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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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make sure you change the bomb type in the carpet bombing code to what I posted. Maybe you missed my edit. See prior post as target distance was also changed. When I tried the "Bo_Mk82", it didn't work.

Adding more Radio backpack types:

["MMA Air Support Console", {typeOf unitBackpack player == "I44_Bag_ABRadio"||typeOf unitBackpack player =="I44_Bag_ARadio"||typeOf unitBackpack player =="I44_Bag_BRadio"}]execVM"mando_missiles\mando_bombs\mando_giveme_console.sqf";

Here's the entire my_console_setup.sqf I'm using:

Sleep 1;
//Air Support Console Setup - I44 : USA - Woodland - Full Support
// these lines required to customize Mando Air Support Console
// Init.sqf
mando_support_left_WEST = 16;
mando_support_left_ca_WEST = 8;
mando_support_left_pa_WEST = 8;
mando_support_left_rc_WEST = 8;
mando_support_left_am_WEST = 8;
mando_support_left_ve_WEST = 0;
mando_support_left_re_WEST = 8;
mando_support_left_cp_WEST = 8;
mando_support_left_ev_WEST = 0;
mando_support_left_la_WEST = 0;
mando_support_left_cb_WEST = 8;
mando_airsupport_type = "I44_Plane_A_P38_M64_AAF"; 
mando_airsupport_type_ca = "I44_Plane_A_P38_HVAR_AAF";
mando_airsupport_type_pa = "I44_Plane_A_C47A_AAF";
mando_airsupport_type_pal = "";
mando_airsupport_type_rc = "I44_Plane_A_P51D_AAF";
mando_airsupport_type_ev = "";
mando_airsupport_type_am = "I44_Plane_A_C47A_AAF";
mando_airsupport_type_ve = ""; 
mando_airsupport_type_cp = "I44_Plane_A_P51D_AAF";
mando_airsupport_type_la = "";
mando_airsupport_type_cb = "I44_Plane_A_B17_AAF";
mando_support_infantrytype = ["I44_Man_A_Army_AB_NCO_M1Garand", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_RTO_M1A1Carbine", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_Sniper_M1903A4", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_M1918A2", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_M1918A2", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_Medic", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_M1A1Bazooka", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_ATCrew_M3"]; //Array defining soldier classes for airborne assaults.
mando_support_infantrytype_re = ["I44_Man_A_Army_AB_NCO_M1Garand", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_RTO_M1A1Carbine", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_Sniper_M1903A4", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_M1918A2", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_M1918A2", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_Medic", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_M1A1Bazooka", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_ATCrew_M3"]; //Array defining soldier classes for reinforcements missions.
mando_airsupport_max_cas = 3;

mando_reco_cam_pos = [0,3,-2];

mando_airsupport_armedrec = false;
mando_airsupport_armedrec_man = false; // Set it to true for manual guidance for missiles fired from armed reco planes
mando_airsupport_armedrec_max = 16;
mando_airsupport_bomb_altmax = 1000;
mando_ingress_dir = 45;
mando_airsupport_bomb_alt = 150;

mando_airsupport_jump = true; // reinforcements and airborne assault will land and disembark instead of jump from chopper.

mando_support_no_cas = false;
mando_support_no_br = false;
mando_support_no_ff = false;
mando_support_no_sa = true;
mando_support_no_gs = false;
mando_support_no_ab = false;
mando_support_no_cm = true;
mando_support_no_sat = true;
mando_support_no_rc = false;
mando_support_no_ev = true;
mando_support_no_la = true;
mando_support_no_am = false;
mando_support_no_ve = true;
mando_support_no_re = false;
mando_support_no_cp = false;
mando_support_no_cb = false;

// Info text displayed in the setup / info dialog (this is an structured text)
mando_airsupport_info = "Mission info: <br />Tray altitude between 190m, and 250m for air strikes.<br /><br /><t color='#ff0000'>Objetive:</t><br />Air support will be limited in AO<br />Some ammo resupply is available as well as reinforcements (all the setup is into init.sqf script).<br /><t color='#ffAA00'></t><br /><br />Note that the options you see below are fully customizable using globals (same as this text block), check online help for more info.";

