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Metro 2033

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Those are the signs of a multi platform game, not console port.

The game uses all of my 4 cores, show me a console port that can do that? I can also run the advanced PhysX on the cpu cores as its multithreaded (cos I've not got nvidia gpu), again show me a console port that does that. This engine was built with multi-core in mind, the game was made to suit all platforms.

Multicrossplatform games are mostly designed towards consoles. Metro 2033 is no exception. It does'nt matter that it's using all 4 cores of my processor and that it uses the Phyx engine on my Nvidia card, the fact remains that i can't enjoy this game to the fullest because of those obvious console designed features. And to me that is a dissapointment. It does not mean i hate the game. I really like it, but those features can be annoying and sometimes even ruin playtime because i'm TOO frustrated to keep playing. If they would just make motion blur and PP optional i would atleast enjoy it a little more with maxed out settings to really immerse myself in the atmosphere and story of this great game.

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I enjoy the human vs human gunfights(wish there were more of them) and the atmosphere is great.

Im walking on the surface now and the whole gasmask thing is annoying me, to the point that I am

intentionally holding off the mask to make my ingame character suffer.

Where do these people get electricity from? And what are the gas masks protecting you from? If I only could be bothered to read the book, I'm sure it would make sense.

Edited by sparks50

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I enjoy the human vs human gunfights(wish there were more of them) and the atmosphere is great.

Im walking on the surface now and the whole gasmask thing is annoying me, to the point that I am

intentionally holding off the mask to make my ingame character suffer.

Where do these people get electricity from? And what are the gas masks protecting you from?

Yes, gunfights are good but AI somethimes behaves very dumb. Nevertheless the thud of the body is something great in this game.

Hand to hand combat is looking really awesome too. When you move fast with your mouse your sight is blurred and everything happens so fast, you try to hit your adversary no matter the cost, which looks very desperate just like in real.

If there were more melee weapons to choose from, ranging from mighty FISTS to blunt weapons like clubs, hockey sticks to tools of ultimate destruction like axe or railway sledge. Melee system should be improved too. Two types of attack and third mouse button used for block/parry. This would be really sweet. Anyways this game has a great potential.

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Metro 2033 is easily the best game I've ever played.

Well Besides ArmA II.

1.ArmA II

2.Metro 2033

3.ArmA 1


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I enjoy the human vs human gunfights(wish there were more of them) and the atmosphere is great.

Im walking on the surface now and the whole gasmask thing is annoying me, to the point that I am

intentionally holding off the mask to make my ingame character suffer.

Where do these people get electricity from? And what are the gas masks protecting you from? If I only could be bothered to read the book, I'm sure it would make sense.

The world in metro is full of nuclear fallout, so the gasmask protects the lungs from radiational burning. :bounce3:

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Then I'm sure you'll have some very clean lungs to go with that burned out skin, tumors and cancer :)

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Perhaps the gasmask is more to protect from pockets of noxious gases formed underground via decomposition of organic material, rather than radiation.

Just a thought.

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'cause everyone in the future suffers from a severe case of asthma brought on by a fear of open spaces.

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Or maybe its just a game?

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Or maybe its just a game?


true that!

maybe its just theres a lack of oxygen after all the nukes have gone off?

great game though, so much fun!

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So far, another corridor shooter, nothing special, nice graphics, very linear gameplay.

Hate the checkpoint system.

The book is probably a lot better :p

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Just finished it and even if it's corridor shooter it was a very good game,story,atmosphere,graphics,everything.One thing annoyed me was the "hold the line" moments.It's like they wanted to make the game seems longer introducing these cheap methods.

Other than that bring on Metro 2.

Btw,those damn librarians kicked my ass and they eat tons of ammo.

About the ending:

I got the so called bad ending because I nuked the dark ones,don't see what was so bad about that because they killed people when trying to communicate."We want peace" my ass.

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There was another ending? Fair enough.

The librarians are crazy. Unless you're willing to use all your mil grades on them then just look them in the eye and keep backing away til they leave, just don't get stuck in a corner.

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I did looked'em in the eyes and backed up a little when they get nervous\ground scratching and they left through their holes but some of those fuckers kept coming back.

Very bad surprise to find one of them behind your back so I just decided to kill them even if it meant running around like a headless chicken shooting left and right.

About the other ending look for it on youtube,you get it if you do some nice things in the game.

Edited by Krycek

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Whats the best weapon to use again those librarians ? I'm stocking up at Polis right now, not sure which gun should I take. I have my VSS bought at the Armory station just before going to the Frontline and VSS (non scoped) turned to be a tremendous weapon!

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The librarians are crazy. Unless you're willing to use all your mil grades on them then just look them in the eye and keep backing away til they leave, just don't get stuck in a corner.

They are easy, you can kill them with less then 10 shotgun shells from close range, just keep running around. I already had the shotgun with bayonet by then and sometimes i just stabbed at them to save bullets because i am a greedy bastard, not because i was low on ammo at that point. :D

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They are easy, you can kill them with less then 10 shotgun shells from close range, just keep running around. I already had the shotgun with bayonet by then and sometimes i just stabbed at them to save bullets because i am a greedy bastard, not because i was low on ammo at that point. :D

You mean you "weren't" low on ammo at some point... what game have I been playing then?

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I kept my Helsing (bolt airgun) for the librarians. Excellent weapon. All eight bolts placed in their heads and it's done. Next thing is to pick up all bolts from that head-hedgehog of theirs ha ha. This gun never runs out of ammo if you pick all bolts from the monsters body ;)

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You mean you "weren't" low on ammo at some point... what game have I been playing then?

On my first playtrough i pretty much rushed through the game without really looking for ammo, there were points in the game where i only had a couple of bullets left but at library i had plenty since I never bought weapons, just ammo and a combat suit, and you can buy ammo just before you go there.

I am currently replaying the game while searching properly for stuff and i am currently at the armory. I have almost 12 full magazines for my AK, 100+ bullets for my revolver (With extended barrel), 100+ shotgun bullets and about 50 of those little balls. More then 200 pre-war cartridges, though i am going to spend 100 on a stealth or combat suit. Maybe ill buy a new weapon as well.

Edited by NeMeSiS

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I never used that combat shotgun, really I find it kinda weak. The only time I used it was during the very early episode where only weapon next to your six shooter is double barreled shottie. It better to kill with well placed shots or knives.

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Yarr, the combat shotgun is useless. The first play through I made the mistake of shooting away all my money before I realized I had it loaded.

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Metro 2033 Free for Facebook fans

In short, if you like the game's facebook page (I followed the link in the article) you get a free Steam copy). Deal only lasts until the 17th I think though.

I confirm, like their page, click on 'reveal code'. Activate new product on Steam and paste the generated code and the game is yours, sweet.

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