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Suggestions on a mod manager for Arma2?

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I might start adding mods to Arma2 soon, and I'm getting the impression that I should be using a mod manager, rather than just manually installing them.

That said, what's the public vote on the best/safest/cleanest/more reliable/sexiest mod manager out there currently?

I have read some negatives against the Six[something] one that ACE2 is currently using. Was that justified, or is it considered okay? (I'm just trying to get a sense if there's any issues with it that I should be aware of).

I'm kind of on the fence about adding mods as it is, right now... mostly due to the fact that things like ACE2 SEEM to make things harder/more realistic... and I'm still quite green at this whole 'real military sim' world, and subsequently getting my butt handed to me on a regular basis, even on easy level. Granted, I'm not at all a run and gun type (..I love stealth and proper technique), but still have a lot to learn about 'real level' warfare.

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with regards to six updater, if you can spend a couple of minutes getting it running then itll make your life a hell of a lot easier for updating quite a few mods and islands. I find it to be excellent.

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I´m using Spirited Machine´s launcher and Im very happy with it.

and I'm still quite green at this whole 'real military sim' world, and subsequently getting my butt handed to me on a regular basis, even on easy level.

Better to start with mods that change the visuals/sounds only, then. PROPER tweaks, WarFX, JTD, Vop sound, Hifi, Chammy´s sound mod, just to name a few. After 2 or 3 weeks (or when you really know whats actually happening on your screen) you can start using gameplay enhancing addons.

Have fun! :yay:

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Launchers are good. However its not hard to do it the old fashioned way.

1. Download the addon (zipped/rared usually)

2. Make a folder named apropriate for the addon downloaded like for example @WarFX and inside that folder make another folder called addons

3. Unpack the addon files into that folder called addons you just made.

4. Add the mod to the ARMA2 shortcut you start the game with. In its properties you have a box called TARGET where the game path is. Add the mod command there like this:

"C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -mod=@WarFX -nosplash

This is how simple it is. If you want to play with more addons at the same time then just add a semicolon ";" between the mod commands like this:

"C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -mod=@WarFX;@Mod2;@Mod3 -nosplash

However a launcher makes it easier maybe in the beginning. Personally I have a txt. file with a couple of modlines on my desktop. I copy/paste them over in a flash when i want to run specific mods. :)


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Linebacker's launcher for me. However I endorse any quality launcher as essential if you use mods.

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I suppose the only real concern I have (and reason to normally use mod managers) is the ability to remove a mod (...not just deactivate it, but remove all the support/data files cleanly from the vanilla version or the vanilla+other mods version.

Is Arma2 set up so that each mod would be in a separate folder within the main Arma2 directory (so ALL the files are physically seperated from the rest)?

I suspect I'll just add a sound mod and a graphic mod, and any 'this definitely fixes an existing issue' type mods... although I'm perfectly happy with vanilla at this point (...aside from the obvious voice issue).

For ACE2, are you forced to use the Six updater? Not that I'm insisting that it is evil... I just know that I'll be installing ACE2 at some point (once I'm comfortable with vanilla Arma2), and want to know my options. What exactly IS the issue (with some people) with Six?

Also, where's a good place to view maps that are available? (or at least see ratings for them before downloading)

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