// Setup dialog options 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 dont set any of these variables if you dont want special options
mando_airsupport_opt1_text = "Gunships Support Type";
mando_airsupport_opt1_array = ["I44_P47A", "I44_Plane_A_P38_HVAR_AAF"];
mando_airsupport_opt1_action = 
  _item = _this select 0;
  mando_airsupport_type_ca = _item;

mando_airsupport_opt2_text = "Airborne Assault Options";
mando_airsupport_opt2_array = ["Fire Team", "Anti Tank Team","Commandos"];
mando_airsupport_opt2_action = 
  _item = _this select 0;
  switch (_item) do
     case "Fire Team":
        mando_support_infantrytype = ["I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_CO_M1A1Carbine", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_NCO_M1A1Thompson", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_Medic","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1919A4","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_GunCrew_M1A1Carbine","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_GunCrew_M1A1Carbine","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1Garand","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1Garand","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1Garand_M7","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1Garand_M7","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_RTO_M1A1Carbine"];

     case "Anti Tank Team":
        mando_support_infantrytype = ["I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_CO_M1A1Carbine", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_NCO_M1A1Thompson", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_Medic","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1A1Bazooka","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_ATCrew_M3","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1A1Bazooka","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_ATCrew_M3","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1A1Bazooka","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_ATCrew_M3","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1Garand_M7","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_RTO_M1A1Carbine"];

     case "Commandos":
        mando_support_infantrytype = ["I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_CO_StenMk2S", "I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_NCO_StenMk2S", "I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_DeLisle","I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_DeLisle","I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_StenMk2S","I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_StenMk2S","I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_StenMk2S","I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_StenMk2S","I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_StenMk2S","I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_StenMk2S"];

mando_airsupport_opt3_text = "Reinforcement Options";
mando_airsupport_opt3_array = ["Fire Team", "Anti Tank Team","Commandos"];
mando_airsupport_opt3_action = 
  _item = _this select 0;
  switch (_item) do
     case "Fire Team":
        mando_support_infantrytype_re = ["I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_CO_M1A1Carbine", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_NCO_M1A1Thompson", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_Medic","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1919A4","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_GunCrew_M1A1Carbine","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_GunCrew_M1A1Carbine","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1Garand","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1Garand","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1Garand_M7","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1Garand_M7","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_RTO_M1A1Carbine"];

     case "Anti Tank Team":
        mando_support_infantrytype_re = ["I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_NCO_M1A1Thompson", "I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_Medic","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1A1Bazooka","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_ATCrew_M3","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1A1Bazooka","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_ATCrew_M3","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1A1Bazooka","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_ATCrew_M3","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_M1Garand_M7","I44_Man_A_Army_AB_82_RTO_M1A1Carbine"];

     case "Commandos":
        mando_support_infantrytype_re = ["I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_NCO_StenMk2S", "I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_DeLisle","I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_DeLisle","I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_StenMk2S","I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_StenMk2S","I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_StenMk2S","I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_StenMk2S","I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_StenMk2S","I44_Man_B_Army_Commando_StenMk2S"];

mando_airsupport_opt4_text = "No Vehicle Supply";
mando_airsupport_opt4_array = ["","","",""];
mando_airsupport_opt4_action = 
  _item = _this select 0;
  mando_airsupport_type_vehicle = _item;

