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yeah it's done when it's ready but the 1.0 is already ready .... 100% in the dev team and they work in 1.1

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When its done erh yes.. ofcourse..

BUT we were given a specific time, but nothing came...

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i think they have a problem but they didn't udapte his dev-heaven page ... we should wait snif

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Who cares? You won't have it 'till it's released, posting on here won't change anything.

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correct , but we are really disapointed snid

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When its done erh yes.. ofcourse..

BUT we were given a specific time, but nothing came...

To be fair, The specific time was 48-72 hours, So it if you want to be precise about it, Then it could be this time tomorrow that its released

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Who cares its not like its on pre order :p

Im still waiting for releases from Armed Assault.

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When its done erh yes.. ofcourse..

BUT we were given a specific time, but nothing came...

It'll be done when its done. Thats cliched, but as developers we get to be cliched like that. ;)

We are at the point where we are testing hardcore with groups. This can find stuff that makes you go "oh snap" and have to go back and make some changes.

Everything is there, its just that sometimes people have found a way to make the really odd circumstance exist (like crashing out every person connected to TS3 using A2TS3 on the server or dropping en entire arma2 server from compounding desync).

So yea. Its that fun stage where its just one liner fixes and stuff you don't run into when you are only testing with one other person. ;)

We try to fix these bugs now rather after release because dealing with people that are too stupid or lazy to use the DH bug tracker and complain on the forum over and over about things that are already reported will just slow down the fixes because we then have to respond to them. If we don't respond to those types those types tend to get immaturely violent and post about how much x y and z sucks. So we'd rather give people nothing than something thats just gunna make our lives hard. ;) That is my blunt "just woken up" statement.

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hi , yesterday we make a coop 32 slot and the TS gone Bad (2 frequency for short distance and one for long range radio) sometimes we understand G2 (40MHz) in G1 channel (30MHz) is it fix in the next udapte or i find a new bug ?

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Who cares its not like its on pre order :p

Im still waiting for releases from Armed Assault.

Its very much on pre-order for me the clan im in, We are desperate for this as TS3 doesnt offer what TS2 offers (Channel commander)

I think i speak for all members of the clan im in, when i say we really hope you dont get bummed out by all the moaners. This is going to be as big as ACE2 was to our clan.

Take your time to make it right :-)

Im sure you already know, but ive heard rumours that using the VOIP in a large way causes massive desync. Im sure you already know this tho.

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Its very much on pre-order for me the clan im in, We are desperate for this as TS3 doesnt offer what TS2 offers (Channel commander)

I think i speak for all members of the clan im in, when i say we really hope you dont get bummed out by all the moaners. This is going to be as big as ACE2 was to our clan.

Take your time to make it right :-)

Im sure you already know, but ive heard rumours that using the VOIP in a large way causes massive desync. Im sure you already know this tho.

Our desync is coming from UI state saving. We reworked it last night, testing again today hopefully and thats one of our last major hurdles. We are debating implementing ACE wounding and deafness tie ins for 1.0 but we might hold off.

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Did someone take a bite of the im gonna be an ass sandwich today.. i asked one simple question and i get flamed. Come on, relax gang.

Im putting out an interest in the good work of this mod. But some of you ignor this and start flaming... you should be ashamed of your selfs. I am very disappointed to see such redicules behavior.


Thanks for a good answer. Keep up the good work!

Edited by RavenDK

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We are debating implementing ACE wounding and deafness tie ins for 1.0 but we might hold off.

Obviously it's for you to prioritise your own work but if I might make more of my case for restoring the server/channel connect capabilities of the current version. I just think they're so mind-bogglingly useful and address a major failing of the existing VOIP system for public server use.

Embedded is a script I use with the current A2T release which...



gvar_tscheck = TSCHECK_RECOMMEND_NC; // NB: Or use ParamsArray, but preset negative (not connected).

