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script/fsm: nearestobject group/array filter

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Can anyone help me out with probably something I missed.

First a little background info:

I'm currently working on a modulair fsm driven convoy addon, what I'm trying to achieve is to select the vehicle (in the same group) in front of the current unit to start calculating distance and needed actions.

This is called via a fsm script, but should be almost the same for a normal sqf aswell.

Finding nearest objects with nearestObjects [(_unit select 0), [], 100]; goes fine, but will also find every other object within the radius.


How can I configure the findnearestobject (or other command which I dont know about) to filter and only find/allow vehicles that are in the current vehicles group or custom vehicle array (which is also available).

Thanks in advance.

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maybe this will help

_Find=["Ship","Tank","Car",SO ON];
_res = nearestObjects [pos ,_Find, 100];	

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Mate, dePBO the modules.pbo in the ArmA2/addons folder, head to the functions folder and there into the objects folder. There you'll find a script named "fn_isinfrontof.sqf" which is probably exactly what you need.

Usually these functions are precompiled when the functions module is placed in the editor but you can also precompile them manually in your scripts:

functionName = call compile preprocessfile "ca\modules\functions\objects\fn_isinfrontof.sqf";

Here a complete overview of all functions:

class cfgFunctions


access = 0;

class BIS


class arrays


class selectRandomWeighted {description = "Randomly select an item from an array, considering item weights.";};

class findNestedElement {description = "Return the path to an element in an (nested) array.";};

class returnNestedElement {description = "Return an item at a path in an (nested) array.";};

class setNestedElement {description = "Set an item in an (nested) array using a path.";};

class removeNestedElement {description = "Remove an item in an (nested) array.";};

class maxDiffArray {description = "Return the maximum difference between all values in an array.";};

class removeIndex {description = "Takes an array, and returns a new array with the specified index(es) removed";};

class selectRandom {description = "Returns a randomly selected element from an array";};

class randomIndex {description = "Returns a random integer representing an index in the passed array";};

class arrayPush {description = "Adds an element to the end of an array and returns the array";};

class arrayPushStack {description = "Pushes a stack (array) of elements onto the end of an array";};

class arrayPop {description = "Removes the last (rightmost) element of an array and returns it";};

class arrayShift {description = "Removes the first (leftmost) element of an array and returns it";};

class arrayUnShift {description = "Adds an element to the beginning of an array and returns the array";};

class arrayCompare {description = "Checks whether two arrays are exactly the same (note this can also be checked via BIS_fnc_areEqual)";};

class arrayFindDeep {description = "Searches an element in an array and returns the first occurrence";};

class conditionalSelect {description = "Returns a sub-array of elements that satisfy a specific condition";};

class subSelect {description = "Returns a sub-selection of the passed array. There are various methods the sub-array can be determined";};

class arrayInsert {description = "Inserts the elements of one array into another, at a specified index";};


class configs


class classWeapon {description = "Returns class of weapon given by string";};

class classMagazine {description = "Returns class of magazine given by string";};

class returnConfigEntry {description = "Explores parent classes in the run-time config for the value of a config entry";};

class returnParents {description = "Returns list of all parent classes";};


class diagnostic


class diagAnim {description = "Animation diagnostic function - displays or logs animation states.";};

class fps {description = "Measures FPS";};


class geometry


class dirTo {description = "Returns the compass direction from one object/postion to another";};

class relativeDirTo {description = "Returns the relative direction from one object to another object/position";};

class relPos {description = "Returns a position that is a specified distance and compass direction from the passed position or object";};

class distance2D {description = "Returns the distance between the two objects or positions 'as the crow flies' (ignoring elevation)";};

class distance2Dsqr {description = "Same as fn_distance2D, but returns the SQUARED distance. This function is a little faster than fn_distance2D";};

class getLineDist {description = "Returns the distance between two sections of a straight line";};

class inAngleSector {description = "Use this function to determine if a position lies within a certain angle from another position";};


