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How to texture?

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Hey guys it could be cool if one of u could tell me how to texture, like im using oxygen 2, i make models but i dont know how to texture them, and i really need to learn how soo plz if one of u can help me will be great !! :D

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There are two distinct steps in texturing:

-Mapping the model (so the engine knows which part of the texture it needs to use on that particular part of the model), mostly boring but very important, a badly applied texture is just as bad as a texture that looks bad to begin with;

-The actual production of the texturefile, fun all the way (even when something turns out to look like crap imo :p ).

I assume you are interested in both, and when you said "make models", you didn't mean you already know how to map the model?

There are plenty of general texturing tutorials available online that you can learn from (Google "texturing tutorial"). For mapping in Oxygen2, I don't know of any tutorials.

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