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How do I find the Chedaki Leader? - Manhattan

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This is extremely frustrating.

I had tried multiple times to finish this mission but I was running into problems with escorting the prisoner to the chopper pick up because the main enemy base was directly under the flight path of the chopper and it always was shot down.

So I decided to restart the mission all over again and this time I was able to complete all of the smaller tasks since the main base was now appears near the dam and the chopper isn't shot down when picking up the woman. I left the main base and leader for last and here is where I am now completely stuck.

The first game I was playing this mission (When I had the chopper shot down trouble) the leader was inside the base. When I destroyed the base, I killed the leader no problem.

Now is a different story though. I destroyed the enemy base just fine but the leader is not in the base anywhere; I searched every body and there is nothing. Cooper even went on the radio to say he completed a sweep of the base and that the leader is not there.

Shaftoe tells me to keep hunting for the leader somewhere else but there is no sign of the leader anywhere. I searched the woods on all the sides of the base, even made my way down to the nearest town (Where Dr. Sova was) and to the other location where the base spawns and nothing.

How the hell do I find this leader now? There are no clues ingame where he could be, no leads, nothing. Can anyone who went through something similar give me any tips?


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I had a similar problem. First time around I wiped out the base and found the leader easy. But then Capt. Shaftoe dropped dead so I couldn't complete the escort mission. I decided to revert and this time I did the escort early on, making sure I saved only when I had visual or radio confirmation that Shaftoe was in the land of the living.

Incidentally I found the main base didn't seem to be the cause of the chopper crashing, it was being shot down by the 2 groups of Chedaki who attack soon after you arrive at the LZ. The chopper wandered off to attack them and obviously wasn't up to the job. Once I knew the LZ location I did a preliminary sweep in the APC and cleared most of them out and then the pickup went OK.

Anyway I went off to the main base and cleared it out but, like you, found no trace of the leader. So I went off to complete the remaining missions (smugglers and sentry posts) and while doing that Shaftoe died again. I rolled back to a save done soon after clearing the base and by chance took a route back through the base and wandering around was the missing leader. My APC gunner knocked him down but I was left to do the hardcore execution of helpless prisoner that the mission seems to require. So it might be worth taking a drive around for 10 minutes then charging back to the base, to see if he's sneaked back to it.

Incidentally Shaftoe's death might not be as silly and random as it seems. Whilst completing the remaining missions I got into the habit of rolling back to the base, getting a visual on Shaftoe and saving. On one such trip I found a group of Chedaki heading in to attack it, one made it as far as the entrance and got dropped by the guards, the rest I took care of.

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Thanks for the tip.

I've tried running around the forests all around the base and never found anything. So the leader sometimes wanders back to the base? I guess I could park nearby and accelerate time and see if that works.

Is there a specific area the leader goes?

My problem with the chopper seemed to come from the main base as there is an AA guy who fires rockets at it when it flew over the base on its way to the LZ. I saw the rocket erupt from the ground several times and hit the chopper; sometimes the chopper crashed and exploded, sometimes it landed damaged and the pilots ran out of it, but always the chopper couldn't get back on the air.

My resolution was to bombard the base with artillery before calling the chopper and that seemed to do the trick as the chopper flew over the base without any problems and reached us.

I've never had the problem of Shaftoe being dead yet. So hopefully this issue won't come up.

Anyway thanks again for the advise, if anyone else has any ideas I appreciate it. This is the only thing remaining for me to finish the entire mission.

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>Is there a specific area the leader goes?

Nothing obvious, he was just out in the open a short distance away from the tents etc. I'd guess he legged it into the woods when I dropped artillery on the camp and sent the Bohemia guys in and came back when it was safer. First time (when I bagged him in the arty strike) I didn't get any hint but when I came across him alive it triggered a radio message to HQ saying he'd been found. If you haven't read the Manhattan walkthrough thread already then check it out, lots of useful info there.

>My problem with the chopper seemed to come from the main base as there is an AA guy who fires rockets at it when it flew over the base on its way to the LZ.

Possibly your base was in the alternative position to mine. When I restarted the mission the base toggled to its western location from the northern one I found it in first time. The latter may well have been closer to the choppers flight path as I assume that took off from the airstrip that is also to the north.

>I've never had the problem of Shaftoe being dead yet. So hopefully this issue won't come up.

He's a delicate petal so I keep tabs on him. 2nd time he died on me he looked shot but the first time he hadn't a scratch on him. Perhaps he died of frustration at my blundering progress. If you get to a point where you'd expect some interaction with HQ - finding a sentry camp for example - and don't get one he's probably died on you.

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Thanks for all your help. I ran around in the LAV for a long time using the number 2 button which calls out everything in range like animals, vehicles and enemies.

I found the leader after 20 minutes of using this method, he was walking alone through the woods on the right side of the base (The base was located near the dam) and he was near a small shack hidden deep within these woods nearby some spots that have clearings without trees.

I didn't even know it was him when I saw that I had an officer on my list of contacts I called him out and the gunner shot in his direction. Luckily his spot was marked on the map after I did this and I ran to him and managed to finish the mission.

I really hope he is supposed to be near this shack when the base is close to the dam and not just randomly running around anywhere otherwise it will always be a reall pain to try to locate him if he's not in the base.

Anyway thanks again!

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Click spoiler button:

When i took out the base (at the dam) then he was there with his troops. Call in Boomerang and then attack - he is closest to the back of the squad there.

Oh and good guys if you used spoiler tags when you discuss things in the campaign that give away things. Others might accidentally see your posts. ;)

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