class inventory


class inv {description = "Returns inventory contents of unit - item classes";};

class invAdd {description = "Adds item to inventory of unit if there is place for it";};

class invRemove {description = "Removes item(s). Returns number of removed items.";};

class invCodeToArray {description = "Converts config inventory code to array with numbers for respective slots.";};

class invString {description = "Returns inventory contents of unit - item names";};

class invSlots {description = "Returns total inventory slots for unit";};

class invSlotsEmpty {description = "Returns empty slots for unit";};

class invSlotType {description = "Returns type of inventory slot for given item";};


class misc


class help {description = "List of all available functions";};

class findSafePos {description = "Returns safe pos according to input params";};

class getFactions {description = "Get list of factions or their IDs";};

class inTrigger {description = "Returns if objects is in trigger area";};

class isPosBlacklisted {description = "Returns if position is blacklisted";};

class listPlayers {description = "Returns an array of all players and playable units";};

class PosToGrid {description = "Converts world coordinates into map grid coordinates";};

class nearestPosition {description = "Returns nearest Object or position compared to the position of a given Object or position";};

class createmenu {description = "Create commanding menu (with pages)";};

class colorRGBtoHTML {description = "Converts RGB color format to HTML color format";};

class addEvidence {description = "Add an evidnce value to global campaign variable";};

class taskHandler {description = "Automatically sets tasks as current";};

class saveGame {description = "Prevents inconvenient autosaves";};

class threat {description = "Calculates threat level of given unit.";};

class recompile {description = "Recompiles all functions.";};

class commsMenuCreate {description = "Creates the global communications menu, if it's not already created.";};

class commsMenuToggleVisibility {description = "Shows or hides certain sections of the global communications menu.";};

class commsMenuToggleAvailability {description = "Enables or disables certain sections of the global communications menu.";};


class numbers


class randomNum {description = "Returns a random number between two endpoints";};

class randomInt {description = "Returns a random integer between two endpoints";};

class arithmeticMean {description = "Returns the arithmetic mean (average) of an array of numbers";};

class geometricMean {description = "Returns the geometric mean (weighted average) of an array of numbers";};

class cutDecimals {description = "Returns the rounded number with given amount of decimal places";};

class greatestNum {description = "Returns the highest number out of the passed set";};

class lowestNum {description = "Returns the lowest number out of the passed set";};

class nearestNum {description = "Returns the number out of the set which is closest to the target number";};

class sortNum {description = "Sorts an array of numbers from lowest (left) to highest (right)";};

class roundNum {description = "Round a number to the provided factor";};


class objects


class isInFrontOf {description = "Checks, if a object is in front of another object";};

class setPitchBank {description = "Rotates an object, giving it the specified pitch and bank, in degrees";};

class getPitchBank {description = "Returns the pitch and bank of an object, in degrees";};


class scenes


class sceneGetParticipants {description = "Returns all units from group which are in specified range";};

class sceneGetPositionByAngle {description = "Returns coordinates calculated from given angle and distance from specified object";};

class sceneSetPosFormation {description = "Sets formation for a group (circle, halfcircle, line), (uses BIS_fnc_sceneGetPositionByAngle)";};

class sceneSetAnimationsForGroup {description = "Runs animations on units of group by given animation and group array ";};

class sceneSetBehaviour {description = "Enables/disables AI (move, target, etc...) - usefull for scenes ";};

class sceneCreateSceneTrigger {description = "Create trigger for scene which can interrupt scene with name passed during creating the trigger";};

class miscanim {description = "Library animations";};

class sceneRotate {description = "Compute new object coordinates from given center and angle from MOTION BUILDER - rotates object around the center";};

class sceneSetObjects {description = "1. part of s.c.e.n.e";};

class sceneGetObjects {description = "2. part of s.c.e.n.e";};

class sceneMiscStuff {description = "Does the basic minor scenes stuff like activating cinema borders, disallowing map, etc";};

