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How to get units to board a chopper (Complex)

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Hey guys

I have a mission. A small team is on the ground, a team of pilots elsewhere. on activation of A radio trigger, the pilots board the chopper and fly to the pickup zone. The men, run over to the zone in HOLD, COMBAT, OPEN FiRE, till the chopper is at the LZ. Then it changes to Get In, open fire, careless. The get in is activated by a trigger synced to the empty chopper (at mission start.)

However, the chopper doesn't seem to land at the LZ, although the LOAD waypoint is sync'd to the get in point.

Ideas? there are no enemies, a helipad is right there as well.

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i know what you mean.., i bumbed in to this just today, the thing is you have done everything corectly, but 1 thing... i gues you are the group leader that needs to embark the choper so... once the choper is there get close to the waypoint and give the getin order and then the choper will land, if you want him to go to extraction, land and wait for you with the engine on is more tricky, it needs a script or a bunch of waypoints and commands...

the choper will never land unless you give the getin order.

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The whole thing is done using AI, but thanks anyway. This whole thing is nothing but framework....ughh......

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That is not the problem, although that is useful and will be implemented. The problem is that the chopper just floats in the air instead of landing.

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On the activation field of the waypoint for the chopper put:

choppername land "LAND";


You may need another waypoint in there before the load waypoint to get the chopper to move; then land; then load. From memory you dont need to however.

Edited by Rough Knight

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