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Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?  

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  1. 1. Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes

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I can tell some about this:

- when using ACE2 with GL4 AI difficult level on, its true AI wont hit you, even when they are very close

- I usually turn the enemy AI difficult level off

- I tried with ACE2 and ZEUS and the AI is hard. Really hard. With Zeus mod the enemy needs only a glimpse of time and they hit you.

- Right now I use ACE2 without Zeus and with GL4 enemy AI difficult level off.

And the AI is realistic for me.

- Solution:

#1 use ACE2 AI only

#2 use ACE2 with Zeus AI for ACE together - very hard

#3 use GL4 AI difficult level only, (disable ACE2 AI, dont know how though)

#4 use ACE2 with GL4 AI difficult level enable, BUT then you have to adjust the settings in the userconfig for all values like: aiming accuracy, aiming shake, aiming speed....


Could please answer my question about turning on/off the HQ radio for player?

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Could please answer my question about turning on/off the HQ radio for player?

Oh sorry i have missid this question...

So far the leader of a group can tell his units to turn the "H.Q. Radio" On/Off only.

The leader do not use this feature.


why GL4 no longer updated on Six-updater?

May Sickboy have not recognized that there is a new version available or may currently he is busy with other things.

I'm sure he will add the latest version as soon as he find some time.

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Group Link 4 Work In Progress Videos:



This show's the "A.I. Backblast" angle safe zone way better. Pretty funny i think. :D

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OK, so I downloaded GL4 last night and tried loading up Arma2 with it. I tried figuring out if it was active/doing anything, so better start reading the readme pdf, right? I must admit, the "initialization" and "create modules" thing is a bit complex to me, so I have a few basic questions, please (have read the FAQ):

Will GL4 improve old missions immediately, such as the SP scenarios or do I need to do something first? Ie. does it only work for missions that have been built for GL4?

CBA seems to be needed, but is not mentioned as a required Mod on the front page of this thread. Is it optional and what bad things will happen if I do not have it loaded?

I am sure that these things are obvious to mod- and mission-developers. I am neither, so please bear with me :o


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Not a problem.

Here is how it works:

If you use C.B.A. then everything of Group Link 4 will be initialized by default.

This means you don't need to do anything all features of Group Link 4 will be available in every mission in single and multiplayer.

does it only work for missions that have been built for GL4?

Nope Group Link 4 works with every single mission and campain.

Only thing is that Group Link 4 may will brake mission objectives becouse enemy A.I. groups request A.I. friendly to them even if the friendly A.I. group was supposed to protect something in the mission for example.

In this case you can use the "Group Link 4: Static" module to make enemy A.I. groups not requestable as reinforcement.

C.B.A. is not required but if you don't use them then you need to initialize Group Link 4 in the mission by using the given "Group Link 4" modules.

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Allright, thanks SNKMAN for that very quick reply.

When you say "enemy A.I. groups request A.I. friendly to them" do you mean that enemy AI joins forces with friendly AI (my guys) ? That would seem odd, indeed ....

I'll try it out tonight with CBA and see what happens.



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Nope EAST can request other EAST units only if independent was set friendly to EAST then EAST can request independent units too.

Yes best thing you can do is simply trying. ;)

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LOL -that evasive backblast move is pretty sweet, you definitely have a knack for overiding default AI behaviour!

Is it possible to allow the player to Force Move his Ai into actual locations rather then just to his position? Meaning, if I wanted to Force an AI to rapidly run to a static AT defense right before tanks start rolling in so that he wouldn't stop for anything but get to that position at all costs.

It would be cool if GL4 could calculate if too many of your AI were killed while under such an order and if the number were too high, they'd reply "Negative sir", so that you'd have to be careful about using it.

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Yeah A.I. now piss in their pants if behina a "Rocket Launcher". :D

knack? lol never heared but i think i know what you mean by this. :)

Is it possible to allow the player to Force Move his Ai into actual locations rather then just to his position? Meaning, if I wanted to Force an AI to rapidly run to a static AT defense right before tanks start rolling in so that he wouldn't stop for anything but get to that position at all costs.

It would be cool if GL4 could calculate if too many of your AI were killed while under such an order and if the number were too high, they'd reply "Negative sir", so that you'd have to be careful about using it.

Yeah good suggestions.

Specially the second. It would be really cool if A.I. do not follow the "Force Move" order directly every time or after you have motivated them in any situation and way.

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All I can say is WOW. You have made one fantastic mod.

I do have a question. Is it possible on the helicopter HC. Once you group the helo. Go to destination or get picked up. To be able to tell the helo to return to base ( start location) without having to give a move command. Then a land command once it gets there?


