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UPSMON - Urban Patrol Script Mon

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what should be assignedAS unit which I want to sit in the turret [1]

eg. MH60 second gunner. ?

BTW (to getIn UPSMON do not use all turrets only turret [0] position)

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what should be assignedAS unit which I want to sit in the turret [1]

eg. MH60 second gunner. ?

BTW (to getIn UPSMON do not use all turrets only turret [0] position)

for second gunner/loader in m1a2 tusk use

unit moveInTurret [vehiclename, [0,1]];

I may be wrong with the numbers maybe its 1,1 but youll find out fast enough.

similar is used for chinooks, other helis multiple guns etc..

EDIT: did not read text fullly, assignAsTurret does not exist, not sure how to do that, maybe assignAsGunner works, so vehicle knows unit is in a gun position.

Id try that out.

Edited by Demonized

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Thats right assignAsTurret missing in arma2 http://dev-heaven.net/issues/2983, shame the ticket is so old.

if anyone interested : I did some changes/improvements to the last 5.0.7 (some ideas taken from this thread).

= 5.0.8 ================================================================
(1) FIXED: problem with "nowp" to generate target when no other groups around
(2) CHANGED : detection of new target/(generate new target) is longer just a bit. In Init_UPSMON.sqf : R_knowsAboutEnemy = 1.49; (original 0.5)

== 5.0.7 !R-8a ==========================================================
(0) NEW:  CBA is now required !!!.
(1) IMPROVED:  AI use smokes when s/o hit or KIA. In Init_UPSMON.sqf there are two variable which set in percentage possibility that team-mates use the smoke. Depend on hit (15%) or dead (40%)
	R_USE_SMOKE_wounded = 15; R_USE_SMOKE_killed = 40;
(2) NEW:  "nosmoke" - the group will not use the smoke at all.
(3) NEW:  UPSMON switches off "ACE wounds system for AI", as with this system UPSMON had sometimes problem to detect damages of the units. 

= 5.0.7 !R-7 ===========================================================
(1) NEW:  "onroad" - targetpos will be generated only on roads (unless unit in fight).
(2) IMPROVED:  new targetpos depend on the type of the unit (air, water, land) - > water unit only on water etc

= 5.0.7 !R-6 ===========================================================
(1) FIXED:  AI reinforcement had problem to get into helicopters (by !R)
(2) FIXED:  AI had problem to paradrop around positions of the enemy (stuck problem) 99%(by !R)
(3) CHANGED:  Civilians (UPSMON) do not take vehicles and static weapons (no more stealing). (by !R)
(4) IMPROVED:  Helicopters fly on safe altitude 

note for MissionMakers : UPSMON patrol vehicle after some time used all fuel and stop. Use a script to refuel the vehicles.

Download: UPSMON 5.0.8

CBA - is required.

Pls. let me know about any main problems.

Edited by Rafalski

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Hey Rafalski. Thanks a lot to try and improve the script. I want to test it but the link is dead though...

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Hi, thx for info. the link is fixed now.

Thanks for attending it. Will check it out soon.

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Can someone mirror that file please? Mediafire hasnt been working for me lately.

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Hi, thx for info. the link is fixed now.

Fantastic job Rafalsky, I let you rights on upsmon project so u can work on it.


If you need something or have any question, email me to chs.monsada@gmail.com

---------- Post added at 03:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 PM ----------

May be this is not the place, but I want to explain why Im out of programing improvements on UPSMON script all that time. I was working on two board games, now Im ready to sell it but I have no sense how to do it.

If any forum reader works in a game board editorial or have contacts or money can contact me?

Thanks for all,


Edited by Monsada

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Monsada, can't help you with board games but I can say you will be missed in the community. Thanks for all the great work you did on UPS. Good luck with the new project.

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It was really necessary to require CBA?

I liked this script because it could work with vanilla.

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It was really necessary to require CBA?

Instead of adding new functions to the UPSMON, used two from CBA. (create vector, add vector (in [X,Y,Z] format)). I needed them, but did not know how to write my owns.

Edited by Rafalski

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I appreciate your work Rafalski, no doubts about that.

I just think no addons required is the best option for a script.

