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Campaign Missions in the Editor

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Before I say anything, I need to mention that I DID use the Search function first. But just a bunch of random threads came up.

So the question is. How do I get Campaign Missions in the Editor.

Im interested in messing around with the EW campaign in the editor.

I looked around in my Main ArmA II folder. Didnt really see anything. I see a pbo file called str_ew_directorscut but my thought on getting campaign missions into the editor would to just take the campaign mission sqm's and move them into a folder in my ArmA II other Profiles User Saved folder. But I dunno.

Some one help me out. :)

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For the EW missions you depbo the file missions_ew.pbo in your ArmA II AddOns folder. Go into the campaign folder and there will be a missions folder. Inside that folder will be all the missions that are in the EW campaign. Just put them in your ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Your name\missions folder and you'll be able to open them in the editor.

For the other official campaign and SP missions, they are located in the missions.pbo file in your ArmA II AddOns folder. The campaign is located in the exact same location as EW, and the SP missions are in the Scenarios folder.

Be fore-warned, though, that you won't get a whole lot of learning out of the EW missions, as Gaia has amazingly seemed to have done their workings completely in FSMs. So unless you're savvy with them, I don't think you'll find much. The other missions are easier, though.

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Alright thanks!

I'm just looking to mess around with them, add a few things to it just for personal enjoyment. What's FSM by the way?

Um not sure how to use Unpbo so help me out..

Edited by Enad

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FSMs are Finite State Machines. They're complex trees of functions that all revolve around what happened with each one, and you can make it so that depending on the player's actions, something different will happen. Karel made all 3 of EW's missions using mostly FSMs, which is quite an impressive feat. But from a beginners perspective, they might be far too difficult to learn.

To unpbo files, you first need to go here to download Kegety's tool package. Extract cpbo from there, double click the cpbo file and allow it to integrate itself into the explorer. Now, you can go to any pbo file, right click and select "Open". It will do the rest.

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Now, you can go to any pbo file, right click and select "Open". It will do the rest.

Sorry Zipper, but I'm hoping this is a huge understatement, or just a horrible explaination...

I've been looking to do the same thing as Enad (campaign missions in editor, not necessarily EW)...though I must admit, I'm new to the franchise and not overly experienced with the editor, or PBO's, etc.....

So I downloaded the tools you suggested.

Extract cpbo from there, double click the cpbo file and allow it to integrate itself into the explorer.

OK, did that.

So then I go to C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\AddOns....I find missions.pbo, and missions_ew.pbo (no campaign folder?) Should I mention that these folders look like Arma2 icons, and not folders at all?

Now, you can go to any pbo file, right click and select "Open".

Which opens my ArmA2 game, and gives me a menu which says "play (insert: mission names), try (insert: orange cone, etc.)

As I stated before, I'm a bit of a noob to this.

Either way, this doesn't look like the editor, and I'm looking to play with the mission/parameters...not play the mission, right?

So I go back and reread your instructions....

So maybe, I think, I'm looking in the wrong place. So I go my c:\Documents and Settings\my name\My Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\my profile, where I DO find a missions folder, empty. There's also a MPMissions folder, and a saved folder, inside of which is a ca folder, inside of which is another missions and missions_ew folder (not PBOs?).

These folders contained what seemed to be mission names, and the scenarios, etc...

So, I tried moving a trial_by_fire folder to the my_last_mission folder (I used the wizard once, I guess?) Upon opening the game/editor...no spectacular results.

I think it safe to say I don't have a clue as to what I'm doing.

depbo the file missions_ew.pbo in your ArmA II AddOns folder. Go into the campaign folder and there will be a missions folder. Inside that folder will be all the missions that are in the EW campaign. Just put them in your ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Your name\missions folder and you'll be able to open them in the editor.

For the other official campaign and SP missions, they are located in the missions.pbo file in your ArmA II AddOns folder. The campaign is located in the exact same location as EW, and the SP missions are in the Scenarios folder.


download Kegety's tool package. Extract cpbo from there, double click the cpbo file and allow it to integrate itself into the explorer. Now, you can go to any pbo file, right click and select "Open". It will do the rest.

So maybe I'm a dummy, but these directions seem to be missing some key ingredients...no?

The reason for my interest is because I want to know if it would be possible to play some of the SP only missions (trial by fire, eye for an eye) cooperatively with a buddy, perhaps via a little editing. I've read a few other threads here asking the same thing, but no one's given too definitive of an answer.

Could someone provide more clear, consise, step-by-step type directions for a newbie like me.....?

I'm not asking for a whole editing guide.

Just how do I get these missions from where ever they are, to in front of me where I can play with it, wizard style?

Thanks for anything helpful in advance!!!

Edited by Ben Endless

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This is probably because patch 1.05 for some idiotic reason auto-associated all .pbo files with arma2.exe (including ArmA and OFP pbo files, go figure) which also breaks the default cpbo file-association. You need to follow the instructions here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=92290&highlight=file+association

Which should fix your problems (easy to do if you're in XP). Once that is done, you can re-run cpbo.exe and when it asks if you want to associate files with it just say yes. Ta-daa!

Alternatively, you can use Eliteness or, if you want a tiny but useful tool, PboView which lets you browse around inside the .pbo's without extracting them, or only extracting choice bits (sadly for ArmA, so the built-in texview no longer works for Arma2 textures, but it works otherwise).

Good luck.



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