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commander jao

Filming in ARMA 2

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Here's what I do when I want to take screenshots at least.

1. Place a player on the map.

2. Create a trigger, make it Activation : Radio Alpha, Repeatedly. And in the onAct box type the following.

player exec "camera.sqs"; showCinemaBorder false;

3. When in game hit 0-0-1 and the camera script will activate. L disables the crosshair and the controls you use for flying control the camera.

Hope that helps.

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Yup, no scripting necessary to make a bunch of stuff ether (check sig, made in 3 hours inc/editing).

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Thanks. Is there a way to deactivate the camera (besides pressing esc and going back to the editor?)

Edit: yes you can, press V.

Edited by Captain Carnage

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Also check out the bulldozer controls in options, I reassign them so the camera gets turned around with the mouse, zoom in with left mousebutton and zoom out with [crtl].

This will allow far smoother camera control.

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