ExecVM "tscheck.sqf"

OnRespawn = {

switch (gvar_tscheck) do {
  CutText ["We suggest....", "PLAIN", 1.0];
  <Leave message up for some time.>
  CutText ["We recommend...", "BLACK", 1.0];
  <Leave black screen up for some time.>
  CutText ["You must have...", "BLACK", 1.0];
  <Leave black screen up forever.>



private ["_step", "_text", "_wait", "_base"];

#define TEAMSPEAK_GETUSER "[bwf_arma2ts][GetPlayerID][/bwf_arma2ts]"
#define TEAMSPEAK_GETCHAN "[bwf_arma2ts][GetCurrentChannelID][/bwf_arma2ts]"
#define TEAMSPEAK_CONNECT "[bwf_arma2ts][ConnectToServer],9987,password,%1[/bwf_arma2ts]";
#define TEAMSPEAK_CHANNEL "[bwf_arma2ts][switchPlayer]%1,2,[/bwf_arma2ts]";

if (gvar_tscheck < 0) then {
_wait = 3.0;
_step = 0;
_seed = Round DayTime; // NB: I use a PV for this but Round DayTime should hopefully do (must be the same on all clients).
if (Side player == east) then {
	_base = if ((Round DayTime % 2) == 0) then {17.0;} else {3.0;};
	_step = (_seed + 1) / 16;
} else {
	_base = if ((Round DayTime % 2) == 0) then {3.0;} else {17.0;};
	_step = (_seed + 1) / 16;
while {IsNil "bwf_breaksys"} do {Sleep 1.0;};
{	bwf_frequences_courtes set [_x, Format ["%1", (_base + (_step * _x)) * 10]];
	bwf_frequences_longues set [_x, Format ["%1", (_base + (_step * _x))]];
} foreach [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
bwf_frequence_ecoute_courte = bwf_frequences_courtes select 1; // NB: Or select short-range preset based on group (1-5).
bwf_frequence_ecoute_longue = bwf_frequences_longues select 5; // NB: Common long-range preset (5).
bwf_statut_radio_courte = true;
bwf_statut_radio_longue = true;
_text = "";
_step = 3;
while {true} do {
	bwf_breaksys = true; Sleep 0.25;
	switch (_step) do {
	case 0: {
		_step = 1;
		CopyToClipboard Format [TEAMSPEAK_CONNECT, Name player]; Sleep 0.25;
	case 1: {
		_step = 2;
	case 2: {
		_step = 3;
		CopyToClipboard Format [TEAMSPEAK_CHANNEL, _text]; Sleep 0.25;
	case 3: {
		_step = 4;
	case 4: {
		if (_text == TEAMSPEAK_CONFIRM) then {
			_step = 5; gvar_tscheck = 0 + Abs gvar_tscheck;
			CopyToClipboard TEAMSPEAK_GETCHAN;	
		} else {
			_step = 1; gvar_tscheck = 0 - Abs gvar_tscheck;
			CopyToClipboard Format [TEAMSPEAK_CONNECT, Name player]; Sleep 0.25;
	case 5: { // NB: Same as 4: above but with a 25 second interval following (i.e. refresh only).
		if (_text == TEAMSPEAK_CONFIRM) then {
			_step = 5; gvar_tscheck = 0 + Abs gvar_tscheck;
			CopyToClipboard TEAMSPEAK_GETCHAN;	
		} else {
			_step = 1; gvar_tscheck = 0 - Abs gvar_tscheck;
			CopyToClipboard Format [TEAMSPEAK_CONNECT, Name player]; Sleep 0.25;
	_wait = Time + 2.5;
	while {Time < _wait and (CopyFromClipboard == TEAMSPEAK_GETCHAN or CopyFromClipboard == TEAMSPEAK_GETUSER)} do {Sleep 0.1;};
	_text = CopyFromClipboard;
	_wait = if (_step == 5) then {25.0;} else {2.5;};
	bwf_breaksys = false; Sleep _wait;

1. Creates semi-randomised short-range frequency presets for both sides, these are guaranteed not to clash.

2. Turns all radios on and selects a preset for each player based on their group (simplified here for the purpose of posting out of context).

