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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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Excuse me Mando, I've noticed that when using the MMA mast sight in a chopper to lock onto targets, the system will lock on even when there is no line of sight between the chopper and target. Sometimes there can be several buildings between myself and the enemy. Is there anyway of making it so that the target cannot even be designated let alone a lock made unless full line of sight is achieved? Regards, Wal

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WallyJas, ATM the LOS check considers the terrain, but not the structures. Probably it is doable, but at the cost of way heavier LOS checks. To be frank, I'm expecting BIS to provide a high performance LOS check scripting command instead of overloading extremely the calculations done by the scripted ones.

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OK mate .... thanks for that. I love your addon, I was just wondering if it was a config issue or not.

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Does anyone know exactly where the gvar mando_weapon_master is? Its listed in the manual but I can't find it for the life of me. HELP!

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xx-LSD-xx, mando_weapon_master is used inside mando_missiles\units\mando_rearm_vehicle.sqf

you can set it to true in order to have some extra rearming dialogs visible. Its only purpose is to help the mission creator to design new rearming options.

Thanks MarkoCRO :)

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Thank you Mandoble, and that's exactly what I want to use it for.

I second MarkoCRO comment. Definitely one of the best Mods/Scripts out there.

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Can't wait for an update! This is the best mod for Arma 2 imo. :)

So, thanks and keep up the good work!

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Can't wait for an update! This is the best mod for

Arma 2 imo. :)

So, thanks and keep up the good work!

I voted to Community Award :)

this mod is great and every day better than before.

I ask you "again" to consider a version for ( small interface settings :P )

I ask you to change the MMA score table from hint to (Rsctitle or dialog) so you can place everywere on the screen....

And last request, your score table works fine thank you for sent me to test, but if you want in future please add also a Side score table, not only player score.

As usual thank you for fixing the warhead for metis / tow, now grant bounty reward ;) and thank you for support in mission integration :)



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in future please add also a Side score table, not only player score.


Since you are probably interested in this for warfare, you will see this feature in 3.03 (one of the betas) in Gossamer's Warfare.

So mando doesn't have to work on it :)

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Since you are probably interested in this for warfare, you will see this feature in 3.03 (one of the betas) in Gossamer's Warfare.

So mando doesn't have to work on it :)

perfect, thanks

but let mando works or he lost the habit hehehe ;)

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So mando doesn't have to work on it :)

<<<< I really prefer this ;)

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<<<< I really prefer this ;)

I prefer it as well so you can work on more cool features :)

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<<<< I really prefer this ;)

Ok then! I did some tweaks to your mod for personal use and offline play. The Apache Hellfires got an improved detection range (3000 to 5000). It was easy to change even for a noob like me. :) Yeah, it is a cheat but good when playing with AI. Haven't even bothered with AI and remote targets.

Now I wonder how to take away those scan lines. It looks cool in a way but is also a little to much for me. I want to play without it. Which file in the .pbo and where? I never make missions so I just need to change something in the .pbo.


Edited by Posta

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Posta, if you mean the terrain following lines, mando_missiles\huds\custom\custom_hud_apache.sqf

Look for 3 blocks of code like this and comment them:

		for [{_i=0},{_i<5},{_i=_i+1}] do
			(_display DisplayCtrl (30+_i)) CtrlSetPosition [(_posh select _i) select 0,(_posh select _i) select 1,((_posh select _i+1) select 0)-((_posh select _i) select 0),((_posh select _i+1) select 1)-((_posh select _i) select 1)];
			(_display DisplayCtrl (30+_i)) CtrlCommit 0;
			(_display DisplayCtrl (30+_i)) CtrlSetTextColor _colors + [mando_hud_max_alpha];

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Posta, if you mean the terrain following lines, mando_missiles\huds\custom\custom_hud_apache.sqf

I'm talking about the scanlines when using the tv/Hellfire camera (and other cameras as well).

It looks like this:


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Ah, then you need to create a new paa for the TV (the paa for the MFD). Or might be you can convert it back into TGA, edit it and reconvert into paa.

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Ah, then you need to create a new paa for the TV (the paa for the MFD). Or might be you can convert it back into TGA, edit it and reconvert into paa.

Ok, thanks! Will check that out later then. Maybe paint it in pink? :)

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Hi all and great work Mandoble. Quick question before I commit hours to trying something - do you think it would be possible in theory, with the way you set the script up, to use the air support console reconfigured to use addon munitions and even 'advanced munitions' i.e. I basically want to be able to get the AI freefall bomber to drop CBU-87s or 97s from ACE: which classname would I need, the bomb itself or some kind of second-stage that it converts into when dispersing? My scripting knowledge is limited but i'm familiar with the config for the console and the basic engine principles.

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Callaghan, it has been always possible to do with the console.

First you need to change the plane type used for carpet bombing missions:

mando_airsupport_type_cb = "your_carpet_bombing_plane_class";

Then you only need to setup the mando_airsupport_carpetcode block of code (you can do it directly from your init.sqf).

This is the example already included in the online help for the AV8B:

// Carpet bombing custom code global variable for AV8B
mando_airsupport_carpetcode =
  private["_plane", "_targetpos", "_widx"];
  _plane = _this select 0;
  _targetpos = _this select 1;
  while {(([getPos _plane select 0, getPos _plane select 1, 0] distance _targetpos) > 2000) && (alive _plane)} do
     Sleep 1;

  if (alive _plane) then
     _widx = [_plane, "BombLauncher"] call mando_weaponindex;
     for [{_i=0}, {_i<6}, {_i=_i+1}] do
        _plane action ["useWeapon", _plane, driver _plane,  _widx];
        Sleep 0.4;

It will drop 6 bombs with a delay of 0.4 secs between them when the harrier is closer than 2000m from the target. The weapon used is the BombLauncher.

So, for your case, change that code first to use the weapon class you need, then to drop the number of bombs you want per attack and also with the desired delay between drops.

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Is it possible to get enemy AI to react to the console cruise missile, or for a condition to be set when one is launched.

Best wishes

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shark-attack, most I can do is to update a global variable with the target (destination) of a cruise missile, might be another with the estimated time to impact. But then it is up to the mission maker to use them in order to have the AI reacting to it.

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Iam whondering how i can enable night vision in camera mode? F5 is giving FLIR, Pressing N doesnt give night vision. This was a problem when playing Gossamer Warfare at night and wanted to kill an base structure through the camera mode (hellfire if i remember correctly). I could not see it because it was dark, in FLIR mode i could not see it because it was cold. Needed night vision there really badly :D

And thank you again for this excellent game enhancing addon. Its always an overcoming to play missions online without mando missiles. Wish everyone would give it a try. But from what ive seen is that people dont read the manual and dont understand how everything works, get frustrated and disconnect before saying "crap mission, mando shit".

Could you make the grey text which explains how a system works (for example when looking through a metis, grey text bottom left corner) bigger and in a different color? Maybe even a black text and a yellow background for the text so people take attention to it? Also if you enter a chopper or a plane there is a explanation for a short time when the mando huds gets activated. I think people dont pay enough attention to it and keep whondering why they cant tab things and why they cant change to hellfire or sidewinder when pressing F.

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