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UPSMON - Urban Patrol Script Mon

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Thanks, but I guess, that surrender probability is just a chance... If it is zero, the individual units will not surrender in battle time. But if the whole takistani army has 90% casualities, the UPSMON's Leader will order to surrender every remaining soldiers. I want to turn this off.

No, the % is the % of remaining soldiers left before they surrender. Meaning, if you have 100 takis and the variable set to 10% they will automatically surrender when 90 of them are killed. If you set it to 0% they will fight to the last guy (and he'll continue until he's killed).

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No, the % is the % of remaining soldiers left before they surrender. Meaning, if you have 100 takis and the variable set to 10% they will automatically surrender when 90 of them are killed. If you set it to 0% they will fight to the last guy (and he'll continue until he's killed).

Thank you! I tried and it works!!!:yay:

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Can anyone upload (for me to look at) a simple random patrol with a couple / seperate enemy units using UPSMONs script - That jjust has them patroling seperate parts of a small town for example...

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A quick question about artillery for west ..

I set up a couple of gunner with 2 M119s and put this in trigger activation field: KRON_UPS_ARTILLERY_WEST_FIRE = true;

Triggered by Alpha Radio.

Nothing happens??

Any hints are appreciated.

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Anyone know why the troops that I spawn don't go into fortify mode ?

[(units _spawned_support_infantry_group) select 0, "mk_mandoairsupport", "SPAWNED", "FORTIFY"] execvm "scripts\UPSMON.sqf";

They patrol instead (with a little number 1) around the cross.

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A quick question about artillery for west ..

I set up a couple of gunner with 2 M119s and put this in trigger activation field: KRON_UPS_ARTILLERY_WEST_FIRE = true;

Triggered by Alpha Radio.

Nothing happens??

Any hints are appreciated.

First of the wepon needs to have upsmon in the initfield. Secondly, the max range of artillery is only 800m while the safe distance (between target and friendlies) is 300m (or maybe 200?) so the "firefield" isn't that big.

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bloody reinforcements -

leader soldiers init line - nul=[this,"house","reinforcement"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf"

Init_UPSMON.sqf - KRON_UPS_reinforcement = false;

trigger_reinforce when object is !alive - KRON_UPS_reinforcement = true;


so why does the group just start walking straight over to "house" marker b4 the trigger is activated?

i can't work out the error.


if i want to have the reinforcement doing a patrol of another area first and then get called to reinforce later - how would i set this up?

h8 asking but it just isn't doing what i want it to at the moment - i think im missing something.

cheers Lighty.


ah i found the answer to both - sometimes you just need a break from editng to let the brain process it.

My solution:

In the init line of the leader of the group i put

nul=[this,"area1","Nowait"] execvm "scripts\UPSMON.sqf";

I have named the leader of this group "testguy"

I place a trigger on the map which has -

Condition - !alive radar

On Act - KRON_UPS_reinforcement = true; nul=[testguy,"radararea","reinforcement"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf"

Result: testguy and his squad will patrol area1 until radar is dead at which point reinforcements are requested and they are issued new orders to head to radararea.


one more thing - this code

[leader1,"PLA1","reinforcement:",1] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";
[leader2,"PLA1","reinforcement:",1] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";
[leader3,"PLA1","reinforcement:",1] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

only works consistently if the groups don't already have a task assigned.

for example, if i had 3 groups patrolling area1 and then triggered the reinforcement.sqf, only 1 or 2 of the groups would go to reinforce not all of them consistently.

if i give them no patrol to start they will all move to reinforce.

Edited by Lightspeed_aust
found the answer

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Use nowp or nomove in the reinforcement line. Then they will stand still until true.

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nul=[this,"house","reinforcement"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf"

They are NOT moving to reinforce the house area, that is just UPSMON making them patrol the area.

The "Reinforcement" switch just marks those units as a reinforcement force... not specific to the HOUSE marker you have put down.

When reinforcement = true that group will move to a units positon when they request reinforcements. You also need to specify the units reinforcement location (place to go when called).

Read this - http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1705872&postcount=582

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Hey all, i am having some small brain farts , with how to properly syntax the Upsmon code...for example(excuse my ignorance)...

e.g nul=[this,"town"] execVM "ups.sqf"...now if i want to use one of the many options provided in the script, Where would i put the new line of script?

example of what i tried:

nul=[this,"town","random","randomdn"] execVM "ups.sqf"

would this be the proper syntax or Coding?