class zzRotate {description = "Rotates objects around given center about given angle ";};

class sceneCheckWeapons {description = "Checks if participants have the correct weapons for scene";};

class sceneCreateSoundEntities {description = "creates sound logig entities and attaches them to a characters";};

class sceneAreaClearance {description = "Clearing scene area from unwanted objects";};

class sceneIntruderDetector {description = "Checks if there are intruders during scene. If yes, script disables them.";};


class strings


class timeToString {description = "Passed the results of the 'daytime' command, returns time formatted as a string";};


class systems


class transportService {description = "Transportation system";};

class supplydropService {description = "Supply drop system. Controls behavior of air vehicle - approaching and leaving drop zone.";};

class supplydrop {description = "Drops object from air vehicle. Parachute size depends on dropped class.";};

class respect {description = "RESpect - The Effective Calculation Process.";};

class showTime {description = "Shows time gap between two dates";};

class locations {description = "Spawns location game logics on locations (map-baked / created with createLocation). Locations are local on network. Game logics global.";};


class variables


class undefCheck {description = "Debug function - checks if given variable is undef - if yes, debuglogs and sets to default";};

class areEqual {description = "Returns true if all of the passed data are identical. This function can safely compare all data types, even if data types are mixed or nil";};

class swapVars {description = "Swaps the values of two variables, passed in quotes";};

class variableSpaceAdd {description = "Add element to variable from someone's variable space.";};

class variableSpaceRemove {description = "Remove element to variable from someone's variable space.";};


class vectors


class crossProduct {description = "Returns cross product between two 3d vectors";};

class dotProduct {description = "Returns the dot product of two vectors of any dimension";};

class magnitude {description = "Returns the magnitude of a vector of any dimension";};

class magnitudeSqr {description = "Same as BIS_fnc_magnitude, but returns the SQUARED magnitude. This function is a little faster than BIS_fnc_magnitude";};

class unitVector {description = "Returns the unit vector for the passed vector of any dimension";};

class vectorMultiply {description = "Returns the unit vector for the passed vector of any dimension";};

class vectorDiff {description = "Returns <vector> multiplied by <scalar>";};

class vectorAdd {description = "Returns a vector that is the sum of <vector1> and <vector2>";};

class vectorFromXToY {description = "Returns a unit vector that 'points' from <vector1> to <vector2>";};

class rotateVector2D {description = "Returns a 2D vector rotated a specified number of degrees around the origin";};


class vehicles


class absSpeed {description = "Returns the absolute speed of a vehicle in 3D (km/h)";};


class spawning


class spawnGroup {description = "Handles the spawning of a dynamic group of characters";};

class returnGroupComposition {description = "Returns a logical group composition based on a number of parameters";};

class spawnVehicle {description = "Spawn a certain vehicle type with all crew (including turrets)";};

class spawnCrew {description = "Fill all crew positions in a vehicle, including turrets";};

class selectCrew {description = "Return an appropriate crew type for a certain vehicle";};

class taskPatrol {description = "Create a random patrol of several waypoints around a given position";};

class taskDefend {description = "Group will man nearby static defenses and guard the position";};

class returnVehicleTurrets {description = "Returns path to all turrets and sub-turrets in a vehicle";};




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Thank you for the responses

@Myke found what I was looking for in the overview (misc -> nearestPosition), thanks for posting the list.

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Hi all,

I am worried with a problem, I am doing an script for IA and want the group exit vehicle when near objective. I trid this:

 If (x!= gunner _vehicle && x!= driver _vehicle) then	{
    _x leaveVehicle _vehicle;
} foreach crew _vehicle;		

the problem is gunner returns a relative name to vehicle

_vehicle = A_1_1

gunner _vehicle = A_1_1G

driver _vehicle = A_1_1D

but crew returns another names: example




how to identify de gunner and driver using crew for avoiding disembark?

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