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Install error....

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Setup is a piece of shipz. :j:

169 kb

Advice? Don't feel like rolling over and sitting this release out.

I won't upload my Dxdiag, because my computer runs the demo on max graphics, so no problem there. :butbut:

Edited by W0lle
Image > 100kb

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No wonder your installation goes berserk....with so many applications running in the background!

I can see at least 3 instant-messengers active, + Firefox (9 Tabs, including 2 YouTube's!), a media-player, and who knows what else?

Do you have anti-virus running as well?

ArmAII is an incredibly complicated application to install, and so you will want to interfere it's setup as least as possible.

Reboot your PC, close any stuff that isn't nescessary, and uninstall ArmA II.

Delete the ArmA2 folder in your MyDocuments.


Now make sure most of your programs are closed, and reinstall.


Patch it up to v.1.04 (that's the only patch you need).


Give ArmA2.exe firewall-permissions....and you should be ready to go.

Edited by Paajtor

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Euhm Arma2 does not have a very complicated inner setup i think.

All you can see there is that it barfs on a CRC check, so either the source/destination media is corrupt or you have memory corruption.

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And to tell us that CRC error you have to post a 1440x900 image with 169kb filesize? Our forum rules do not allow images > 100kb.

And no, setup is not a piece of sh*t as you say, it's either your drive or disc that is corrupt.

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Hi every one....

I've problem regarding Installing Arma 2 patch 1.03 and 1.04....

When i try to Install the patch... a message pops up which says "Wrong CD key"..

I dont know what to do...

looking forward to ur help..

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Hi every one....

I've problem regarding Installing Arma 2 patch 1.03 and 1.04....

When i try to Install the patch... a message pops up which says "Wrong CD key"..

I dont know what to do...

looking forward to ur help..

first of all you only need 1.04...no need to install previous patches. Try uninstalling, deleting your Arma2 directory, and search your registry (start, run, regedit, search) for Bohemia; and delete any entries that come up (also it's a good idea to backup your registry before you edit anything ;) ), and installing again.

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