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weapon fans of the UK

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because we are no longer allowed firearms (well we are if you are squeeky clean and join a gun club) but aint many squeeky clean folk these days.

i have always been a big weapon fan, used to be in a local gun club (pistol club) before they got banned. i wasn't squeeky clean so i wouldn't have qualified for a n FAC (FireArms Cert) but was allowed to shoot, which i fully enjoyed.

i have done plenty of hunting (mostly Air Rifle) customised many rifles from the action to making complete stocks from American Black Walnut.

currently own a Colt M1911A1 made 1945 Deactivated April 1986. but customised with Pachmayre American Legend wrap round rubber/wood grips and two toned.

also a Fal FN49 SLR never fired only dropped once. its a bit rough and tbh a bit ugly but its a little piece of history. this is also Deactivated.

BUT! i found a couple of cool sites that sell model weapons, pistols, Rifles, SMG's etc etc. they are scale 1/1 very well made and legal to own just like the DeActs only better. they actually fire and cycle rounds. they dont bang like the real thing or blank firer's but they are the sort of thing used in low budget films and reinactments such as history channel stuff on battles from wars gone by.

a perfect little toy for the big kid and would look real cool in personal display cabinets. a couple of links below, one is based in france that ship to the UK the second is UK based. they beat DeActs hands down because they do something. but at the same time they could get you killed just as quick if you misuse them and someone gets the trigger happy brigade on you.

http://www.modelguns-worldwide.com/index.htm french based.

lol after writing all this i noticed a HUGE announcement on the second link


of how gay our government have got.... i can't copy and paste due to copyright. but i currently have a question to the french outlet that doesn't have this statement. so i'll see what answer i get?

man we cant have nothing here anymore! ......... or can we?

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man we cant have nothing here anymore! ......... or can we?

Thats sadly the way the world is going. Unsafe handling by the few makes usual safe objects banned to "improve safety".

Things to consider, Airsoft. You'll meet several others with a interest for guns and its a active, fun and social activity.

As long as you accept that a BB gun is only that, a BB gun.

Edited by sparks50

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Not being able to have guns is crazy to me.

What may be crazy to you is that I can go down to the gun store and have an AR-15 by Monday, yet I don't own a single gun.:p

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Thats sadly the way the world is going. Unsafe handling by the few makes usual safe objects banned to "improve safety".

Things to consider, Airsoft. You'll meet several others with a interest for guns and its a active, fun and social activity.

As long as you accept that a BB gun is only that, a BB gun.

aint that the truth!

sadly i never was one to go for airsoft not sure why? maybe because when they was released a few year back, i was heavy into customising air rifles and having the ability to humainly dispatch a rabbit at over 150yd. or a fox at over 50yd. especially when firing a .22 bullet head 40grn at over 1300fps. from a precharged air rifle. sadly even all that stopped. so now i dont bother :(

Not being able to have guns is crazy to me.

What may be crazy to you is that I can go down to the gun store and have an AR-15 by Monday, yet I don't own a single gun.:p

tell me about it! i have many good friends over in the states that make me jealous on a daily basis lol.

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There should be more restrictions, my old neighbour a few doors down goes hunting and has a shotgun. A while ago he beat someone up, police were involved, but he still has his shotgun. They should have tighter controls, not less. I don't want any private individual owning a gun, only organisations who will give them to their employees when needed e.g. pest control, army, etc

And for model weapons they should have huge brightly coloured crap over the front, like a BFA or such. Whos to tell the difference otherwise?

Maybe its because i have only done live firing at target boards which is boring, but even blank firing in a scenario can be crap. I just don't see the appeal in wanting to shoot stuff - surely the assaulting or hunting/stealth part is the fun bit, and if so why not just get a paintball gun for the shooting? Can't confuse it with a real one, wont kill anyone, probably cheaper(?).

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I don't want any private individual owning a gun, only organisations who will give them to their employees when needed e.g. pest control, army, etc

Well we banned crime, now nobody is doing crime :rolleyes: Laws will only have a direct effect on those who follow it, as we see every day.

Anyway, I guess Ill be wasting my time in any discussion here, as I am different from you by having the libertarian sensibility to have respect for others,

and let them have a deciding factor in their own life.

"They that can give up essential liberties to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" -Benjamin Franklin


Edited by sparks50

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As a dual citizen of the US/UK i'm split on gun control. Personally i think the UK has gone waaay to far towards a nanny state culture but i also don't feel that the US gun laws are tight enough. I can see this topic becoming a flame war but really as someone who owns a great many antique firearms (ranging from civial war thru vietnam era, as well as some modern weapons) i must say that i love being able to own peices of history. Marksmanship has always been a part of my life and i feel that banning guns, rifles in particular would be akin to taking knives away from a chef. I have never thought about turning a weapon i own on a person and i don't even hunt i just enjoy being able to knock over a target at 300 yards away knowing the practice and skill that is involved.

What i would advocate is some kind of qualifcation to be able to own firearms in the US, something along the lines of the concealed carry permit we have now. The issue is, as un PC as this may be, they really should have an IQ test before they let people have weapons. I am aware that many highly smart people also would be terrible candidates for guns but it would at least narrow it down.

