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Island Jade Groove

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Lucky44: well, I'm waiting for a dedicated team to finish all Sigma cars for A2. I also got a promise that weapons will be added to some of these cars.




If you want weapons you need to specify what you want.

i.e - car has an MG pokeing out the front, driver has fire action on the horn cycle with left mouse click

What cars do you want this added to?

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Putting weapons on the Sigma cars would be kewl. Maybe we could make some "Twisted Metal" DM missions. Oh! Dayum!! Someone seriously needs to make a Twisted Metal Mod for use on Jade Groove!

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Someone seriously needs to make a Twisted Metal Mod for use on Jade Groove!

Hell yeah, that would be great.

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Does anyone want a JadeWars mission updated so it doesn't require ACE2? Any island update tips? ;)

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Ya a non ACE version would be great!! Its awesome, like all your suff is!

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I've finally found time yesterday to add my beloved Jade Groove to my website, along with info, media shots and download links:


If you're a fan of MadMax-like movies, try it out. Its a lot of fun with buddies in MP. Too bad I didn't find time to update JadeWars mission to be non-ACE. ACE mod changed so much in this time I doubt it even works now.

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Oh dammit, how did I miss that? :) Love your work i3luevein, hopefully I'll find some time to update this island/units one day.

Are you willing to help me out with the units - I have very little knowledge about making new cars, fitting weapons on them etc. so usually I spend hours, days making something like that...

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Hey IceBreakr. Where did you get the desert plants (a.k.a the cacti) for this map. And also I saw on the L3DT forums you posted a topic about Jade Groove so I was wondering where you got the red desert rock textures from. Thanks


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They are unique for this map. Textures were custom made for this map.

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Ok, thanks. Can I use the cacti. If you give me permission, what file is it in (logic tells me that it is in jadestuff.pbo

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You can use the original file, without editing.

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Hey IceBreakr, I'm busy trying to port my mission LOST to Jade Groove, and I am having a couple of issues.

- you dont use any NameVillage, NameCity, or NameCityCapital locations, just NameLocal.. Not a huge deal, but i know some missions look for the city names, since NameLocal's can be anything, like "Factory" or "Gravesite" etc.

- the bigger issue is the FlatArea, FlatAreaCity, FlatAreaCitySmall, and StrongpointArea locations. It seems you left in the config all your locations from Lingor! So, there all in the wrong place. Half of them are out to sea and none of them are concentrated around the cities like they normally are on maps. They are titled like 'AFlatC_Camara' so yeah, theyre left on from Lingor! Thought you should know! Anyone trying to run Warfare on it is going to have some issues!

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I could fix that easily. Hmm, but first things first - completing Lingor & Units project.

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Hey IceBreakr,

After markb50k ported his mission to jade groove, I've been playing quite a bit on it. I've noticed this one thing that is odd.. The actual size of the low lying brush in game is larger than what you see and its able to stop bullets. When shooting it can block rounds from passing overhead even when firing past them to hit the target. I thought maybe it was one of mods, but running straight vanilla shows the same issue. I've even noticed it at times when firing over/around rocks in the map the edge of the rock is far outside of what you can see while in game.

I did a simple test to narrow it down, by putting a pop up target in the brush, the large bushes allowed the target to be hit and cause it to fall down, but the smaller brush blocks the bullets totally and you have to shoot the brush until it turns sideways before you can shoot through it and hit a popup target inside. Hope that is enough info for you to go on.

Jade Groove is my favorite map!

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