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ArmA2 Point! (as in "hey you, go there" *point*)

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I was going to mention something last night about having a 3D pointer on the ground, because now that you can do a glance and see where someone is pointing I want to be able to show where the person is looking.

I would really kill to find an animation that I can manipulate to make it look like the person is pointing since that is really key for people playing on the other side. I mean if you were a sniper/FO and you were watching a bunch of guys I sure as hell would take notice if they began pointing towards my location!

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No, I haven't forgotten about this addon! :D

I been busy IRL (or lazy by some peoples definitions probably :p) and also distracted by my new MapPlus additions (and some crazy ideas about supplanting the entire ingame voice chat system... :couch:).

I did a bit of multiplayer testing tonight. Man ACE2 killlllls my laptop. I get like 3-4fps and desync and it is literally a meter of cable away from my desktop/host. Not sure why it dies so hard, its a dualcore 2.66ghz Macbook Pro and the CPU just chokes to death (though windows says its using less than 10% of cpu..).

Found a few issues regarding respawn and dialog initialization. It actually makes it a bit easier then what I had tried implementing.

Things are looking good though with all the other situations, including the speed adjustments to focus and view of the blob. :yay:

Anyways, back to MapPlus2 for now since I have been really hammering on that and, well, its easier... Happy Birthday to me btw! 24 years, 9 of them with this game in one form or another! :D

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Nouber! Hi. I don't mean to violent any forum rules here by posting to a thread that's literally 3years old!

But I just found your videos about this addon recently and I was shocked that this feature wasn't already in ACE2!

Could you possibly release this addon or maybe at least an script version for us to use or to possibly finish coding it?

I hope I work as a good stimulation for you to release what you have hiding in your back-pocket ;)

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I'd finish this if there was a decent pointing animation available. Otherwise it is sort of annoying.

It doesn't even have to be a good animation, just a simple arm out in front with their finger pointing. Just something so other people can tell when someone is pointing at something.

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I'd finish this if there was a decent pointing animation available. Otherwise it is sort of annoying.

It doesn't even have to be a good animation, just a simple arm out in front with their finger pointing. Just something so other people can tell when someone is pointing at something.

Personally I didn't think the animation was that much of a deal. You could still use the point function without it and it'll still have so much to offer us.

Also, as Khaki has said, I could live with the default animation if there aren't any better/alternative solution.

Why not?

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That animation comes with Arma2, and its a very fast up down animation, there is no way to pause it.

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Yes it's not perfect but I can live with it. Can't you?

No, cause its not doing anything close to what it needs to be. It needs to be an animation that is static until another animation is called. So your arm is out stretched the entire time. This is very important for any TvT play.

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do you know of a similar stance method , i mean configged not the visual RTM that is similar ?

ionly ask because i can make the RTM and probably config , but i dont know much about how a Gesture or Animation is actually assigned to a particular key stroke.

I have replaced the stepover animation before with something however i guess you need a brand new key assigned that doesnt effect other key game controls ? or will you simply script via switch Anim ?

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I'd just script it, if someone can get me an animation that has the model just point with one of their hands (and make sure the weapon doesn't look retarded at the same time) then I'd be more inclined to finish this addon up.

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I have one ready, for the crouched stance. I guess you'd need one for standing stance and prone?

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I think big problem these days , weapon must be put on back in this situation, because of Handanim for weapon , two hands must always be or should i say are forced on weapon ?

I see Blackmamba has one already so i watch in case he has answer ,then maybe also i can learn how he did it :).

Or maybe i inadvertantly anser ?, make invisible weapon and handgrip is the pointing animation ?

Edited by Thromp

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The point gesture somehow does it, though it can look funky sometimes. Speed is very important. If it involves putting away a weapon then its not going to be very useful. It needs to be quick.