Most of all though people need to be educated about firearms. I have been shooting since i was 3 years old and i still remember my fathers words everytime i look down the sights. Never point a weapon at another person, never put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire...etc etc.

The thing i got sick of growing up in the UK was people acting as though guns suffered from some kind fo daemonic possesion and merely holding one would turn you into a psychopathic killer. To be honest it is the same to all uneducated on the subject world wide. It's a tired expression but people need constant reminding that guns don't kill people, people kill people and anyone who wants to argue needs to realise that we managed to kill each other very effectively with knives and even rocks for millenia before guns showed up. People have the depressing need to blame things for the dangers they feel in society and now all the biggies are gone (plague, nukes, the sky falling in) are pretty much gone we are slowly moving towards hen pecking ourselves to death and wrapping our kids in cotton wool. Who here remembers them banning bloody conckers in british schools?!?!? Anyway i am off the point here.

To summarise.

Allowing people to have guns = good

Allowing people to own firearms without being taught about they dangers and how to hand them responsibly for a long period of time = v bad

just as a p.s. just did a quick search. The area of the US i now live in has had more people die from shooting themselves in the last year than have died from being shot maliciously by another person by a total of....30 to 4...now if that isn't a cry for gun education i don't know what is.

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UK strickt? man if it got any worse they would be banning weapons in the military...

here son go into battle, take this pen, its mightier than the sword you know!

but sire they have RPG's and AK's!

no worries lad thier government will remove them before your arrive.


the only reason the home office have removed such toy guns from privately owned citizens is because the armed a bunch of idiots who cant decifer a gun shaped cigarette lighter from the real thing. the very people that are supposedly trained to know a firearm from a candle.

anyway. got a reply from the french outlet and they have no probs shipping over here.

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lmao....imagine the town centers on a Friday/Saturday night if people could have firearms in this country? F*** that!

There would be a posse on the loose every Sunday after they've read the News of the World's weekly shock horror! Until after dinner time when they'd be too pissed to do anything but not sober enough be safe with their guns.

You'd get left and/or right wing nut jobs taking pot shots at copper to "smash the system".

:pet6: What about the nobs in Jeremy Kyle country? Again, F*** that for a game of shottys!

I could go on...but I'll sum it up with this. I wouldn't trust the majority of people in this country, (or anywhere else for that matter), to look after themselves let alone themselves with a gun.


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guns bring no harm to another human unless held by an idiot.

i used to compete against the trigger happy posse (armed police) in police pistol contests at the local gun club many years ago. some cant shoot for toffee and tbh the way some of those guys regard guns i personally wouldn't trust them with a spud gun!

but that was a long time ago things have probably changed, even still back then it was good to mingle with the armed section of the law. some good stories went on in the lounge area, we had a good laugh :)

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Exactly. I wouldn't trust 90% of people in this country with guns; far too many dickheads about nowadays and it's only getting worse.

America has vast areas of open land, and enough large or dangerous wildlife to justify mid to large calibres.

The UK doesn't, most places you're never more than a mile away from a road or a public footpath; the large ranges are owned by the MoD and you'd need to be in a club to shoot on them any way, and almost all of the enclosed game shooting sites are owned by private estates who'd have to give you permission before you shot their deer any way (deer being about the only thing you might need a round over .22 to kill in this country).

So long as you have a valid purpose for owning a weapon above a certain calibre, and have somewhere to shoot it, you can own one. There were a group of blokes firing .50 cals at Sennybridge while I worked there about 3 years ago.

I see the outright ban on handguns as being a bit too severe, but I've always heard they're pretty prone to NDs, from soldiers and armourers alike. Probably best not to allow just any old knob to own one for that reason.

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I've been shooting handguns for around 20 years and never had an ND...saying handguns are prone to ND's is far too generalistic. The designs of each are so varied. Being on military ranges a lot in my time i've found most ND's are due to operator error rather than weapon design anyway. (For example i almost got my ear taken off by some tosser who had his finger on the trigger during a prone live fire excercise...let me rephrase he had his finger on the trigger while going prone, didn't end well for him).

While the firearms laws in the UK, for rifles, seemed fine with me up until a few years ago...my father who has an unblemished record and who has a valid reason for owning a rifle has had to wait over a year for his firearms cert to be renewed due to "processing". However if he calls the police to enquire about it he is told that they can look up his reapplication but can't tell him what stage of the processing it's in. To be honest the UK is just slowly moving towards banning all firearms anyway just in a more "tying things up with red tape" kind of way.

