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Mimicking Taliban or insurgents tactics?

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Anybody know how to create a situation where the AI will retreat under certain conditions? Thinking hit and run tactics like the Taliban or insurgents might use. It appears stand and fight and attack seems to be the only real options given to the enemy AI. Even GL3 has no scripting to help create such a tactic, as least non i can see. It would be ideal if you could get an AI group to put up a fight for a few min and then embark on a fall back waypoint. You then could have a pursuit style game chasing the enemy from defended position to defended position. Are there scripts or methods out there that might be used for this?

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Hi, for make the OPFOR AI to retreat, you could make a script that when X percent of the OPFOR units are dead, then that activates some waypoints to amek 'em look like as retreating, but what they'll be doing will be to follow those way points, they'll not be retreating as we may understand a fall back move; sure that there must be some script already made in OFPEC.com for do this. Let's C ya

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well i looked over OFPEC but found nothing. little surprised there is nothing already dealing with, what i would have thought, was a basic requirement. as for going it alone on this one, that’s way out of my pay grade, but who knows over time. in the mean time i will look at ways to get around this, maybe a number of elements working together in some fashion.

thanks Wipman!

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you could also use the "allowfleeing" command, i think that if you put in a high value the group will flee/retreat after they have engaged so you could use that to do what you want. (for the use of the command check ofpec or a editing manual)

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thanks Joske,

Had a look over the OFPEC, nice site, but did not find anything I could use. The allowfleeing command seems to have no effect on in a test mission, but then again I don’t even know if im doing it right. Im not able to script having only got into this recently. Again, seems odd there is nothing out there. Is no one playing realistic missions based on AFPAK scenarios?

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thanks wipman, will let you know what i find.

can anyone remember perhaps seeing a mission that had these elements in it?

wow! bed time reading and then some!!!

Edited by KCB

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