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Vehicle respawn problem

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i have it so if the jeep is destroyed it will respawn, but i also want it to respawn even if its not destroyed so i dont have to walk 1000 meters to my next waypoint, and pick the jeep up again, is there any way i can do this?

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what kind of vehicle respawn script are you using? I'm assuming that there is a method of determining the position and direction for the jeep to appear in after it respawns. If so and you want the jeep to respawn where you are then you can name your player and have the postion be calculated something like:

_pos=Getpos Player1

OR you could simply have it respawn where it died with

_pos=Getpos _vcl

It depends upon the script that you're using.

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my SQS for Vc re-spawn just wont work.

I'm pretty sure my inits or correct but i get some error on "number" crap at every time a re-spawn should occure.

help me, please!

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Just copy and paste the following into a file named vrs.sqs. For every vehicle that you want to respawn it's easy to implement. Create a vehicle. In the initialization field of the vehicle put in this:

[this]exec "vrs.sqs"

Then you can copy and paste as much as you want and just change the vehicle type to whatever you want. If you look at the script you can see that it detects vehicle types by going through a list of them and seeing if it matches that type. If you don't see it listed below, add the correct type name to the list. You probably won't have to do that unless you're using addons though.

The way the position and direction are determined is right when the script executes at the start. The position and direction the vehicle starts in will be the area that it is respawned into. If you want the vehicle to respawn where it dies, then move the lines

_dir=Getdir _vcl

_position=Getpos _vcl

and place them after this line in the script:

deleteVehicle _vcl

Then the direction and position will be determined from where the vehicle died. If you want the vehicle to spawn near a certain person, then that can be done as well. Simply change the lines to read like this:

_dir=Getdir Player1

_position=Getpos Player1

where Player1 is the name that you give a specific unit in the mission editor. There are other ways of doing this, but this might be the easiest for you.

I hope it helps!

Simply copy and paste everything below into a file named vrs.sqs, place that file in the directory of your mission, and you should be set.

;;BEGIN vrs.sqs

;;By KaRRiLLioN



;;to the mission to prevent multispawn

?!(local Server): Goto "end"

_vcl = _this select 0

_respawndelay = 5

_dir=Getdir _vcl

_position=Getpos _vcl




















_i = 0


? (_i > (Count _Vehicles)) : Goto "Skip"

_VehicleType = _Vehicles Select _i

_VehicleTypeDoesMatch = ((_VehicleType CountType _this) == 1)

? _VehicleTypeDoesMatch : _type = _VehicleType

? _VehicleTypeDoesMatch : Goto "Skip"

_i = _i + 1

Goto "Loop"




@!(Canmove _vcl)


deleteVehicle _vcl

_vcl = _type createVehicle _position

_vcl setdir _dir

Goto "start"



;;END vrs.sqs

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