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@ F2F_BHO;

Another example of how copy/paste is real fun, until somebody gets hurt! ;)

If you look, you can find a few places here and there in the instructions for this tool, even on the wiki for it, where there are minor errors. You have;

nul=[this,"town","random","randomdn"] execVM "ups.sqf"

when it needs to be

nul=[this,"town","random","randomdn"] execVM "scripts/upsmon.sqf";

Monsata was probably just trying to save time, so he copied/pasted from the Kronzky version that he built on top of, than you copied/pasted from him... and now your soldier dudes are paying the price.

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Getting debug errors "1: NEW INSTANCE, 1: THERE IS NO ALIVE MEMBERS 1 OBJECT, Initialization Aborted" when trying to spawn units with the script below:

Grp01a = CreateGroup EAST;
_leader = Grp01a createUnit ["TK_Soldier_SL_EP1", [(getMarkerPos "obj01a") select 0,(getMarkerPos "obj01a") select 1,0], [], 3, "FORM"];
_unit = Grp01a createUnit ["TK_Soldier_EP1", [(getMarkerPos "obj01a") select 0,(getMarkerPos "obj01a") select 1,0], [], 3, "FORM"];
_unit = Grp01a createUnit ["TK_Soldier_EP1", [(getMarkerPos "obj01a") select 0,(getMarkerPos "obj01a") select 1,0], [], 3, "FORM"];
_unit = Grp01a createUnit ["TK_Soldier_MG_EP1", [(getMarkerPos "obj01a") select 0,(getMarkerPos "obj01a") select 1,0], [], 3, "FORM"];
_unit = Grp01a createUnit ["TK_Soldier_Medic_EP1", [(getMarkerPos "obj01a") select 0,(getMarkerPos "obj01a") select 1,0], [], 3, "FORM"];
_leader = leader Grp01a;
_leader setunitrank sergeant;
[_leader,"obj01","move","nofollow","delete:",600] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";
{_x setSkill 1.00} foreach units Grp01a;

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ok so back to square one of reinforcements - i just cant figure this out although i know it should be simple.

group1 sits in a camp doing a patrol of their camp - camp1

group2 is 500m down the road guarding a radar but the radar is destroyed - this should trigger group1 to abandon their camp and reinforce camp2.

i have tried nearly every method i can think of using the code i have seen to make group1 patrol but then reinforce - either they just keep patrolling and dont move to reinforce or,

they immediately head towards camp2 when init_upsmon.sqf is run.

the trigger is !alive radar

please fill in the rest bcoz i am stuck.

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my latest attempt -

in leader soldier init - nul=[this,"test","move","reinforcement","delete:",100,"fortify"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

so they will initially fortify the area they are in - gr8.

but my trigger - when blufor present:

KRON_UPS_reinforcement = true; KRON_UPS_reinforcement_pos = getmarkerpos "test";

the group will not stop fortifying and head to "test" zone?

why not?

and while im at it what does "delete:",100," this bit mean?


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You're very close Light. But you're asking your guys to reinforce the area they were already patrolling. You need to change one of your marker names, or add a marker, or something.

You have "test" in your leaders init line, so that means there should be a marker area around where he starts that is called "test".

But you also have that as the area he is supposed to go reinforce. Does not compute. You need to have them start patrolling one marker area, and then go to reinforce a seperate one, like you were doing here:

Scenario - I have OPFOR group1 fortifying a military outpost (marker = outpost1) using upsmon.

BLUFOR assaults an oil refinery (marker = oil1) and this triggers group1 to drop their current upsmon and reinforce the oil refinery. But how do I get them to take on this new move?

If you're trying to get them to go when the radar tower is destroyed, that's fine, but put a marker around it, and use that new marker name in your activation.

So ... maybe put a marker around your radar called "radar", and change your activation line to;

KRON_UPS_reinforcement = true; KRON_UPS_reinforcement_pos = getmarkerpos "radar";

Try it a bit more, but if you still can't get it, slap it on rapidshare, and I'll do a quick edit for you. Like, for example... do you do any solo and/or listen-server coop playing? Cause I have a reinforcement dealy in here;


You could play through it and see them paratroop in as reinforcements, tell me what you think? Maybe? ;) Or just de-pbo it and look at it.

The "delete" bit is explained in first post;

// delete:n = Delete dead units after 'n' seconds.

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tried changing the area to head to but they dont go to/see it - the debug does not show that they register "test" zone.

cant depbo it bcoz i dont have panthera

Edited by Lightspeed_aust

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hey lightspeed, as you know I´m not a pro scripter, but if ya like, you could upload your mission and I would have a look.