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The point gesture somehow does it, though it can look funky sometimes. Speed is very important. If it involves putting away a weapon then its not going to be very useful. It needs to be quick.

yeah i just looked that ,

not easy task in OA is it to get something look nice with so many obstacle :) , kneel prone standing , gesture or Anim which way to go etc

anyway , i made new gesture but not good i`m afraid to keep this finger pointing and wehn lie down he pointing under ground ,very ugly im sure in your opinion as mine.

anyway i put here

playaction "newpoint" or newpoint2" hopefully config can help other if nothing else

config to see what happens

#define private		0
#define protected		1
#define public		2

#define true	1
#define false	0

class CfgPatches {
class thromp_pointer {
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {CACharacters,HSim_Weapons_H};

class CfgMovesBasic {
class ManActions 
	Newpoint = "";
	Newpoint2 = "";
class Actions 
	class NoActions : ManActions
		Newpoint[] = {
				"Newpoint", "Gesture"
		Newpoint2[] = {
				"Newpoint2", "Gesture"
class CfgGesturesMale 
skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton";
class ManActions 
class Actions 
	class NoActions 
		turnSpeed = 0;
		upDegree = 0;
		limitFast = 1;
		useFastMove = 0;
class Default 
	actions = "NoActions";
	file = "";
	looped = 1;
	speed = 0.500000;
	relSpeedMin = 1;
	relSpeedMax = 1;
	soundEnabled = 0;
	soundOverride = "";
	soundEdge[] = {
			0.500000, 1
	terminal = 0;
	equivalentTo = "";
	connectAs = "";
	connectFrom[] = { };
	connectTo[] = { };
	interpolateWith[] = { };
	interpolateTo[] = { };
	interpolateFrom[] = { };
	mask = "empty";
	interpolationSpeed = 6;
	interpolationRestart = 0;
	preload = 0;
	disableWeapons = 1;
	enableOptics = 1;
	showWeaponAim = 1;
	enableMissile = 1;
	enableBinocular = 1;
	showItemInHand = 0;
	showItemInRightHand = 0;
	showHandGun = 0;
	canPullTrigger = 1;
	walkcycles = 1;
	headBobMode = 0;
	headBobStrength = 0;
	leftHandIKBeg = 0;
	leftHandIKEnd = 0;
	rightHandIKBeg = 0;
	rightHandIKEnd = 0;
	leftHandIKCurve[] = {
	rightHandIKCurve[] = {
	forceAim = 0;
class States 
	class Newpoint : Default
		file = "\thromp\thromp_pointer\anims\newpoint.rtm";
		speed = 1;
		looped = 1;
		mask = "handsWeapon";
		rightHandIKCurve[] = {0,1,0.05,0,0.95,0,1,1};

		leftHandIKCurve[] = {0,1,0.05,0,0.95,0,1,1};
	class Newpoint2 : Default
		file = "\thromp\thromp_pointer\anims\newpoint.rtm";
		speed = 0.128700;
		looped = 0;
		mask = "leftHand";
		rightHandIKCurve[] = {0,1,0.05,0,0.95,0,1,1};