Edited by Lonestar

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CBA will be removed from the UPSMON in future

at the moment for those who really do not want CBA in 5.0.8



swap with


Should work !

Edited by Rafalski

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Fantastic job Rafalsky, I let you rights on upsmon project so u can work on it.


If you need something or have any question, email me to chs.monsada@gmail.com

---------- Post added at 03:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 PM ----------

May be this is not the place, but I want to explain why Im out of programing improvements on UPSMON script all that time. I was working on two board games, now Im ready to sell it but I have no sense how to do it.

If any forum reader works in a game board editorial or have contacts or money can contact me?

Thanks for all,


Venga tío, gracias por todo. Saludos desde Argentina y mucha suerte con eso.

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Thats right assignAsTurret missing in arma2 http://dev-heaven.net/issues/2983, shame the ticket is so old.

if anyone interested : I did some changes/improvements to the last 5.0.7 (some ideas taken from this thread).

= 5.0.8 ================================================================
(1) FIXED: problem with "nowp" to generate target when no other groups around
(2) CHANGED : detection of new target/(generate new target) is longer just a bit. In Init_UPSMON.sqf : R_knowsAboutEnemy = 1.49; (original 0.5)

== 5.0.7 !R-8a ==========================================================
(0) NEW:  CBA is now required !!!.
(1) IMPROVED:  AI use smokes when s/o hit or KIA. In Init_UPSMON.sqf there are two variable which set in percentage possibility that team-mates use the smoke. Depend on hit (15%) or dead (40%)
	R_USE_SMOKE_wounded = 15; R_USE_SMOKE_killed = 40;
(2) NEW:  "nosmoke" - the group will not use the smoke at all.
(3) NEW:  UPSMON switches off "ACE wounds system for AI", as with this system UPSMON had sometimes problem to detect damages of the units. 

= 5.0.7 !R-7 ===========================================================
(1) NEW:  "onroad" - targetpos will be generated only on roads (unless unit in fight).
(2) IMPROVED:  new targetpos depend on the type of the unit (air, water, land) - > water unit only on water etc

= 5.0.7 !R-6 ===========================================================
(1) FIXED:  AI reinforcement had problem to get into helicopters (by !R)
(2) FIXED:  AI had problem to paradrop around positions of the enemy (stuck problem) 99%(by !R)
(3) CHANGED:  Civilians (UPSMON) do not take vehicles and static weapons (no more stealing). (by !R)
(4) IMPROVED:  Helicopters fly on safe altitude 

note for MissionMakers : UPSMON patrol vehicle after some time used all fuel and stop. Use a script to refuel the vehicles.

Download: UPSMON 5.0.8

CBA - is required.

Pls. let me know about any main problems.

I tried an old mission with the new script and everything seems in order. At times there seems to be a lot less shooting, everything seems a little more quiet now, though it's hard to say if it's related to any changes of yours. Maybe you could say something about it?

And since you're at it, can you try to improve the use of vehicles a little bit? I have problems when units try to use the HMMWV_998A2_SOV_EP1 for example. I guess it has to do with the multiple gunner positions, but anyway the leader never gets in.

Another problems is when units use a GAZ_Vodnik to reach the AO. At destination the vehicle remains manned, and the troops get out and do their job, but the vehicle doesn't move for the rest of the game. It shoots if targets are near though.

Also I use the RESPAWN parameter all the time, and all the time I see the respawned units don't get a destination for a long time. I'm not sure what's the cause of that. I like to think UPSMON is waiting to use them "strategically" :D, but in the end I guess it's some kind of problem. At some point everyone gets moving, but sometimes it's more than 5 minutes of nothing.

Thanks a lot for taking this project.


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Thank you seba1976 for you feedback. Could you open new tickets at http://dev-heaven.net/projects/upsmon/issues for each problem and attach simple missions to reproduce the problems. It would help me a lot, as I do not have to create mission myself to try reproduce mentioned problems.

"everything seems a little more quiet now, " try lower R_knowsAboutEnemy = 1.49; to maybe 1.03 or 0.5.. to get target faster, and let me know if it works.

