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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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I'm sorry if this question has been asked before but does mma currently work online or is single player only. If it does can someone explain how I would go about doing so or point me in the right direction.

thanks Kenny

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I'm sorry if this question has been asked before but does mma currently work online or is single player only. If it does can someone explain how I would go about doing so or point me in the right direction.

thanks Kenny

Yes it works online. Install MMA plus XEH (comes with MMA) and your good to go.

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Of course MMA XEH is not required to play online. MMA XEH is there to have MMA setups in these missions that dont have MMA initialization in the mission itself.

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Sorry for being an idiot, but is there a possibility to autoInit only the launchers part of MMA? Javelin, Stinger etc..

(like creating a .pbo with a config that automatically executes the launcher systems for all missions I play)

Edited by Cole

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Cole, this can be done but you should consider the following, if you start up only portable launchers, the planes/choppers will not have flares/ECM/RWR/missile warnings. Probably next beta will include the script suite version, with it you will be able to startup any of the individual example systems included, and any combination of them. This might be better than creating more than 90 different gamelogics or different MMA XEHs to cover just a fragment of the possible combinations that might be used in a specific mission.

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I simply can't get mando missile to work while playing with AI.

If I fly the helo - AH64D - go into Hellfire camera and I put the crosshairs over the intended target, I press left mouse and the screen goes red, the target gets a highlight diamond and the sound beeps - I press right mouse button, the Hellfire leaps from the laucher and then....................goes some random direction and simply refuses to hit the tank/BMP or whatever I'm aiming the thing at.

When in the monacle I try to get a lock on a target using the Tab key but I've yet to get a successful lock.....

Plus, when I press the BIS default Keypad 0 key to zoom in I get some kind of camera. This pushes my mouse pointer out to the top right of my 2nd monitor and if I press a mouse button it drops me out of ArmA.

I'm obviously doing something wrong but I can't figure out what.

Anyone got a SIMPLE explanation of what I need to do to get this damn thing working right?


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Lawman, I cannot find any explanation for that, unless there is a conflict with another addon. Obviously I guess once you fire the missile you keep the lock, else the missile will follow your camera's center as long as it points to the ground (Hellfire is not configured as Fire and Forget).

No idea what is the camera you get when pressing 0, probably non MMA related.

From monocle you can detect and lock on non-friendly engine-on ground vehicles/ships (just to clarify).

You might try the following in your mission's init.sqf after MMA initialization:

// init.sqf
// Wait for Mando Missile addon initialization 
waitUntil {!isNil "mando_missile_init_done"};
waitUntil {mando_missile_init_done};
mando_fire_exclusive = true;

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Plus, when I press the BIS default Keypad 0 key to zoom in I get some kind of camera. This pushes my mouse pointer out to the top right of my 2nd monitor and if I press a mouse button it drops me out of ArmA.

That is the standard button for optics in ARMA2. So if your in a helicopter as gunner you will enter the helicopters standard optics when pressing Num0. Dont know why it would mess your game up though. Might be what Mando says - some conflict with addons. Never had this problem myself with MMA and i tested everything thourougly.

Test to remove all addons except MMA and do the same again. See if you get the same problem.

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First of all, I apologize if something similar was asked before.

I have few problems with your mod. First of all, I have to tell you that I am using ACE 2 mod and Mando Missile ArmA 2.4Beta42

My folder is set up like this (in arma install dir):


1. addons - contains:









2. keys - contains:




addons - contains:



Now, you know if I messed something up in structure and if that is causing problems...

My problem, Javelin wont lock target with TOP attack, only direct + ground (I'm not sure if those are correct names).

When in heli (Apache), How do I use machinegun? I can only switch to Hellfire and navigation. If I turn off HUD I can use machinegun but if I turn HUD back on it flickers on and off all the time.

I can't change color on HUD, choosing that action does nothing. It seems for a sec that it tries to change but it doesn't.

Sometimes all actions in menu are doubled; 2 turn on/off HUD actions, 2 change HUD color actions etc...

Please forgive me if I am doing something wrong, your work is purely awesome Mando and I aprecciate it!

I would really like to use your mod but at the moment I am confused with this things...

Also, when I tried to start mission on dedi server with your mod and game logics present for ACE and Mando full I couldn't start mission at all... Actually, I personally couldn't start any missions it would just kick me back to mission menu...

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Now, you know if I messed something up in structure and if that is causing problems...

My problem, Javelin wont lock target with TOP attack, only direct + ground (I'm not sure if those are correct names).