3. Connects the player to a nominated TeamSpeak server and then moves them into a nominated channel.

4. Continues to check every 25 seconds that they are still in that channel and moves them back if not.

5. Maintains a global variable indicating if they are using the mod and are currently in the right channel. I implement this as a series of degrees (the degree in use selectable as a mission parameter) if it's negative they're NOT connected and if it's positive they are.

This works 100% reliably for me and means that in your respawn script you can check the state of this global and post a message informing them they should get TS3/A2T and (for instance) warn them they will not be permitted to enter vehicle crew positions (and then enforce this). I think ArmA public servers badly need this capability and I would again urge you to restore it as a matter of some importance. Thanks for reading.

Edited by Defunkt
Fix typos...

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TS3 doesnt offer what TS2 offers (Channel commander)

Look into whisper list in your settings

Did someone take a bite of the im gonna be an ass sandwich today.. i asked one simple question and i get flamed.

Not a very sanitary thing to say which questions where it came from...

As this is a forum not a verbal messaging program, be careful how you structure your words as many are able to interpret it incorrectly.

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Look into whisper list in your settings

Yeah its what we, But its a bit of a mess with so many buttons

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Defunkt, thanks that is well written and will come in quite useful. If it isn't in the release version, hopefully we could wedge it in there with mission scripting overrides. (overwrite their functions, or maybe they will provide GVARs for customization)

NouberNou, jay, rest of team: Take your time and release when you want and when you think it's ready, not under pressure from the bs in this thread. If the release date whiners had a bit of initiative, there has really been nothing stopping them from making their own version that meets their needs, since the source is there.

Besides, on a big project like this, the first release after a rewrite is a big deal and hard to get all the bugs out. If it's pearshaped on release due to people rushing you, it will ultimately hurt the first impressions. I'd say make it perfect for yourself and your team first, and disregard the grabby hands because they are never going to be satisfied in the end.

I think you're doing an awesome job at everything so far!

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NouberNou, jay, rest of team: Take your time and release when you want and when you think it's ready......

Besides, on a big project like this, the first release after a rewrite is a big deal and hard to get all the bugs out. If it's pearshaped on release due to people rushing you, it will ultimately hurt the first impressions. I'd say make it perfect for yourself and your team first, and disregard the grabby hands because they are never going to be satisfied in the end.

I think you're doing an awesome job at everything so far!

Amen! :bounce3::bounce3:

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XATRIX, the guy with the Russian-Radio-knowledge should have contacted

you on DH and is waiting for your Requests. As i thought he would be glad to

provide help for this project. Contact him whenever you find Time to do that.

He already did some fotographs on a P-105 and digged for some (russian of course)

Info-pages on the web.


Keep up your good work on this awesome addon, i'm pretty sure

that A2TS3 will not only be more fun, it will help all squads to find

new Members contacts in this spreadet community of different languages.

My contact to XATRIX for example happend over the use of @A2T.

@all, to kill some time until the release:

Follow tihs link, and you'll maybe understand why i swapped over from the

AmericasArmy-Comm to ArmA. For a better understanding: AA3 uses

integrated Teamspeak3, and I dared to request the Implementation of

Positional-Audio while AA3 was still under development (11.2008).

Just read the reactions to my Post, and you'll find all the reasons why

such a feature is a "must-fail". (*sigh*) :j:


best regards


Edited by fREAk.

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... still waiting ... (about 5 pageviews this thread every day)

Edited by jaromaz

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patience, its ready when its ready!! :P just watching one of the videos it looks great!!

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hi , the new udapte of TS3 block a2ts pluggin.

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Jaynus has some real life work priorities that kicked up this week. We are looking at the best way to get things out ASAP. :)

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