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we need this for xbox360

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ive never played this but my friends have,and ive seen it in action........im a 35 yr old gamer and currently play call of duty modern warfare 2.i would love a more realistic mp war game,and think it would be amazing if you could port this for 360.......is there any possability of this in the future?the ability to burn game disks onto the 360s' hd would mean you could install multiple disks into the console to get around the large volume of code needed to run such a demanding game....maybe if enough people asked we could make it happen.... :)

thnx..................... D3V1ANT 1

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My tip: Get a decent PC!

The A.I. of ArmA2 alone,

needs a xbox for its own.

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There's already a couple of threads in the general discussion forum asking this.

But it's most likely not going to happen, even if they did port it it would be a very dumbed down game and I can't imagine trying to play it on a controller.

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i pray they dont port it, turning in into another ofpdr disaster

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Wouldnt work out i'm afraid.

The game is too demanding if left as is, and we're not talking about making small changes either if it were to be ported to xbox360.

And then there is the lack of controls on an xbox... I just cant imagine this happening without being an insult to the pc version tbh.

This is the kind of game they make pc's for.

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Maybe......just maybe if you consolers bring back the Atari Jaguar controller, but even then you wouldnt have enough buttons for Arma 2 :p

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Wouldnt work out i'm afraid.

The game is too demanding if left as is, and we're not talking about making small changes either if it were to be ported to xbox360.

And then there is the lack of controls on an xbox... I just cant imagine this happening without being an insult to the pc version tbh.

I could never see it happening and if it did it would not be ArmA2 it would be so cut down.

This is the kind of game they make pc's for.

+1, absolutely... let us have some thing that are our own... we've paid for it (gaming rigs)

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get a pc you pov kunt :)

hahaha +1

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Get a PC you pov kunt :)

hahahahaha +2

A point well made.

But seriously, I don't think arma2 would translate well to console at all.

Somethings are best left to PCs :)

Edited by DaForce2000

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Good lord, elitist much people? Did you all forget about Operation Flashpoint: Elite on the original XBox? Sure, some things would be limited, but that doesn't mean console players can't have something like this too. I'm sure something like this could easily make it on the 360 or PS3 with low/medium settings of the PC version. Worst case scenario something looking like ArmA 1 with the ArmA 2 assets would probably be just as welcome on the console. Many fellow 360 players want a good realistic shooter, a lot more than the elite PC players would have you think.

Edited by BOTA:49

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I havent forgotten about OFP:Elite, but look at what OFP did versus what ArmA2 is doing right now.

OFP was imo smaller in scale (ArmA2's highcommand feature makes for some huuuge missions), requires less graphic power, it didnt calculate all the stuff about bullets like deflection like it was included in ArmA, and there is a whole shitload of new buttons to lean, and do all other kinds of movement that wasnt in OFP.

Simply put, ArmA 2 is a much 'huger' game then OFP was, and i think it will be much harder to put all of that on a console, and in the end i think it can only disappoint.

Hence why i said this is a game they make pc's for, it allows for all of that much, much better.

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I havent forgotten about OFP:Elite, but look at what OFP did versus what ArmA2 is doing right now.

OFP was imo smaller in scale (ArmA2's highcommand feature makes for some huuuge missions), requires less graphic power, it didnt calculate all the stuff about bullets like deflection like it was included in ArmA, and there is a whole shitload of new buttons to lean, and do all other kinds of movement that wasnt in OFP.

Simply put, ArmA 2 is a much 'huger' game then OFP was, and i think it will be much harder to put all of that on a console, and in the end i think it can only disappoint.

Hence why i said this is a game they make pc's for, it allows for all of that much, much better.

And the original XBox isn't even close to what the XBox 360 and PS3 are capable of doing. Consoles change too. As do their controllers. More buttons are on the 360 controller than the original. The PS3 has motion controls. Of course some things would have to be cut or changed, but for the most part the game would most likely be able to be kept intact on the consoles. You would probably have unit limits of like 144 total and things like that too, but still worth it for console players who crave these kinds of games yet never get them thanks to the big publishers.

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I play arma 2 on the pc and its the only game i play on pc and yes i like it but you pc fanboys sickens me.

Close this please.

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That might very well be, but it remains a console with limitations.