That only works is the engine is on of the targer

When in heli (Apache), How do I use machinegun? I can only switch to Hellfire and navigation. If I turn off HUD I can use machinegun but if I turn HUD back on it flickers on and off all the time.

Machinegun is only for the gunner,and if manually is on you can fire it

I can't change color on HUD, choosing that action does nothing. It seems for a sec that it tries to change but it doesn't.

Sometimes all actions in menu are doubled; 2 turn on/off HUD actions, 2 change HUD color actions etc...

Please forgive me if I am doing something wrong, your work is purely awesome Mando and I aprecciate it!

I would really like to use your mod but at the moment I am confused with this things...

Also, when I tried to start mission on dedi server with your mod and game logics present for ACE and Mando full I couldn't start mission at all... Actually, I personally couldn't start any missions it would just kick me back to mission menu...

Then the dedi server is missing an addon

Wich version of arma do you have ?

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Mando said ACE team can use his addon and modify it in whatever way they want,

Oh dear, something's been lost in translation there I think.

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Thx for your answer. It made few things clear for me now. :D

Files are present on server. Should they be added to server exe like mods?

---------- Post added at 07:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:10 PM ----------

Oh dear, something's been lost in translation there I think.

What? Didn't he allow them to use his addon? That's what I have read in other topic.

Edited by Minoza

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did mando said that ?

don`t think sow , Ace had his own system

And yes same like in exe as client version.

didn`t you do that then ?

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Minoza, if you have flickering HUD and doubled actions is because you are starting up the systems more than once, might be you have TWO mando setup full gamelogics in your mission?

ACE (and anyone else) can use MMA (same as yourself), and ACE (and anyone else) can create its own MMA specific systems. Noone can include mando missile (the pack and addon that you download from ofpec) inside any other addon or mod without previous agreement (as stated in the download page), but anybody can create his own systems using it.

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Mando, thank you for your explanation. I respect you and I am grateful for this mod. I think I may have placed MMA init and MMA full. Is that causing double-thingy (lol) problems?

Thank you for your time, sorry to bother you with this...

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No, this is exactly what you need. MMA FULL requires MMA INIT (same as MMA FFAA and MMA ACE logics).

If you confirm that your mission has only init and full gls, then try removing MMA_XEH_AutoLaunch.pbo, just to make sure there is not any initialization timing problem.

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I apologize for my ignorancy...

The problem was I was using XEH along with logics...

Now everything works just fine. Please forgive me for taking your time because of my stupidity.

Thank you once again!

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Well, you might have both and you should not experience any problem as the MMA XEH will start up few seconds after mission is started (if it finds MMA already initialized, it does nothing), and the GLs will initiate themselves at mission start up. So there should not be any conflict, unless for some reason your MMA XEH is starting up too early.

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Well, if you want, I can do some more testing and give you rpt.

Maybe I did something else wrong first time. Main thing is, now everything works like a charm.

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Hi Mando, firstly thanks for your excellent mod. I have a quick question concerning the AH-1 and the Hellfires. If I fly as a pilot with an AI gunner, apart from using the Hellfire camera (I always end up in some trees afterwards) is there any way to lock onto targets and fire the Hellfire missiles? The AI gunner refuses to even select the missiles and I cannot use them as the AH-1 doesn't have the Helmet mounted Hellfire sight like the Apache.

Thanks again and my apologies if this has already been answered...I made a search but couldn't find anything.

Edited by Moggy

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Mando Missile ArmA 2.4Beta43 is ready ;) Dont forget to read the online MMA readme for more info.

Changes in v2.4b43:

  • Improved: Laser Guided Bombs from MCC TV are now way more accurate.
  • Fixed: MCC TV was "stealing" map single click A2 default actions.
  • Added: Script Suite Version (check included or online mma_readmefirst for details).
  • Added: Helfire LOBL HUD Mode for AH1Z Pilot's HMD.
  • Improved: MMA_XEH_AutoLaunch.pbo startup policy. No more "MMA missing here" messages when MMA is already started up client side.

Important note: MMA_XEH_AutoLaunch.pbo has been moved to @mma_xeh folder, dont forget to remove the MMA_XEH_AutoLaunch.pbo that might be present in your current @mma folder. If you want to use the autolauch, execute ArmA2 with mod=@mma;@mma_xeh modifiers.

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i have looked through the manual and i dont see anywhere explaining what all the different variables do here

// SAMs antimissile-capable for t1

[t1, 3, ["Air"], 6, 500, 2000, 12, [0,0,3], 360, 0, [west,sideEnemy], true, false, true, false, 85]exec"mando_missiles\units\attackers\mando_arma2.sqs";


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