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addAction and Trigger

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Hi guys,

I couldn't find this and tried it but couldn't get it to work either.

Can you use a script with addAction on a flag pole, like you would use it as a trigger.

As i would use it on a flag pole:

this addAction ["spawn vehicle", "spawnvehicle.sqf", [10, 5, "spawn", "WP1"]];

This how it would be in a trigger:

SPveh = [10, 5, "spawn", "WP1"] execVM "spawnvehicle.sqf";

The trigger works the flag pole doesn't.

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Dunno if it will work this way:

this addAction ["spawn vehicle", " SPveh = [10, 5, "spawn", "WP1"] execVM "spawnvehicle.sqf" "];

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this addAction ["spawn vehicle", "spawnvehicle.sqf", [10, 5, "spawn", "WP1"]]; 

that's the right syntax - but you have to change your spawnvehicle.sqf slightly.

The arguments passed to the script as _this are - let's say - extended a little:

[target, caller, ID, arguments]

to get your 'real' arguments in the script you can do something like

_myRealArguments = _this select 3;

biki: addAction

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Ok i still don't get it - the only thing i get is that what i am trying that it is possible.

Now this is what i have:

SPvehicle = [] execVM "spawnvehicle_WP.sqf"

//Define variables
_type           = _this select 0;
_location       = _this select 1;
_side            = _this select 2;
_wp1            = _this select 3;
_wp2            = _this select 4;
_wp3            = _this select 5; 

The script will spawn any vehicle with AI's and move towards 3 waypoints.

I want to start this with the addAction at a flag pole. What do i write?

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Your arguments array is passed as _this select 3 in your script.

so, in your script create a temp var like _paramarray = _this select 3;

then you can pull out the individual values from that array.

_spawntime = _paramarray select 0..1,2,3 .. etc. for each of the things you have listed.

Hope that helps.

Edited by GeneralCarver
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This is how i set it up:

//Define variables
_type = _this select 0;
_location = _this select 1;
_side = _this select 2;
_wp1 = _this select 3;
_wp2 = _this select 4;
_wp3 = _this select 5;

_paramarray = _this select 3;
_type = _paramarray select 0;
_location = _paramarray select 1;
_side = _paramarray select 2;
_wp1 = _paramarray select 3;
_wp2 = _paramarray select 4;
_wp3 = _paramarray select 5;

This is working for the addAction thing like this:

this addAction ["start AA", "spawnvehicle_WP.sqf", ["T90", "SP1", East, "WP1", "WP2", "WP3"]];

But if i now try the same thing for the trigger the trigger stopped working:

SPvehicle = ["T90", "SP1", East, "WP1", "WP2", "WP3"] execVM "spawnvehicle_WP.sqf";

I fixed this by using the script with _paramarray (spawnvehicle_WP1.sqf) only for flag pole and without _paramarray (spawnvehicle_WP.sqf) for Triggers.

If there is a fix so i could use one script for both Trigger and flag pole(addAction) - that would be great.

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this addAction ["start AA", "spawnvehicle_WP.sqf", ["T90", "SP1", East, "WP1", "WP2", "WP3"]];
SPvehicle = [objNull,objNull,0,["T90", "SP1", East, "WP1", "WP2", "WP3"]] execVM "spawnvehicle_WP.sqf";

_target = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_id = _this select 2;
_this = _this select 3;
 _type = _this select 0;
 _location = _this select 1;
 _side = _this select 2;
 _wp1 = _this select 3;
 _wp2 = _this select 4;
 _wp3 = _this select 5;

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