mando_airsupport_opt5_text = "Ammo Supply Options";
mando_airsupport_opt5_array = ["Basic Small Arms", "AT & Explosives","Mortar Crate"];
mando_airsupport_opt5_action = 
  _item = _this select 0;
  switch (_item) do
     case "Basic Small Arms":
        mando_airsupport_magz = [["I44_20rd_762x63_Mix_M1918", 20],["I44_20rd_762x63_Tracer_M1918", 20],["I44_20rd_762x63_Ball_M1918", 20],["I44_20rd_762x63_AP_M1918", 20],["I44_50rd_762x63_Mix_M1919", 20],["I44_50rd_762x63_Tracer_M1919", 20],["I44_50rd_762x63_Ball_M1919", 20],["I44_50rd_762x63_AP_M1919", 20],["I44_7rd_1143x23_Ball_M1911", 20],["I44_15rd_762x33_Mix_M1Carbine", 20],["I44_15rd_762x33_Tracer_M1Carbine", 20],["I44_15rd_762x33_Ball_M1Carbine", 20],["I44_8rd_762x63_Mix_M1Garand", 20],["I44_8rd_762x63_Tracer_M1Garand", 20],["I44_8rd_762x63_Ball_M1Garand", 20],["I44_8rd_762x63_AP_M1Garand", 20],["I44_5rd_762x63_Mix_M1903", 20],["I44_5rd_762x63_Tracer_M1903", 20],["I44_5rd_762x63_Ball_M1903", 20],["I44_5rd_762x63_AP_M1903", 20],["I44_4xM19_12ga_00Buckshot_M37", 20],["I44_30rd_1143x23_Mix_M1A1Thompson", 20],["I44_30rd_1143x23_Tracer_M1A1Thompson", 20],["I44_30rd_1143x23_Ball_M1A1Thompson", 20],["I44_30rd_1143x23_Mix_M3Greasegun", 20],["I44_30rd_1143x23_Tracer_M3Greasegun", 20],["I44_30rd_1143x23_Ball_M3Greasegun", 20],["I44_RifleGrenade_M1Mk2", 20],["I44_RifleGrenade_SignalM17A1", 20],["I44_RifleGrenade_M17", 20],["I44_RifleGrenade_M9A1", 20],["I44_RifleGrenade_M1Mk2_M1903", 20],["I44_RifleGrenade_SignalM17A1_M1903", 20],["I44_RifleGrenade_M17_M1903", 20],["I44_HandGrenade_No82", 20],["I44_HandGrenade_Mk2", 20],["I44_HandGrenade_No36M", 20],["I44_SmokeGrenade_ANM8", 20],["I44_SmokeGrenade_M18Red", 20],["I44_SmokeGrenade_M18Green", 20],["I44_SmokeGrenade_M18Violet", 20],["I44_SmokeGrenade_M18Yellow", 20]];
        mando_airsupport_weap = [["I44_M1911A1", 4],["I44_M1Garand_M7", 2],["I44_M1A1Thompson", 2],["I44_Binocular_M3", 4],["I44_MedpackLarge", 20],["I44_MedpackSmall", 10]];
        mando_airsupport_pack = [["TK_ALICE_Pack_EP1",4]];

     case "AT & Explosives":
        mando_airsupport_magz = [["I44_Rocket_60mm_M6A1_M1A1Bazooka", 10],["I44_m2_flamethrower_mag", 2],["I44_Mine_AT_M1", 20],["I44_Mine_AT_GrenadeNo75", 10],["I44_Item_M37DemoKit", 10],["I44_Item_M37DemoKitHalf", 10],["I44_Item_M2DemoCharge", 20],["I44_Item_M1A1Bangalore", 10],["I44_throwable_M37", 10],["I44_throwable_M2", 10]];
        mando_airsupport_weap = [["I44_M1A1Bazooka", 2],["I44_M2_flameThrower", 2],["I44_Binocular_M3", 4],["I44_MedpackLarge", 20],["I44_MedpackSmall", 10]];
        mando_airsupport_pack = [["I44_Backpack_M2flamethrower", 2],["TK_ALICE_Pack_EP1",4]];


     case "Mortar Crate":
        mando_airsupport_magz = [["I44_250rd_762x63_Mix_M1919_mounted", 8],["I44_Shell_60L12_M302", 10],["I44_Shell_60L12_M49A2", 40],["I44_Shell_60L12_M83A1", 10]];
        mando_airsupport_weap = [["I44_Binocular_M3", 4],["I44_MedpackLarge", 20],["I44_MedpackSmall", 10]];
        mando_airsupport_pack = [["I44_Bag_M1919A4", 2],["I44_Bag_Tripod_M2_C", 2],["I44_Bag_M2Mortar",2],["I44_Bag_M2MortarBP", 2],["TK_ALICE_Pack_EP1", 4]];