And personally i think the console gamers have gotten quite enough with their mainstreamed Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon and OF:DR titles to prove that it doesnt quite work out...

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And the original XBox isn't even close to what the XBox 360 and PS3 are capable of doing. Consoles change too. As do their controllers. More buttons are on the 360 controller than the original. The PS3 has motion controls. Of course some things would have to be cut or changed, but for the most part the game would most likely be able to be kept intact on the consoles. You would probably have unit limits of like 144 total and things like that too, but still worth it for console players who crave these kinds of games yet never get them thanks to the big publishers.

Xbox was released a year after OFP was released so technology was sufficient. ARMA 2 is 2009 and Xbox 360 is 2005.

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maybe they'll make it for the ps4 and xbox720 :tounge_o:, after all they said next-gen consoles and ps3 and x360 really are current generation consoles:)

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That might very well be, but it remains a console with limitations.

And personally i think the console gamers have gotten quite enough with their mainstreamed Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon and OF:DR titles to prove that it doesnt quite work out...

Have you programmed for the 360? How do you know it's limitations? The 360 is basically a stripped down PC. No, it wouldn't look as nice as the PC version maxed out, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be a good game. Do you play on the consoles at all? If you did and if you browsed any forums for console gamers for those particular games you'd see that a good chunk of the gamers do not WANT the mainstreamed version they've been getting. Quite a few have been asking for a real tactical shooter for a while. It still comes up almost every round of Call of Duty 4 I play online.

Xbox was released a year after OFP was released so technology was sufficient. ARMA 2 is 2009 and Xbox 360 is 2005.

Modern Warfare 2 is 2009, yet runs great on the 360. Borderlands is 2009 and runs on the 360. OFPDR is 2009, and runs on the 360. You're making the same mistake as everyone else in assuming that consoles are still in the Playstation/Nintendo 64 era.

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Have you programmed for the 360? How do you know it's limitations? The 360 is basically a stripped down PC. No, it wouldn't look as nice as the PC version maxed out, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be a good game. Do you play on the consoles at all? If you did and if you browsed any forums for console gamers for those particular games you'd see that a good chunk of the gamers do not WANT the mainstreamed version they've been getting. Quite a few have been asking for a real tactical shooter for a while. It still comes up almost every round of Call of Duty 4 I play online.

Modern Warfare 2 is 2009, yet runs great on the 360. Borderlands is 2009 and runs on the 360. OFPDR is 2009, and runs on the 360. You're making the same mistake as everyone else in assuming that consoles are still in the Playstation/Nintendo 64 era.

Modern warfare 2 runs about 200-300fps at full settings on modern computers and 60fps on limited graphic settings on consoles. ARMA 2 runs about 30-120 fps on full settings. ARMA 2 is 1000x bigger scale and advanced game than MW2 shich is a small corridor shooter with dumb as a sack of potatoes AI.

OFPDR is a simplified ugly piece of crap with dumb AI too. OFPDR has max 63 of dumb AI. The changes needed to make this game 360 compatible would turn it to a crappy game no-one would buy.

Edited by Leopardi

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Wouldnt work out i'm afraid.

The game is too demanding if left as is, and we're not talking about making small changes either if it were to be ported to xbox360.

The Xenon CPU kicks the pants of current PC CPUs, you know. Both the 360 and PS3 are insane at doing the kind of math that games need compared to our OOO PC CPUs...

Xenon can do more than *twice* the number of math-operations per second that my Q6600 can do! You'd have to have a top-of-the-line CPU, overclocked, to match a Xenon...

And then there is the lack of controls on an xbox...
Operation Flashpoint: Elite worked, didn't it? You know, perhaps figuring out how to make it work on a game-pad would actually be a good thing for the PC -- maybe they'd come up with some better menu systems ;P
Have you programmed for the 360? How do you know it's limitations? The 360 is basically a stripped down PC. No, it wouldn't look as nice as the PC version maxed out, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be a good game.
This quote wasn't aimed at me, but I do program for the 360 ;)

As I said above, it's CPU is twice as good as PC CPUs. Also it's graphics cards can do plenty of things that PC graphics cards still can't do, plus it can enable features that are slow on PC without any extra slow-down. E.g. transparent particle systems (smoke, fire, etc) chew up a *lot* of fill-rate on a PC, but much, much less on the 360 due to the type of RAM accessed by the raster-operation unit...

