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Proper Hexediting/Proxy Question

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Well, since I've seen retextures of units popping up with additional gear added by proxies, I thought I could give it a try, too.

For the concept, you would use the binarized model, change it's texture paths and then add it into another model via a proxy and add e.g. a hat, if I'm getting this right? Or is done another way?

I managed to get the binarized model into O2 as proxy and it shows up in bulldozer, however ArmA2 crashes when I use my texture-path altered model.

I read that you would need to hexedit the texture paths of the binarized models, however I can't get that to work.

I downloaded a hexeditor and changed these lines in my testmodel:

From this:


To this:


Did I do that right, or does the character count need to be the same, eg. replace characters only or can the texture line be shorter?

Afterwards, bulldozer and game alike crash. It can't be an config error on my side as when I replace my altered model with the original model, the unit loads fine ingame and in bulldozer.

Edited by Icewindo

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The character count needs to be identical if you're hex-editing the paths (Edit: except for the automated approach mentioned by IceBreakr below :)).

Edited by JamesF1

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I would recommend you to use MoveObject.exe tool made by Mikero. With that tools (command line) you can replace any path/name and length doesn't have to be hexame err same :)

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I would recommend you to use MoveObject.exe tool made by Mikero. With that tools (command line) you can replace any path/name and length doesn't have to be hexame err same :)

Hey wow, that really helped alot, thanks. That tool is indeed very handy :yay: , would have saved me alot of hassling when I restructured some of my addon folders.

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