I´m trying also to work a lot with UPSMON, but there are still a few open questions!

Maybe somebody could help me with my actual problem!?

How to use the parameter "spawned"? Or better, how am I spawning these groups during the runtime of the mission?


nul=[this,"town","spawned"] execVM "UPSscripts\upsmon.sqf";

......has to be in the init line of the group, but how the hell am I calling the group on map?

I´ve searched the forum for this and yep, I know that the "spawned"-parameter has been mentioned a few times, but I can´t find a proper solution. I know that there is a spawn-module which works with a template group, but this can´t be the only way..., right?

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To the best of my understanding, the "spawned" option is for when you are "spawning" ai and then running them through UPSMON.

I used this option when utilizing Murklors Editor placed spawning script. (not 100% on the name there) But in effect, because I was spawning the units after game initializaiton, I need the "spawned" parameter to make the ai work right under UPSMON.

Hope it helps,


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hey lightspeed, as you know I´m not a pro scripter, but if ya like, you could upload your mission and I would have a look.

I´m trying also to work a lot with UPSMON, but there are still a few open questions!

Maybe somebody could help me with my actual problem!?

How to use the parameter "spawned"? Or better, how am I spawning these groups during the runtime of the mission?


nul=[this,"town","spawned"] execVM "UPSscripts\upsmon.sqf";

......has to be in the init line of the group, but how the hell am I calling the group on map?

I´ve searched the forum for this and yep, I know that the "spawned"-parameter has been mentioned a few times, but I can´t find a proper solution. I know that there is a spawn-module which works with a template group, but this can´t be the only way..., right?

I've been working on the same problem and from what I can gather it's something like this:

MyNewSpawnGroup = Creategroup EAST;
MyNewSpawnGroup = [getMarkerPos "MarkerWhereTheyWillSpawn", east, ["TK_INS_Soldier_TL_EP1","TK_INS_Soldier_3_EP1","TK_INS_Soldier_4_EP1","TK_INS_Soldier_AAT_EP1","TK_INS_Soldier_MG_EP1","TK_INS_Soldier_AR_EP1","TK_Soldier_Medic_EP1","TK_Soldier_EP1","TK_Soldier_AA_EP1","TK_INS_Soldier_TL_EP1","TK_INS_Warlord_EP1","TK_INS_Soldier_MG_EP1"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
_leader = leader MyNewSpawnGroup;
[_leader,"TheMarkerWhereTheyShouldGo","FORTIFY","SPAWNED"] execVM "UPSscripts\upsmon.sqf"; 

Now please note the following:

* I'm clueless when it comes to scripting

* I've never spawned units before

* I've never used UPSMON with spawned units

* This is bound to not work, but at least it will give you some directions

* I think you need a Functions module on the map for the createGroup-function to work

Good luck :)

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For people having trouble, I strongly recommend to just start with something simple like [this, "markername"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf" and after you get that to work try adding a parameter and see what it does.

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Thanks for your replys gents!

@ Gnome: It seems to be a good idea to use Murklors editor spawning script for spawning and then have the AI controlled by UPSMON.

@Rekrul: Your idea looks also very cool! This could work without any aditional scripts like Murklors.....

Will give both options a try! Thanks again!!

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Wow this is a really great script! One thing I can't figure out so far (searched in this thread) is how the group cloning works. If I understand it right it should create cloned groups that also patrol around right?

Anyone care to enlighten me how I could get that working? :)

"min:n/max:n = Create a random number (between min and max) of 'clones'." is mentioned at the begin of the script.

In the scripted i've changed this:

_mincopies = ["MIN:",2,_UCthis] call KRON_UPSgetArg;
_maxcopies = ["MAX:",6,_UCthis] call KRON_UPSgetArg;

Now how do I activate it?

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Typical basic usage would be like this: (init line of group leader)

nul=[this,"Alpha","MIN:",3,"MAX:",6] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"

Thus giving you a minimum of 3 groups and a max of 6. All identical to the original group. One thing worth noting, in the past this did not work with groups that include or are comprised of vehicles. (dunno if it's been updated to work or not recently)



Edited by Gnome_AS
correct pathing for UPSMON, not UPS

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I have noticed serious FPS loss on ACE 1.5 Operation Arrowhead with UPSMON from armaholic, I guess you should fix some features for better cooperation with Arrowhead, Monsada.

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