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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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It does take awhile in RL to get a lock with the Javelin, you have to bracket the heat source of your target with little flashing boxes. Then fire, all the while holding a huge heavy a** missile on your shoulder. Takes maybe at most 20-30 seconds, average is probably around 15-20 seconds if you are really good from the time you ID a target, bracket, and fire.

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I don't mind it taking some time to get a lock but tryng to get the red brackets to even come up can be very frustrating. Getting the red brackets to come up can sometimes take up to 60 secs. Once the red brackets come up it still takes another 5-15 secs to actually get the lock on the target.


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Nomadd, it might take forever if the target has its engine off. In that case, switch to direct/ground mode and lock on its ground position. If the target has its engine on, locking on it will take no more than 15 secs or even less.

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Mando, is it normal if I get a big orange screen when I am viewing from the scud missile from the scud launcher?

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The Mando suite seems to remove the function to add a waypoint on the map using shift + left click. Is there a way to reinstate this while still using Mando?

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Yes, that's "normal". It is just eyecandy, real SCUDs dont have any camera, but this will allow the launcher to know if the SCUD made its way to the target or if it was intercepted and destroyed.

Will have a look at that 130 after returning from vacation.

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Yes, that's "normal". It is just eyecandy, real SCUDs dont have any camera, but this will allow the launcher to know if the SCUD made its way to the target or if it was intercepted and destroyed.

Um, you're not responding to Mandrake5 there, are you? The waypoints are more than just eyecandy, they are very useful for navigation.

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Leave the man be, he wants to go on vacation after a job very well done and I for one wish him a pleasant and relaxing holiday!



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It seems I was replying to Ray at the same time Mandrake was posting his question. I will have a look at that mapsingleclick issue. I guess it happens after using any TV system, right? Anyway as far as I remember shiftclick on map adds a circular mark, not a WP. Is that correct?

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Thank you very much for the OA compatible release. On a server running with ACE the onboard cameras for both the A10 and the Apache seem to experience extreme lag, to the point where it's almost impossible to lock on to a target in a medium-heavy AI populated AO in a domi map. Is there something wrong client/server side or is the OA version lacking performance optimizations at the moment?

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Thank you very much for the OA compatible release. On a server running with ACE the onboard cameras for both the A10 and the Apache seem to experience extreme lag, to the point where it's almost impossible to lock on to a target in a medium-heavy AI populated AO in a domi map. Is there something wrong client/server side or is the OA version lacking performance optimizations at the moment?

What's your framerate and does the camera behave better on Utes?

I suspect that performance has an awful lot to do with how well mma functions. I'm not certain but I think if your game is running too slow you can even get vehicles disappearing from the HUD or missiles breaking lock-on.

It's a lot of complicated scripts, so I assume it's CPU-intensive.

Or more likely it's just ACE. Try it with no mods and offline.

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I fly with 5000 view distance and maintain a pretty high fps with no dips. However as soon as I engage the camera and try to get some locks, it just goes through the floor. Haven't tried it on Utes as of yet and sadly no ACE is not an option as my unit's server is running ACE as a staple ATM.

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The cameras work client side, so they dont affect or are affected by any server settings.Are you using the addon version with default systems setups? You may try to switch from local to remote mode in camera view (F3) and check if your performance gets improved.

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Yes, that's "normal". It is just eyecandy, real SCUDs dont have any camera, but this will allow the launcher to know if the SCUD made its way to the target or if it was intercepted and destroyed.

Will have a look at that 130 after returning from vacation.

Including the orange that fills the screen? Also, is it possible to edit the explosion size and radius? For example I want it the size of a nuke or GBU.

If you don't mind, can you add a cinematic video of it flying off like the SCUD missile made for Arma 1? Or is it possible for me to add that to the missile?

And is it possible for you to update the scud missile camera to look like a TV guided missile? Its okay if you disagree to everything I've said.

Edited by ray243

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Just out of curiosity, will there ever be SA-2 Guideline static objects for the available system in Mando Missile ?

It would be pretty cool if that infamous star was looming near a target. Would also make a pretty nice set-piece for missions and make the fly-boys a bit nervous :)

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As you know, MMA doesnt include any model, while it can use any existant one. If you mean to create a launcher simulating to be a SA2 with the objects and weapons already present in the game, no problem.

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The cameras work client side, so they dont affect or are affected by any server settings.Are you using the addon version with default systems setups? You may try to switch from local to remote mode in camera view (F3) and check if your performance gets improved.

How do I check if I'm using the version with default systems setups? And yes, remote mode in the A10 at least is definitely improved compared to local.

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I can't get the FLIR to work properly for the US UAV if I'm using the script version. It appears like the old FLIR you had in place for Arma 2. If I use the pbo version it works fine with OA FLIR.

I'm using combined ops on beta and stable. All other mods have been disabled. I've checked my code in the mission init and it seems fine. Just thought I'd report it in. Have a good holiday :)

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Das, and the flirs of other planes/choppers are correctly using the OA ones?

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Mando is it possible to set it up where two aircraft (Addons) can be set in the editor, have them come in from a set direction, drop a specific type of ammo (eg: a specific bomb ammo) in a specific place, and then fly off to be deleted?

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Yes, with mandobombs, support console non dlg or directly with the support console dlg based. I dont have the files at hand now, go to ofpec EDDepot, look for mando bombs resource for ArmA1, and from there you can access to the online help, just remember that mando_bombs folder is now inside mando_missiles folder, so the path to execute the scripts is different: mando_missiles/mando_bombs/whatever.sqf

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Including the orange that fills the screen? Also, is it possible to edit the explosion size and radius? For example I want it the size of a nuke or GBU.

If you don't mind, can you add a cinematic video of it flying off like the SCUD missile made for Arma 1? Or is it possible for me to add that to the missile?

And is it possible for you to update the scud missile camera to look like a TV guided missile? Its okay if you disagree to everything I've said.

Mando, I know you are very busy, but if you do not mind, answer my question please.

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Is not that Im very busy, is that Im on vacation with a devil BBerry as navigator. The orange screen is there so that you cannot use SCUDs to spy enemy positions. You will "see" enough to figure out if the SCUD was intercepted or not. The other planned features (some already included but not active) is to allow different warheads, including chemical and nuclear. Im not going to add any extra cinematics or cameras.

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Thanks. And I again, would like to thank you for your hard work. Enjoy your holiday!

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