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i agree completely with the above two replies.

the government are slowly trying to get all weapons banned. why? i have no clue purely because the legally owned weapons are kept and used in the safest of manners, it isn't the legally owned weapons that are causing the problem, its the ilegally own weapons that are doing damage almost daily.

it can be said or argued that IF legally owned weapons don't exist then the thieves of such weapons wont exist. but the main problem with that is that most illegal weapons are either imported or modyfied here to fire live ammo. personally i wouldn't have either. why fuel the fire thats burning out of control already?.

i can also understand in a way about the gun toys for sale in the OP being banned for sale to private buyers but what the home office fail to understand that these weapons are unable to be modyfied to fire live rounds. they are made of zinc mainly and would shatter with the force of a live round.

so what are we left with?

well i'm too old to join the forces although i can't say i didn't try over and over again when i was younger (my right eye failed me). so joining the TA is also a no option for the same reasons (its all down the the pure right handed SA80). so someone like me who is an avid history fan and one that so desperately tried to enlist has an option left!....

Military Re-enactment!. could be expensive but its a hobby that would keep me fit or gimme heart attack, also i get to play the roles 101st airborn, 29th infantry etc across the UK and france.

seems good and i get to play with weapons of that decade/era.

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I had to do a big job in Texas a few years ago and my company was based out of Harwich GB. They sent a bunch of engineers over for the job for about a month and the first thing they wanted to do was have me take them to a gun range on their free time.

We spent at least one day a week letting those fools shoot guns at Big Johns Shooting Range. They couldn't get enough. Big John even brought out some special stuff for them to shoot. Like kids in a candy store.:D

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yeah its a luxury we dont have here. and our luxuries are getting less by the year. i'd estimate that in 10 years time (unless something changes) the people of the UK will be kept like prisoners with no passtimes, just work and sleep, anything more and we would be breaking the law.

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whoever said we [the UK] live in a nanny state got it spot on.

We can't own a Firearm for protection...

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We can't own a Firearm for protection...

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whoever said we [the UK] live in a nanny state got it spot on.

We can't own a Firearm for protection...


not sure if the folk outside the UK know this but here is a little insight to how we have to live our life, and i think this might appeal to jake?... this thread however isn't about this its a slight derailment.

we have no right to defend our property!

if we are home and someone breaks in (home invasion) we simply have to let them take what they want and go, we have to call the cops (who will respond sometime in the next day or so?

if however we get hold of said invader and detain him till the cops arrive then the invader can legaly file for unlawful inprisonment.

if the invader is violent we can use nessery force to bring down the attacker but then we will be charged with assualt.

we could roll over and let said attacker beat us to a pulp and hope the law can find this attacker, but then he will only do maybe 6 months inside. if we attack the invader we would get something like 2-3 years inside, half it for good behavior.

this is how this country is. i fully condon how the system works in the states, yet there maybe a few over trigger happy folk there? except this lady who shot a home invader while on the phone to 911


this should be right for every house across the world. we should be able to defend our properties.

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Slightly "Mail on Sundayised" version there.

The key words here are reasonable vs excessive force. You can use reasonable force to protect your self if you feel, (yes the onus is on you to prove you feel threatened - but who can prove otherwise). And you can stop someone from stealing your property. Obviously the person you are stopping probably wont accept this and things will get violent. This is where reasonable force comes into play. Also, you need to be careful not to say something stupid like, "he broke into my house so I gave him a whallop" - this will indicate your actions are premeditated, even if only for a few seconds, then you will be charges with assault. It is important to make it clear that you actions are instictive. As soon as you start to play the hard man and tell the police things like; "he broke in, he got whats coming to him" or "its my house i can batter anyone who tried robbing from me", then your up shit creak and the little c**t who tried to rob you has got your paddle. You can without fear of prosecution, stop someone from harming yourself or you family. Don't trust everything you read in the papers.

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Slightly "Mail on Sundayised" version there.

The key words here are reasonable vs excessive force. You can use reasonable force to protect your self if you feel, (yes the onus is on you to prove you feel threatened - but who can prove otherwise). And you can stop someone from stealing your property. Obviously the person you are stopping probably wont accept this and things will get violent. This is where reasonable force comes into play. Also, you need to be careful not to say something stupid like, "he broke into my house so I gave him a whallop" - this will indicate your actions are premeditated, even if only for a few seconds, then you will be charges with assault. It is important to make it clear that you actions are instictive. As soon as you start to play the hard man and tell the police things like; "he broke in, he got whats coming to him" or "its my house i can batter anyone who tried robbing from me", then your up shit creak and the little c**t who tried to rob you has got your paddle. You can without fear of prosecution, stop someone from harming yourself or you family. Don't trust everything you read in the papers.

i dont read the papers bud. i'm going off a friends charge of agrivated assualt on a burglar, and i know my mate wouldn't beat the crap out of someone he just aint that sort. yeah a brawl started but the burglar came out better off. my mate went through 8 months of court and got 12 month suspended sentance with 80 hourse comunity service. for defending his own property. i know this because i was the one carting him to and from the courts.

the magestrate said and i quote ''we have a very good police system for this sort of thing, if you are being broke into, you should not take the law into your own hands. call the police and let them deal with it''

Edited by Colt45_GTO

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Handguns are banned in this country*... so are semi and full auto rifles.

Bolt action, Staight pull, Shotguns and semiauto shotguns are leagel.

* he has an ileagel firearm.

Edited by Joey_45

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