BTW.. multi gunning.. it could be real challenge ... as UPSMON everywhere uses assignAs... but there is not something as assingnAsTurret ! :)

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BTW.. multi gunning.. it could be real challenge ... as UPSMON everywhere uses assignAs... but there is not something as assingnAsTurret ! :)

maybe try somethig like this?? :

_moveInTurret = {
	_gunnerarray = [[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[0,4],[0,5],[1,1],[1,2],[1,3],[1,4],[1,5],[2,1],[2,2],[2,3],[2,4],[2,5]];
	_vehicle = _this select 0;
	_unit = _this select 1;
	//_unit assignAsGunner;  // ???
		_unit moveInTurret [_vehicle, _x];
	}foreach _gunnerarray;
	(vehicle _unit)

_freeCargo = _vehicle emptyPositions "Cargo";
_freeDriver = _vehicle emptyPositions "Driver";
_freeGunner = _vehicle emptyPositions "Gunner";
_freeCommander = _vehicle emptyPositions "Commander";

_inTurret = [_vehicle,_x] call _moveInTurret;

if (_freeDriver != 0 AND (vehicle _x) == _x) then {_x assignAsDriver _vehicle; _x moveInDriver _vehicle};
if (_freeGunner != 0 AND (vehicle _x) == _x) then {_x assignAsGunner _vehicle; _x moveInGunner _vehicle};
if (_freeCommander != 0 AND (vehicle _x) == _x) then {_x assignAsCommander _vehicle; _x moveInCommander _vehicle};
if (_freeCargo != 0 AND (vehicle _x) == _x) then {_x assignAsCargo _vehicle; _x moveInCargo _vehicle};
} foreach units _group;

replace the moveIn with ordergetin or something.

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Thank you for your tip, but I wish It was so easy

I started work on group of functions some time ago that should let me exchange in the code all calls for gunner (if gunner, assignAsGunner, emptyPositions "Gunner", moveInGunner etc) for call turrets.

All things listed below (connected with gunners) in upsmon must be connected together and replaced with "turrets"

* there is an animation of getting into vehicle (not just moveIn)

workaround, one of the functions

// makes _unit run into vehicle get in and take turret position. with Animation 
// [_unit, _vehicle, _turret] spawn R_SN_GetInTurret; 
R_SN_GetInTurret = 
	private ["_veh","_unit","_turret"];

	_veh = _this select 0;
	_unit = _this select 1;
	_turret = _this select 2; // in format [i] 		
	_unit assignAsCargo _veh;
	//	to start the run use: [_unit] orderGetIn true;
	while {_unit distance _veh > 2 && alive _unit && (damage _veh) <= 0.9} do
		sleep 0.2;
	unassignVehicle _unit;
	sleep 0.5;
	if (alive _unit && (damage _veh) <= 0.9) then {
		_unit moveInTurret [_veh, _turret];

* if gunner dead, take one from the cargo

* vehicle can not move but gunner ok, place gunner

* gunner in static weapons ?

and few more

It's going to be done, but quite many parts of the code must be replaced :(. So it's going to take some time....

Edited by Rafalski

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Thank you seba1976 for you feedback. Could you open new tickets at http://dev-heaven.net/projects/upsmon/issues for each problem and attach simple missions to reproduce the problems. It would help me a lot, as I do not have to create mission myself to try reproduce mentioned problems.

I understand. It took me a while to get the time to post here, but I'll see what I can do.

---------- Post added at 07:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:24 PM ----------

"everything seems a little more quiet now, " try lower R_knowsAboutEnemy = 1.49; to maybe 1.03 or 0.5.. to get target faster, and let me know if it works.

Will do, I'll let you know but I'm sure that will do it.

---------- Post added at 07:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 PM ----------

BTW.. multi gunning.. it could be real challenge ... as UPSMON everywhere uses assignAs... but there is not something as assingnAsTurret ! :)

I saw that one coming :). Nevertheless, I think this is one of those things that will well worth the while ;).

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Uploaded: 5.0.8 R1

- CBA is no more required !!!

- Fixed problem 99%: reinforcement AI after getting out of the combat vehicle, often the vehicle did not move. (reported by seba1976).

If the problem still exists in your missions , provide me with a simple mission to reproduce it.

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Is Ace required for this? It won't load due to Ace modules in the mission sqm.

edit; i deleted the ace modules and it loaded.

Edited by Sick1

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