Edited by ActionMan

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Ok...... this is perhaps the worst idea I've seen yet.

Sadly, all the people who jumped to the defense of Arma 2 by pointing to graphics requirements missed the point. No, it doesn't matter how powerful the graphics engine is, it doesn't matter. It is the power of the human/cpu interface - In laymans terms, it is the power of a keyboard and mouse compared to a console control.

Arma 2 lives off Player Made Content, all those missions you play online? Barring the simplistic quick made missions, someone sat down and made them. Squads customising their uniforms, ACE, this was all made by someone with a keyboard and mouse.

Quite frankly, the prospect of trying to make something like ACE with an Xbox 360, or a PS3, controller has just become my vision of hell, and if you gave me a choice between making a mission in arma 2 with a console controller, and a walk across broken glass in bare feet, here are my shoes.

Next, there are dedicated servers to play online, so you need to buy a second xbox to run the games your friends join... and then you need to organise patches, versions... you are fast heading towards a nightmare for console games. With windows, a keyboard and mouse, you can play Arma 2 at its best, something that a console will NEVER match.

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I fail to see how even a limited console game will make the game on my pc worse. Would A2 xbox be the same? No, but it still be a good realistic shooter in the BI spirit.

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Bloody mainstream consolers..

Leave your mitts off this game. This type of game is BUILT for PC's. Want to play it, buy a damn PC, where the serious gamers play. I have a PS3 and an Xbox 360, but certain games are just not meant to be played on a console, you're just not getting the same experience. If you are real gaming enthusiast, you'll fork out the cash for a proper gaming PC.

Some games work for PC's and some for consoles. FPS's, RTS, Simulation and strategy are the domain of the PC, where they are experienced PROPERLY. Conversely, Sports, Fighting, Racing and Arcade (shooter, beat em up, etc), usually are owned by a console. That's why I have both.

Both have their own advantages. But for Serious FPS's like ARMA2, and other FPS's, RTS's, etc with are either complex or highly competitive, leave it to PC.

Besides, a 360 or PS3 would melt into a smoking pile of silicon and plastic trying to run ARMA 2. If people think it could run on a console they have no idea about games architecture or computing systems. Why haven't we seen Crysis on a console?

Yes ARMA could probably be cut down and neutered to within an inch of it's life, but whats the point? Face it, some things are just best done on PC... to get something as magnificent as ARMA 2 running on a console would be like trying to edit a movie like Pulp Fiction to get a PG-13 rating.

It just aint the same...

The mainstreamer console gen has half killed PC gaming, at least affected it to the negative, giving us so many games fesntering with consolitsis, cut down and neutered versions of what would otherwise have been decent games. MW2, OpFlashDR, R6: lockdown, Deus Ex 2, etc etc etc

I'm not suggest the pro-console guys here are, but the people who think Halo is one of the best FPS games ever doesn't deserve their opinions heard. But unfortunately that is where the money is and that is direction game companies are going, and the hardcore crowd are the ones suffering.

Thank God for ARMA2 and the guys like BIS and a few others who are still catering for the serious PC gamer market. Its few and far between nowadays.

And this aint a rant about consoles or console only players. Both have their place, and strengths and weakness, however it does make me angry the affect that the mainstream console brigade have had on the quality of PC games, especially in the last 5 years.

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Couldn't agree more. I don't own a console, but I don't consider myself a console hater either. Arma is just "too deep" to be able to convert in a good fashion. I'm using keyboard, and I'm having problems finding free keys and key combos to bind already.

All games that I used to love that have undergone a "console adaption", has ended up being dumbed down so much for the PC player that the games are not what they could have been. Console folks already have OFP DR, and that's about as advanced you can go wrt available controls. Sure it lacks the depth and simulation from Arma2, but console players actually seem to like it, no? :) The most hate oriented forum threads "over there" seems to come from the PC gamers.

I'm sorry, but I simply cannot see it possible a conversion where a keyboard is starting to show its limitations, to a platform being controlled with just a few buttons. And if it is tried, I fear it becomes dumbed down on the PC version to accomplish it. Like, no lean? :D

I wouldn't call the console gamer "less serious" though. And they have one big advantage, hardware unity.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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