// Carpet bombing custom code global variable for I44_Plane_A_B17_AAF
mando_airsupport_carpetcode = 
  private["_plane", "_targetpos", "_bombL", "_bombR"];
  _plane = _this select 0;
  _targetpos = _this select 1;

  while {(([getPos _plane select 0, getPos _plane select 1, 0] distance _targetpos) > 500) && (alive _plane)} do
     Sleep 1;

  if (alive _plane) then

     for "_i" from 0 to 7 do
_bombL = "I44_Bomb_SC250" createvehicle [getpos _plane select 0,getpos _plane select 1,3000]; 	//make the bomb 
_bombL setpos (_plane modelToWorld [-0.5,2.5,-5]);
_bombL setdir getdir _plane;
_bombL setVelocity [((velocity _plane) select 0)/3, ((velocity _plane) select 1)/3,-30];
sleep 0.5;
_bombR = "I44_Bomb_SC250" createvehicle [getpos _plane select 0,getpos _plane select 1,3000]; 	//make the bomb 
_bombR setpos (_plane modelToWorld [0.5,2.5,-5]);
_bombR setdir getdir _plane;
_bombR setVelocity [((velocity _plane) select 0)/3, ((velocity _plane) select 1)/3,-30];
sleep 0.5;

// End of options setup dialog configuration

["MMA Air Support Console", {typeOf unitBackpack player == "I44_Bag_ABRadio"||typeOf unitBackpack player =="I44_Bag_ARadio"||typeOf unitBackpack player =="I44_Bag_BRadio"}]execVM"mando_missiles\mando_bombs\mando_giveme_console.sqf"; 

you'll want to add/change the mando_support_infantrytype, and mando_support_infantrytype_re in your console setup. If you don't, you'll get a bunch of modern day marines running around if you use the AB or RE button on the console :butbut:

I'm going to make a new mando_airsupport_dlg.sqf with proper defaults for I44 just for the heck of it...

Edited my_console_setup.sqf to include default units for mando_support_infantrytype and mando_support_infantrytype_re

Edited by panther42

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Thanks so much again. I ammended my previous "my_console_setup" to inlcude both the correcte CB component as well as the expanded radio backpack list.

Glad to see your new MB arrived and you are able to play again.

Great job on the backpacks and the carpet bombing script. Thanks again.


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I am not sure what I did/did not do but I am trying to run the carrier operations for SP, and when I start up the game Mando Missles does not appear to be working for me. I have downloaded the @MMA but when I go in to see my key bindings, they are not to be found. Can anyone help me with this or does it sound familiar to anyone?

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I am not sure what I did/did not do but I am trying to run the carrier operations for SP, and when I start up the game Mando Missles does not appear to be working for me. I have downloaded the @MMA but when I go in to see my key bindings, they are not to be found. Can anyone help me with this or does it sound familiar to anyone?

Where did you put the @MMA folder?

Are you executing Arma2/OA with the correct mod startup parameters, including @MMA?

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Is this compatible with GLT Missilebox, GLT Real Air Weapons, and the latest ACE?

Edited by JuggernautOfWar

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Hello, Is the Mando missile addon still updated ?

Could it be be updated to be compatible with the MQ-9 Reaper Hellfire missile ? currently there is no Hellfire Camera for it.

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Last update was about 1.5 years ago :(

That's sad, MMA is one the best and useful addons for ArmA 2.

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Is this compatible with GLT Missilebox, GLT Real Air Weapons, and the latest ACE?

I think it is (or at least was) compatible with the GLT stuff. It is definitely not ACE-friendly, however. As already mentioned, MMA saw its last update well over a year ago, and no further updates appear to be forthcoming.

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Well, he didn't shy away from contributing to the community while he was here !

Have a look at the list !!


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I guess Mandoble is done with ArmA2. His last forum activity was on Dec 12 2011. Sad for us all indeed.

I spoke with him on skype sometimes and he was online last time in December 2011. Hope he is ok.

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Same with Mando's youtube activity... 1 year ago. The only person knowing something about Mando could be Defunkt.

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I hope he is okay! I know of a couple community members who have had some pretty serious health and general life issues in the past couple years.

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I am happy that lot of people care about MANDOBLE :)

I wrote him an email 1 year ago, and he told me that he doesn't have time and a "game pc" for run arma and that he will be away for a while for works and other life priority (gaming can't be priority for too long) so I am 100% sure that he is good. I know what means when u have a passion and you are into it, u "waste" a lot of time, hard to stop and thing to other when u have ideas and bug to fix...

I will start to try to contact him in order to have something for ArmA3, I am afraid of BIS arcade tab lock for air vehicles can't play without MMA

Maybe we could donate some HW and send to him so he can assemble a game pc and pay us back with update suite :)

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Maybe we could donate some HW and send to him so he can assemble a game pc and pay us back with update suite :)

I was actually thinking the exact same thing when you said he doesn't have a gaming PC.

