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Texture issues

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The textures for my ADI scope are going weird when in O2 (and presumably A2), the scratches show up but the main colour (dark gray) is transparent or someting :confused:.

Any clues to the issue?



Model in Lightwave render


Model in O2

As you can see the texture either doesnt show at all or sometimes (no pic) it just shows the scratches but the gray is light gray (as tho its transparent). Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? I've done everything I can think of, saving in every option in PS and texview2 I can think of, really anoying me now :mad:

Edited by RicoADF

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Have you made sure you're using the _co.paa suffix in all of the names for your colour texture maps, when you convert them from .tga to .paa with texview?

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Damnit! I accidently typed 2028x2028 instead of 2048x2048. Urg. Now the texture seems to be bluring somewhat in O2, is that just O2 or am I missing a button for the saving?


EDIT: Checked in A2 and it comes out sharp, guess O2 doesn't render the textures full size :)

Edited by RicoADF

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