		leftHandIKCurve[] = {};
class BlendAnims 

	empty[] = {};
	leftHand[] = {"LeftShoulder",0.3,"LeftArm",1,"LeftArmRoll",1,"LeftForeArm",1,"LeftForeArmRoll",1,"LeftHand",1,"LeftHandRing",1,"LeftHandPinky1",1,"LeftHandPinky2",1,"LeftHandPinky3",1,"LeftHandRing1",1,"LeftHandRing2",1,"LeftHandRing3",1,"LeftHandMiddle1",1,"LeftHandMiddle2",1,"LeftHandMiddle3",1,"LeftHandIndex1",1,"LeftHandIndex2",1,"LeftHandIndex3",1,"LeftHandThumb1",1,"LeftHandThumb2",1,"LeftHandThumb3",1};
	launcher[] = {"LeftShoulder",1,"LeftArm",1,"LeftArmRoll",1,"LeftForeArm",1,"LeftForeArmRoll",1,"LeftHand",1,"LeftHandRing",1,"LeftHandPinky1",1,"LeftHandPinky2",1,"LeftHandPinky3",1,"LeftHandRing1",1,"LeftHandRing2",1,"LeftHandRing3",1,"LeftHandMiddle1",1,"LeftHandMiddle2",1,"LeftHandMiddle3",1,"LeftHandIndex1",1,"LeftHandIndex2",1,"LeftHandIndex3",1,"LeftHandThumb1",1,"LeftHandThumb2",1,"LeftHandThumb3",1,"RightShoulder",1,"RightArm",1,"RightArmRoll",1,"RightForeArm",1,"RightForeArmRoll",1,"RightHand",1,"RightHandRing",1,"RightHandPinky1",1,"RightHandPinky2",1,"RightHandPinky3",1,"RightHandRing1",1,"RightHandRing2",1,"RightHandRing3",1,"RightHandMiddle1",1,"RightHandMiddle2",1,"RightHandMiddle3",1,"RightHandIndex1",1,"RightHandIndex2",1,"RightHandIndex3",1,"RightHandThumb1",1,"RightHandThumb2",1,"RightHandThumb3",1,"launcher",1,"Spine3",1,"Spine2",0.75,"Spine1",0.5,"Spine",0.25,"weapon",1};
	rightHand[] = {"RightShoulder",0.3,"RightArm",1,"RightArmRoll",1,"RightForeArm",1,"RightForeArmRoll",1,"RightHand",1,"RightHandRing",1,"RightHandPinky1",1,"RightHandPinky2",1,"RightHandPinky3",1,"RightHandRing1",1,"RightHandRing2",1,"RightHandRing3",1,"RightHandMiddle1",1,"RightHandMiddle2",1,"RightHandMiddle3",1,"RightHandIndex1",1,"RightHandIndex2",1,"RightHandIndex3",1,"RightHandThumb1",1,"RightHandThumb2",1,"RightHandThumb3",1};
	handsWeapon_pst[] = {"head",1,"neck1",1,"neck",1,"LeftShoulder",1,"LeftArm",1,"LeftArmRoll",1,"LeftForeArm",1,"LeftForeArmRoll",1,"LeftHand",1,"LeftHandRing",1,"LeftHandPinky1",1,"LeftHandPinky2",1,"LeftHandPinky3",1,"LeftHandRing1",1,"LeftHandRing2",1,"LeftHandRing3",1,"LeftHandMiddle1",1,"LeftHandMiddle2",1,"LeftHandMiddle3",1,"LeftHandIndex1",1,"LeftHandIndex2",1,"LeftHandIndex3",1,"LeftHandThumb1",1,"LeftHandThumb2",1,"LeftHandThumb3",1,"RightShoulder",1,"RightArm",1,"RightArmRoll",1,"RightForeArm",1,"RightForeArmRoll",1,"RightHand",1,"RightHandRing",1,"RightHandPinky1",1,"RightHandPinky2",1,"RightHandPinky3",1,"RightHandRing1",1,"RightHandRing2",1,"RightHandRing3",1,"RightHandMiddle1",1,"RightHandMiddle2",1,"RightHandMiddle3",1,"RightHandIndex1",1,"RightHandIndex2",1,"RightHandIndex3",1,"RightHandThumb1",1,"RightHandThumb2",1,"RightHandThumb3",1,"Spine",0.2,"Spine1",0.3,"Spine2",1,"Spine3",1};
