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EasyFly script for ARMA 2

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The EasyFly script is back for revenge, making plane controls more responsive and generally easier to handle! It's not meant to be realistic, instead it aims to make flying easier and more fun for everyone. :)

The script has slightly changed from Armed Assault: values are now dependent on the plane's config and a smooth transition from zero to full effect has been added. Osprey (vtol=3) isn't supported because EasyFly wrecks its unique flight model and we don't want that to happen.

What the script does:

- Rudder has more authority, continuing turns indefinitely

- Aiming is easier

- Taking off is easier

- Stalling your plane isn't as easy as before

- Stalls are easier to recover

- UAVs are much easier to fly manually

The principle behind the script is to blend the plane's direction and movement vectors to reduce inertia, making the plane fly where its nose is pointing. It can be executed anywhere as long as it's done only once.

Here is the script:


//EasyFly script for Armed Assault by Celery, SQF conversion by i0n0s, tweaked by rocko
//ARMA 2 script version by Celery
//Tweaks airplane movement vector to match its direction vector, making flying easier.
//Basic principle: average of direction vector plus movement vector times inertia value.
//The effect smoothly diminishes when it gets nearer to the stall speed which is 65% of
//landingSpeed in the plane's config.
//Smaller _inertia value means more absolute steering.
//Can be disabled serverside with CLY_easyfly_script_disabled=true

sleep 1;

if (isNil "CLY_easyfly_script_disabled") then {CLY_easyfly_script_disabled=false};
private ["_fullspeed","_stallspeed","_speedrange","_inertiaxy","_inertiaz"];

while {true} do
	if (vehicle player isKindOf "Plane" and alive player) then
		_fullspeed=getNumber (configFile/"CfgVehicles"/(typeOf vehicle player)/"landingSpeed")*1;
		_stallspeed=getNumber (configFile/"CfgVehicles"/(typeOf vehicle player)/"landingSpeed")*0.65;
		while {(player==driver vehicle player) and (damage vehicle player<1)} do
			sleep 0.04;
			if (speed vehicle player<=_fullspeed and speed vehicle player>_stallspeed) then
				_inertiaxy=7/((speed vehicle player-_stallspeed)/_speedrange);
				_inertiaz=4/((speed vehicle player-_stallspeed)/_speedrange)
			if (speed vehicle player>_fullspeed) then
			if ((speed vehicle player>_stallspeed) and !(CLY_easyfly_script_disabled) and (getNumber (configFile/"CfgVehicles"/(typeOf vehicle player)/"vtol")<3)) then
				vehicle player setVelocity [
				(((vectorDir vehicle player select 0)*((speed vehicle player)/3.6))+((velocity vehicle player select 0)*_inertiaxy))/(_inertiaxy+1),
				(((vectorDir vehicle player select 1)*((speed vehicle player)/3.6))+((velocity vehicle player select 1)*_inertiaxy))/(_inertiaxy+1),
				(((vectorDir vehicle player select 2)*((speed vehicle player)/3.6))+((velocity vehicle player select 2)*_inertiaz))/(_inertiaz+1)

Sample mission download

Use radio command Alpha to disable the script for comparison purposes and turn it back on with Bravo.

Since my PC isn't very powerful a video isn't possible and I have no idea how EasyFly behaves in a proper PC so feedback is valuable. If it works well, an addon will be made. :cool:

Here's the EasyFly promotional video for Armed Assault, the concept has stayed the same:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2tWshp8KCE&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2tWshp8KCE&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Edited by Celery

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what took you so long :p

wow.. i can fly and gun at the same time now :)

nice script Celery

Edited by nuxil

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nice i use it in the mission i am working on any chance you can do something with the helis

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nice i use it in the mission i am working on any chance you can do something with the helis

Nice to know that the script is in good use. :)

Not sure what to do about the choppers though, and even if I did, it would be beyond my abilities.

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Nice to know that the script is in good use. :)

Not sure what to do about the choppers though, a.

the rudder above 30mph there is no rudder it would be nice to be flying at 150mph then go in to a straffing at the same speed so as to come from behind a hill or building with out having first to slow down to under 30mph

any ways massive thanks

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