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Okay enemy A.I. will now search for enemy in "Buildings" where they have seen them.

You made something wrong in your "New House Test" example.

1. You don't need to synchronize the "Group Link 4: Special FX" module with something. It's enough if you create the module.

2. In your example you are trying to make enemy A.I. ( West ) search a building where a none player leaded A.I. ( East ) is hiding.

Enemy A.I. do only react to the player ( units of a player group ) thats the main reason why enemy A.I. do never search in the building you are looking for.


Sorry i do not exactly understand what you wanna to do?

You can select the helicopter with the F - Key and use Map - Click to make the helicopter fly where ever you want.

If you cancel the helicopter request then the requested helicopters will fly back to the base and land.

So what exactly do you need?


Thanks :)

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Hehe, "knack" generally means an unusual ability - I forget that most people here aren't American, part of our ethno-centric upbringing :p

Cool bananas about the house clearing, I''l give that a shot with my own group in the house positions instead.

Since you seem to have a really high level understanding of the AI, do you know what prevents them from firing thru windows? House standoff's would be kicka$$ if that worked properly.

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I will test it some more, but for some reason when I cancelled a helo. It will just stop where ever it is at and not do another thing.


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Many thanks for your continued improvements. Here's an idea (sorry if this was brought up already):

Can you make AI afraid of fire ? It would make sense when the fire inflicts damage on units very near to make them get away. It would also be great in combination with JTD Fire&Smoke addon.

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Hehe to me Knack sounds pretty much german. :)

do you know what prevents them from firing thru windows?

Hmm... i don't know why they don't shoot out of the window.

May they simply do not recognize ( ignored by the engine or house model ) that a window is right in front of them.


It will just stop where ever it is at and not do another thing.

Sounds strange...

In single or multiplayer? What exactly have you all done with the helicopter?

Did you request it and fly around with it?

Where have you been as you have the cancelled the helicopter request? Inside the helicopter or somewhere else on the ground?


Can you make AI afraid of fire?

I could but i don't think that i will do it.

I think you are thinking about JTD Fire & Smoke in the first place. Right?

Even if i would make A.I. afraid of fire then they would not be afraid of fire created by JTD.

Fire is a particle which can not be checked for anything. You need a object which you can check to get the distance between the A.I. and the fire.

So this must be made by JTD.

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It would be really cool if A.I. do not follow the "Force Move" order directly every time or after you have motivated them in any situation and way.

Maybe this could be tied to the units' "courage" attribute? Killed friendly units allready do affect the courage of the survivors, no? So units with too low courage would refuse to Force Move to dangerous areas. This could ruin the whole idea of the Force Move, though, so careful implementation is needed. But if someone can pull it off, it's you SNK ;)

It might be a good idea to always allow units to "Force Move" away from enemy so they won't stand around to be shot, like they do in unmodded ArmA2 :)

Edited by dialektiikka

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I like the idea of using force move to direct where you want the AI to move. Dont get me wrong because the feature the way it is now is a dream come true. The AI were getting their asses handed to them and I was behind a few trees and used the force move and they came running without delay. Even the injured ones crawled to my position ASAP!! I love it. This is one of the greatest features ever.

SNKMAN, if you can get it to work so that we can force move to any position, that would be the best.

I need to test the HQ Radio function again. I still don't get it. Does it actually provide functionality or just chatter? If I tell all my men to turn it on, will that enable them to call reinforcements? Can you clarify this for me? Also, you said that friendly reinforcements is broken right now right?

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Sounds strange...

In single or multiplayer? What exactly have you all done with the helicopter?

Did you request it and fly around with it?

Where have you been as you have the cancelled the helicopter request? Inside the helicopter or somewhere else on the ground?

I was editing a mission(went into preview) when I was testing this. I will test in a MP game and see if it makes a difference.

I had requested the helo, flew around, landed, got out, and told the helo to move back toward where it came from. Then I cancelled the helo. At that point it just stopped in midair/midflight. I also tried it where I got out and cancelled the helo. The helo just stayed where it had landed.

I will try it again to night in a MP game.

I am running CBA, ACE ,ACEX, ACEX_SM ,GL4 , ZuesAI and VFTCAS mod to keep the AI pilots from crashing into everything.

I will also drop my mods and try it.

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The Force Move (HAUL ASS!) feature is the BEST feature in this version for me! hehehe! It really improved using friendly AI! I mean, I used to have to wait like 5 mins for a bunch of them to get to me under fire! Now, they are like shooooosh and here within a few seconds! GREAT!!!

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