	handsWeapon[] = {"head",1,"neck1",1,"neck",1,"weapon",1,"LeftShoulder",1,"LeftArm",1,"LeftArmRoll",1,"LeftForeArm",1,"LeftForeArmRoll",1,"LeftHand",1,"LeftHandRing",1,"LeftHandPinky1",1,"LeftHandPinky2",1,"LeftHandPinky3",1,"LeftHandRing1",1,"LeftHandRing2",1,"LeftHandRing3",1,"LeftHandMiddle1",1,"LeftHandMiddle2",1,"LeftHandMiddle3",1,"LeftHandIndex1",1,"LeftHandIndex2",1,"LeftHandIndex3",1,"LeftHandThumb1",1,"LeftHandThumb2",1,"LeftHandThumb3",1,"RightShoulder",1,"RightArm",1,"RightArmRoll",1,"RightForeArm",1,"RightForeArmRoll",1,"RightHand",1,"RightHandRing",1,"RightHandPinky1",1,"RightHandPinky2",1,"RightHandPinky3",1,"RightHandRing1",1,"RightHandRing2",1,"RightHandRing3",1,"RightHandMiddle1",1,"RightHandMiddle2",1,"RightHandMiddle3",1,"RightHandIndex1",1,"RightHandIndex2",1,"RightHandIndex3",1,"RightHandThumb1",1,"RightHandThumb2",1,"RightHandThumb3",1,"Spine",0.2,"Spine1",0.3,"Spine2",1,"Spine3",1};
	leftHandInfluence[] = {"head",0.2,"neck1",0.3,"neck",0.3,"weapon",0.3,"LeftShoulder",1,"LeftArm",1,"LeftArmRoll",1,"LeftForeArm",1,"LeftForeArmRoll",1,"LeftHand",1,"LeftHandRing",1,"LeftHandPinky1",1,"LeftHandPinky2",1,"LeftHandPinky3",1,"LeftHandRing1",1,"LeftHandRing2",1,"LeftHandRing3",1,"LeftHandMiddle1",1,"LeftHandMiddle2",1,"LeftHandMiddle3",1,"LeftHandIndex1",1,"LeftHandIndex2",1,"LeftHandIndex3",1,"LeftHandThumb1",1,"LeftHandThumb2",1,"LeftHandThumb3",1,"Spine",0.2,"Spine1",0.3,"Spine2",1,"Spine3",1};
	head[] = {"head",1,"neck1",0.8,"neck",0.5};
	upperTorso[] = {"head",1,"neck1",1,"neck",1,"weapon",1,"LeftShoulder",1,"LeftArm",1,"LeftArmRoll",1,"LeftForeArm",1,"LeftForeArmRoll",1,"LeftHand",1,"LeftHandRing",1,"LeftHandPinky1",1,"LeftHandPinky2",1,"LeftHandPinky3",1,"LeftHandRing1",1,"LeftHandRing2",1,"LeftHandRing3",1,"LeftHandMiddle1",1,"LeftHandMiddle2",1,"LeftHandMiddle3",1,"LeftHandIndex1",1,"LeftHandIndex2",1,"LeftHandIndex3",1,"LeftHandThumb1",1,"LeftHandThumb2",1,"LeftHandThumb3",1,"RightShoulder",1,"RightArm",1,"RightArmRoll",1,"RightForeArm",1,"RightForeArmRoll",1,"RightHand",1,"RightHandRing",1,"RightHandPinky1",1,"RightHandPinky2",1,"RightHandPinky3",1,"RightHandRing1",1,"RightHandRing2",1,"RightHandRing3",1,"RightHandMiddle1",1,"RightHandMiddle2",1,"RightHandMiddle3",1,"RightHandIndex1",1,"RightHandIndex2",1,"RightHandIndex3",1,"RightHandThumb1",1,"RightHandThumb2",1,"RightHandThumb3",1,"Spine",1,"Spine1",1,"Spine2",1,"Spine3",1};
	Legs[] = {"head",0,"neck1",0,"neck",0,"weapon",0,"LeftShoulder",0,"LeftArm",0,"LeftArmRoll",0,"LeftForeArm",0,"LeftForeArmRoll",0,"LeftHand",0,"LeftHandRing",0,"LeftHandPinky1",0,"LeftHandPinky2",0,"LeftHandPinky3",0,"LeftHandRing1",0,"LeftHandRing2",0,"LeftHandRing3",0,"LeftHandMiddle1",0,"LeftHandMiddle2",0,"LeftHandMiddle3",0,"LeftHandIndex1",0,"LeftHandIndex2",0,"LeftHandIndex3",0,"LeftHandThumb1",0,"LeftHandThumb2",0,"LeftHandThumb3",0,"Spine1",0,"Spine2",0,"Spine3",0,"Spine",0,"Pelvis",0,"LeftLeg",1,"LeftLegRoll",1,"LeftUpLeg",1,"LeftUpLegRoll",1,"LeftFoot",1,"LeftToeBase",1,"RightLeg",1,"RightLegRoll",1,"RightUpLeg",1,"RightUpLegRoll",1,"RightFoot",1,"RightToeBase",1};
	LegRight[] = {"head",0,"neck1",0,"neck",0,"weapon",0,"LeftShoulder",0,"LeftArm",0,"LeftArmRoll",0,"LeftForeArm",0,"LeftForeArmRoll",0,"LeftHand",0,"LeftHandRing",0,"LeftHandPinky1",0,"LeftHandPinky2",0,"LeftHandPinky3",0,"LeftHandRing1",0,"LeftHandRing2",0,"LeftHandRing3",0,"LeftHandMiddle1",0,"LeftHandMiddle2",0,"LeftHandMiddle3",0,"LeftHandIndex1",0,"LeftHandIndex2",0,"LeftHandIndex3",0,"LeftHandThumb1",0,"LeftHandThumb2",0,"LeftHandThumb3",0,"Spine1",0.3,"Spine2",0,"Spine3",0,"Spine",0,"Pelvis",0,"LeftLeg",0,"LeftLegRoll",0,"LeftUpLeg",0,"LeftUpLegRoll",0,"LeftFoot",0,"LeftToeBase",0,"RightLeg",1,"RightLegRoll",1,"RightUpLeg",1,"RightUpLegRoll",1,"RightFoot",1,"RightToeBase",1};
