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RH M4/M16 Pack ver 1.0 Rearmed

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M203 sights make no sense in this game - with or without them you aim with the tip of the sight post, and when up they obstruct aiming with the rifle.

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Thats becuase you folks don't know how to use the M203 properly. I personally hate the 203 for other reasons than just the sights.

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I hate 203 sights in this game! They're useless and are constantly poking into the middle of my screen. If you do add them, could you at least make it so you can put down the sights on it?

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I like to make a working sight of M203 just like in AA2 or AA3 ,but in ArmA they don't work properly and then m203 sight will be more or less obstruct aiming with the rifle :(

Edited by RobertHammer

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The 203 sights in game aren't useless at all, not if you know how to use them. They seriously help in the correct placing of grenades, and you can be very accurate with them.

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The 203 sights in game aren't useless at all, not if you know how to use them. They seriously help in the correct placing of grenades, and you can be very accurate with them.

Honestly I have no problems with the M203 sights, anymore. I did at first but got used to using them. The ability to flip them up and down would be nice but I was under the impression that it's very difficult or nobody has figured out a good way to do it. What ever you decide or come up with works with me. I love this pack.

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thats what i was talking about to begin with...

I'm confused here, why would you ever have m203 sights permanently up?

But yes, when you know how to use the m203 iron sights they are a god send, instead of firing 4 or 5 to finally hit your target.

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Hey Robert just wondering if you would ever do a Launcher addon, redone Launchers, added interface for Javelin and actually good sound effects for them things?

I really dont like any of the BIS stock Launchers none of them are authentic, I think your work would really spice them up. :D

Wish I could give you some of my spare vacation time bud, get these packs out faster. :)

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Is this good camo for future update of camo versions? :p

Edited by RobertHammer

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I would say a lighter brown roberthammer, usually when you paint your weapon for a tactical reason you use lighter colors. Dark colors stick out more. You want the colors make the rifle look anything but a rifle.

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Very nice models, so much better than the arma 2 ones,

just one thing that is bugging me(sorry), for the iron sights of the m16 and m4(not SBR), shouldn't the rear sight be circular?

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Pink and yellow polka dot rifles?


This! :D

The wdl camo looks very good to me, but I'm no military expert or anything, so I guess usarmy19dsniper is right about making it brighter.

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I would say a lighter brown roberthammer, usually when you paint your weapon for a tactical reason you use lighter colors. Dark colors stick out more. You want the colors make the rifle look anything but a rifle.


Sucks how the weapon is considered different in Arma when they got a Camo, are you planning on making any Snow Camo's? :p

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Painted rifles is usual low gloss, matte looking.


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Is this good camo for future update of camo versions? :p

That kind of camo would be awesome with a acog and m203 launcher :yay:

Will you make a desert variant on the camo too?

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Don't get me wrong....but I love looking at the rifle models. But why is the front post sights on most of the weapons crayon-sized and the rear peep so anemic polygonwise?

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Great pack mate, if you are going to make camo versions, you got to make them them less shiny.

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I will make that more brighter and less shiny :p


Desert camo - Maybe maybe

@Flash Thunder

Snow camo? Just like in new cod mv2? :D not bad idea

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