External class reference

class GrenadeLauncher; // External class reference

class M203muzzle; // External class reference

class PistolCore; // External class reference

class Pistol; // External class reference

class M9; // External class reference

class M9SD; // External class reference

class M24; // External class reference

class M249; // External class reference

class M240; // External class reference

class LauncherCore; // External class reference

class Launcher; // External class reference

class M136; // External class reference

class Javelin; // External class reference

class ATAR_1_X: M4A1 {

scope = public;

value = 0;

model = "\ATAR_1X\ag36\ukf_SA80AG36.p3d";

optics = true;

opticsDisablePeripherialVision = false;

displayName = "ATAR 1X Tank Killer";

uipicture = "\ATAR_1X\icons\com_ag36.paa";

picture = "\ATAR_1X\icons\l85a2ag36.paa";

modelOptics = "\ATAR_1X\ukf_susat3";

opticsZoomMin = 0.175;

opticsZoomMax = 0.245;

distanceZoomMin = 40;

distanceZoomMax = 55;

handanim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton", "\ATAR_1X\ag36\UKF_L123-barrel.rtm"};

reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\M4_reload", 0.000316, 1};

modes[] = {"Single","FullAuto"};

magazines[] = {"30Rnd_127x99_HE", "30Rnd_127x99_DR"};

class Single : Mode_SemiAuto {

sound[] = {"\ATAR_1X\sounds\RO-X2A", 20, 1};

recoil = "assaultRifleBase";

recoilProne = "assaultRifleBase";


class FullAuto : Mode_FullAuto {

sound[] = {"\ATAR_1X\sounds\RO-X2A", 20, 1};

recoil = "assaultRifleBase";

recoilProne = "assaultRifleBase";


class AG36Muzzle : M203muzzle {

displayName = AG36;

modelOptics = "\ATAR_1X\ag36\ukf_optic_ag36";

modelSpecial = "\ATAR_1X\ag36\ukf_SA80AG36.p3d";

magazines[] = {"1Rnd_HE_M203", "FlareWhite_M203", "FlareGreen_M203", "FlareRed_M203", "FlareYellow_M203"};

sound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\Grenade_launch2_A", db-5, 1};

reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\flare_reload", 0.000316, 1};

magazineReloadTime = 0;

reloadTime = 0.1;




Also the M203 doesnt work

---------- Post added at 10:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 PM ----------

Ok i figured it out i had one to many spaces in the mag file. woot any ways off to blow shit up with my new gun peace!

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you can have anti tank sniper cannons, look here


South african one i found, this is also featured in district 9 movie when it takes a big hit of the exo suit :)

and there are some other versions if you scroll down further *drool*

and there is a short video for it too :)

Edited by wika_woo

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The simplest way is to add the weapon to a soldier in mission editor:

this addWeapon "2A42"; this addMagazine "250Rnd_30mmHE_2A42";

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how can i make it so it when i fire it always shows a tracer even in the daylight? ive been messing with the CFgAmmo file but i cant get them to work and my difficulty is on regular. help with this would be awesome.

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OFPEC.com and the biki have the information you need for making config edits to weapons.

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OFPEC.com and the biki have the information you need for making config edits to weapons.

......not to be rude, i understand most people like to assume someone hasn't checked all possible routes for an answer, i only know basics of config and the explanations on both sites are so short and vague it really doesn't explain it in a way i understand it. Again im not trying to be rude but if you knew the information was at one of those sites its just as easy to put in your own words and say "yeah bro here's one way you can do it. (shows example of how its done)" or something along those lines rather than being lazy and unhelpful with making a reply that really doesn't do anything other than add to your post count and take up space on our screens. a pointless statement is a better saved breath.

Edited by Sinjuma

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just amp up the barret 109 a tad, that rifle is so much fun to use it should be illegal, hitting peopple and watching their bodies fly up into the air, who needs a headshot one round will blow half their body away.

it can take out trucks, apcs with enough rounds, cannot take out a tank however, cheated to give me a ton of ammo, in single player, shot a t72 with must must have been 100 rounds for the better part of 15 20 minutes could not even get the thing smoking.

really hope they sort out the locational damage on rifles also, ever try sniping someone in a mg nest, or take out the guys with their head popped out of a vehicle. mg nest you can put a round right into their head yet it will not hit the target, you take the time to sneak around to the back where its open you can shoot they will not seem to get hit either. apc and tanks with hatches you will not seem to hit anything and they insta wack a mole pop into their vechilce even if you put a round into the brain of one of them.

really annoying sometimes playing sniper against ai.

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......not to be rude, i understand most people like to assume someone hasn't checked all possible routes for an answer, i only know basics of config and the explanations on both sites are so short and vague it really doesn't explain it in a way i understand it. Again im not trying to be rude but if you knew the information was at one of those sites its just as easy to put in your own words and say "yeah bro here's one way you can do it. (shows example of how its done)" or something along those lines rather than being lazy and unhelpful with making a reply that really doesn't do anything other than add to your post count and take up space on our screens. a pointless statement is a better saved breath.

Here's the thing: You're coming here asking bottom floor questions. It's as if you've never cracked a post in the ArmA 2 editing forum. Usually one reads up a bit on this stuff and asks questions about problems they are having. I was where you were now and still frequently need to research problems and ask questions. Config edits, however, are the most basic of the basic thing. If you have 'explored all options' you certainly are not displaying the results of such exploration, ergo the suggestion. Cut the attitude.

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