	LegLeft[] = {"head",0,"neck1",0,"neck",0,"weapon",0,"LeftShoulder",0,"LeftArm",0,"LeftArmRoll",0,"LeftForeArm",0,"LeftForeArmRoll",0,"LeftHand",0,"LeftHandRing",0,"LeftHandPinky1",0,"LeftHandPinky2",0,"LeftHandPinky3",0,"LeftHandRing1",0,"LeftHandRing2",0,"LeftHandRing3",0,"LeftHandMiddle1",0,"LeftHandMiddle2",0,"LeftHandMiddle3",0,"LeftHandIndex1",0,"LeftHandIndex2",0,"LeftHandIndex3",0,"LeftHandThumb1",0,"LeftHandThumb2",0,"LeftHandThumb3",0,"Spine1",0,"Spine2",0,"Spine3",0,"Spine",0,"Pelvis",0,"LeftLeg",1,"LeftLegRoll",1,"LeftUpLeg",1,"LeftUpLegRoll",1,"LeftFoot",1,"LeftToeBase",1,"RightLeg",0,"RightLegRoll",0,"RightUpLeg",0,"RightUpLegRoll",0,"RightFoot",0,"RightToeBase",0};
	BodyFull[] = {"head",1,"neck1",1,"neck",1,"weapon",1,"LeftShoulder",1,"LeftArm",1,"LeftArmRoll",1,"LeftForeArm",1,"LeftForeArmRoll",1,"LeftHand",1,"LeftHandRing",1,"LeftHandPinky1",1,"LeftHandPinky2",1,"LeftHandPinky3",1,"LeftHandRing1",1,"LeftHandRing2",1,"LeftHandRing3",1,"LeftHandMiddle1",1,"LeftHandMiddle2",1,"LeftHandMiddle3",1,"LeftHandIndex1",1,"LeftHandIndex2",1,"LeftHandIndex3",1,"LeftHandThumb1",1,"LeftHandThumb2",1,"LeftHandThumb3",1,"Spine1",1,"Spine2",1,"Spine3",1,"Spine",1,"Pelvis",1,"LeftLeg",1,"LeftLegRoll",1,"LeftUpLeg",1,"LeftUpLegRoll",1,"LeftFoot",1,"LeftToeBase",1,"RightLeg",1,"RightLegRoll",1,"RightUpLeg",1,"RightUpLegRoll",1,"RightFoot",1,"RightToeBase",1};
	BodyHalf[] = {"head",0.01,"neck1",0.01,"neck",0.01,"weapon",0.01,"LeftShoulder",0.01,"LeftArm",0.01,"LeftArmRoll",0.01,"LeftForeArm",0.01,"LeftForeArmRoll",0.01,"LeftHand",0.01,"LeftHandRing",0.01,"LeftHandPinky1",0.01,"LeftHandPinky2",0.01,"LeftHandPinky3",0.01,"LeftHandRing1",0.01,"LeftHandRing2",0.01,"LeftHandRing3",0.01,"LeftHandMiddle1",0.01,"LeftHandMiddle2",0.01,"LeftHandMiddle3",0.01,"LeftHandIndex1",0.01,"LeftHandIndex2",0.01,"LeftHandIndex3",0.01,"LeftHandThumb1",0.01,"LeftHandThumb2",0.01,"LeftHandThumb3",0.01,"Spine1",0.01,"Spine2",0.01,"Spine3",0.01,"Spine",0.01,"Pelvis",0.01,"LeftLeg",0.01,"LeftLegRoll",0.01,"LeftUpLeg",0.01,"LeftUpLegRoll",0.01,"LeftFoot",0.01,"LeftToeBase",0.01,"RightLeg",0.01,"RightLegRoll",0.01,"RightUpLeg",0.01,"RightUpLegRoll",0.01,"RightFoot",0.01,"RightToeBase",0.01};



And Addon .


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To be honest i didn't even think about doing that and just created a static animation (my f#@%*ng Oxygen crashed again and i had to redo everything, so it's not as beautiful as it was. Will need some more time on it).

Edit: The config is absolutely fucked up,i'll see that later, but the (ugly) animation is in. Here is the pbo.

The anim is named bmbpoint_crch. It can be played with playmove from the prone position, even though it takes a random amount of time before being played (i never understood anything to anims configs, and that interpolatefrom is a mystery to me. Switchmove will do it immediately though).

And the right hand is really ugly, i know. will fix. And the third person's messed up too.

Edited by BlackMamb

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