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AI dies on disembarking an aircraft

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I, among others, are experiencing a funny problem. Seen this on these forums a couple of times, but no solutions yet. So here it goes:

Helicopter lands, shuts off enginges and a group of AI are about to disembark and move towards a marker. First guy coming out gets stuck just outside the helicopter. Sometimes he dies immediately. The rest of the team will do the same, get completely stuck. The team will die on this location eventually.

Seen more examples with C-130 as well, so I doubt it is a heli issue. My helicopter is a Mi-8.

Would appreciate any tip or workaround on this issue.

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Do you have the lattest patch? I think it was fixed in 1.04 or 1.03.

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Actually, it still happens in 1.04. Maybe not so often, but still: It happens.

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I have the same problem with the marine trucks. Guys tend to die when they get out of them a lot for me. Urals might be the same way but I can't remember.

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there is some bug in arma 2 with this.. some vehicles do make the AI bite the dust when they eject or getout. while on other vehicles it works as it should.

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I got the latest patch, even tried the latest beta. Still same issue.

Engines is stopped, lights out, tried to hold the pilot in the chopper until all cargo was out, and vice versa, but same results. Between 10- and 30% get killed upon disembarking. Ive only tried this on the runway on Utes airport.

Will appreciate a usable workaround, if any can think of some.

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this works for me on mp missions

add this to vehicles init

this addEventHandler ["GetOut",{_this execVM "getout.sqf"}];

the getout.sqf


_man = _this select 2;

_height = getpos _man select 2;

if (_height < 15) then {_man setpos [(getpos _man select 0) + .1,(getpos _man select 1) + .1,0]};

unassignVehicle _man;

fixed my problem with trucks and helis

not one die now


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