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I will start to try to contact him in order to have something for ArmA3, I am afraid of BIS arcade tab lock for air vehicles can't play without MMA

I really hope they fix that in ArmA3. Targeting stuff should be more involved, like actually moving a cursor over a target you find visually or through other detection means (radar, IR, etc).

BIS might also finally discontinue .sqs support in ArmA3, which would mean a lot of the Mando suit would need to be rewritten.

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I am happy that lot of people care about MANDOBLE :)

I wrote him an email 1 year ago, and he told me that he doesn't have time and a "game pc" for run arma and that he will be away for a while for works and other life priority (gaming can't be priority for too long) so I am 100% sure that he is good. I know what means when u have a passion and you are into it, u "waste" a lot of time, hard to stop and thing to other when u have ideas and bug to fix...

I will start to try to contact him in order to have something for ArmA3, I am afraid of BIS arcade tab lock for air vehicles can't play without MMA

Maybe we could donate some HW and send to him so he can assemble a game pc and pay us back with update suite :)

Brilliant idea! :) Count me in, if BIS won't remove this ugly and non-realistic tablock feature. Otherwise Mando did a pretty awesome job with his mod.

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If they finally allow mod files to be pushed by the server (and you don't have to quit the game for mods to take effect), then Mando might be able to move a lot of his stuff to config files, which would drastically reduce the overhead on the mod.

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If they finally allow mod files to be pushed by the server (and you don't have to quit the game for mods to take effect), then Mando might be able to move a lot of his stuff to config files, which would drastically reduce the overhead on the mod.

I'm pretty sure all Mando Missiles components come in script form as well. There should be a "script_suite.zip" in your @mma folder (or whatever you have named it).

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You misunderstand. Even the .pbo file still has all Mando stuff in script format, that it everything is done in .sqs or .sqf files. Virtually NOTHING is done in .cpp files.

That heavy script reliance causes major CPU overhead, especially in a long-running game, and eventual script slowdown. Config files plug more directly into the game and so are more efficient.

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You misunderstand. Even the .pbo file still has all Mando stuff in script format, that it everything is done in .sqs or .sqf files. Virtually NOTHING is done in .cpp files.

That heavy script reliance causes major CPU overhead, especially in a long-running game, and eventual script slowdown. Config files plug more directly into the game and so are more efficient.

AH. Gotcha.

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First time ever, I got this error and the game performance went down. It happened only 5 minutes after starting mission:

Error in expression <;
Sleep 4;
deleteVehicle _chaffflare;
deleteVehicle _flare;
 Error position: <deleteVehicle _flare;
 Error Generic error in expression
File C:\Users\Santeri\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\WholeMapProject2.Takistan\mando_missiles\mando_chaffflares.sqf, line 46

I saw chopper just shooting the flares over me when the error was displayed.

Edited by SaOk

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This is odd SaOk, as I use MMA with almost every test mission. Never have seen this error, but looking at the script, _flare is only used once, in the line above, and there is nothing else in the script which would tell you what _flare is...

At no point is _flare = to anything???

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It was the first time I saw that error too. Not sure anymore if I was just playing some broken beta. I had some other weird script stuff going too with some of the latest betas.

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I got a problem with the reinforcement element of the Air support console, i have defined my own type of reinforcements which works fine as long as i use the setup and info tab in the console and select them. However if i do not use the setup and info tab a default group is deployed.(10 US Army troops)

Is there a way to alter the default reinforcments without having to access the setup and info tab ? Im trying to make a UKSF single player mission and the deployment of US paratroopers is screwing things up !

mando_airsupport_opt2_text = "Reinforcements type";
mando_airsupport_opt2_array = ["4 man SAS team", "1 Combat Engineer", "1 PJ Medic"];
mando_airsupport_opt2_action = 
  _item = _this select 0;
  switch (_item) do

     case "4 man SAS team":
        mando_support_infantrytype_re = ["BAF_Soldier_GL_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_GL_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_GL_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_GL_DDPM"];

     case "1 Combat Engineer":
        mando_support_infantrytype_re = ["BAF_Soldier_EN_MTP"];

     case "1 PJ Medic":
        mando_support_infantrytype_re = ["BAF_Soldier_Medic_MTP"];

Hope this makes sense !

Regards shark attack

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